Does a cold makes symptoms worse?

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Dec 12, 2010
My 3 babes have an awful upper resp. cold and of course here I go feeling like yuke as well. I also had lots of pain this moring from my UC, no D at least but OUCH!!! Cramps galore. I feel like a fever is coming on too ( the kids all had fevers as well). Does having a cold or any other illness make you IBD symptoms worse?
my son's symptoms (fatigue, diarrhea, pain) are much worse with a cold ... and it takes him very long to get rid of the cold or cough.
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thanks dannysmom, yeah I think that has to be it. I've been so queezy all day, nothing seems to want to agree with me. And I have cookies to make all week! Such a tease, lol.
Sometimes I find my symptoms are better with a cold. I mean, I don't exactly have symptoms as such, but last time I had a cold my stomach felt absolutely amazing and I ate loads of junk. But then I had a flu type thing and I felt awful. Go figure.