Does anyone else have pancreatitis from Crohns?

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Nov 12, 2010
I had my bowel resection a few weeks ago, then I got Pancreatitis. So my doctor took me off everything that is a leading factor for Pancreatitis, my Ciprofloxin antibiotic, my Pentasa, TPN and Lipids, and the Oxycodone. Well, still Pancreatitis. So I went NPO (no food/drink) for a few days, was allowed to eat; did labs, labs cam back bad. NPO few days, allowed to eat; did labs, labs were bad. Repeat 2 more times....So now...I'm back on NPO and getting the NJ tube on Thursday and we're just going to keep that in for a week.

I HATE the NJ. It SUCKS! It hurts too.

If anyone else had pancreatic complications, how long did it take for you to get your lipase normal? I'm tired of playing games with my damn Pancreas. It needs to get it's stuff together!
Hey I had pancreatitis 7 years ago they originally said it was a blockage due to gallstones, I only found out in sept this year I had crohns an now my gi says that all my previous problems were probably from crohns.
I was nil by mouth for 11 days, had my gallbladder removed and that solved it , not sure what's causing your but have u been checked for gallstones?
I had it last year but mine was an immuran side effect. They had me stop taking it, and go on a low fat high carb diet for a week or so.
Yes I had a CT scan and an ultrasound of my pancreas and gallbladder. I had no gallstones, it was just "sludgy" due to me not drinking hardly anything. But that was fixed.
I know this is an Oder post..but can someone explain to me what pancretitis feels like? My Pentasa was just uped to 8 pills a day a few days ago and I'm in ALOT of pain. Stomach pain top left/middle. Pain in my back. The tramadol I take that normal works is doing nothing.
I was just tested for this today! Looks like it can be caused by prednisone. I'm scared to death!

Sorry you're dealing with it! Hugs
I had pancreatitis and was diagnosed in January- months before I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. They have no idea what caused it as my gall bladder,bile duct and everything was normal. I had my enzymes done a few weeks back as I was put onto oral pentasa and they still aren't down to normal yet. I've been told just not to drink alcohol or eat fatty food. =|
That's probably not any help but being 5 full months I thought it would be back to normal by now!
I have Lupus and Pancreatitis. Was wondering if this could be Crohns instead of the mulitiple things they think is wrong with me????? Been in the hospital many times and they havent mentioned this to me yet.... Just got out on Tuesday. Was curious . Grasping at straws here. Keep asking me about blood in my stool and different things.. Nothing to put a finger on .......

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