Does anyone know what they give you in hospital when you are severly under weight?

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Nov 8, 2011
I went into hospital once, and I was severely under weight. they put me on a drip. Prior to being on the drip my appetite had been pretty much non existent.

But once I was on the drip my appetite improved massively. I can only assume it was the drip that was responsible.

Does anyone know what they give you in the above situation?
Did the "drip" have nutrition in it? If it did, it could have been like a TPN. Or was the "drip" like a medication, and not a nutrition? In that case, I'm not sure what it could have been.
Were you also experiencing a flare? You may have had a steroid drip, which would account for the increased appetite....
Back in 1992, I was in the hospital for an abscess. I had gone from 157 lbs. to 123. They put me on Ensure and tried to give me whatever they could to help me gain my eeright back.

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