I have been wondering about this as well, if you have to be flaring to verify there is a problem and actually finally get a diagnosis. It has been 6 years since I have had a serious episode where I had D + V for days on end. There's only been a few minor epidodes of lose stools for a day or two in all that time - so, I believe I am controlling my digestive problems only with diet [gluten free + dairy free + very low sugar diet + lots of vitamines/minerals and probiotics].
I went to see a new GI, who happens to be a IBD specialist, since I am do for a regular colonoscopy screening. And, this new GI doctor actually listened to me when I told him my history of digestive problems. He wants to do a colonoscopy + an upper endoscopy with biopsies, for the first time in my life. I have some lead time here -about 5 months - as we need to schedule the tests for October. Since I have been basically symptom free for 6 yrs, I am seriously considering going off my diet in order to trigger an episode so I can finally get a diagnosis. What do you all think?
I would hate to go through all that only to have this doctor be dismissive too. [It would probably help to know that my daughter has been diagnosed with possible Crohn's. Plus, I am gene-negative for Celiac Disease - although my symptoms are a bullseye for Celiac Disease].