Does anyone related to you have Crohn's?

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Feb 13, 2006
While there is no proven link that Crohn's is hereditary, my brother and I both have Crohn's Disease. We were both diagnosed a few years apart, but it is interesting that we both were diagnosed with the disease. Neither of our parents have it. We also have a first cousin who has it aswell.

Are you related to anyone else with Crohn's Disease?
There are other real people with Crohn's?

I have yet to meet anyone else in real life that has Crohn's. I am from a smaller town, so not too many people know about it where I am from. Luckily my doctors seem to know what it is!

I have never heard of any risk factors for Crohn's either. I assumed that no one really knows what it is yet, so there is not really anything you can do to avoid it or put yourself at less of a risk for it.
My uncle has it, but his symptoms are completely different. Really, the only common denominator is fatigue. However, I was adopted so he's not blood. I've only met my biological mother's side of the family. She has acid reflux, but no one else has Crohn's/Colitis.
I've been called out! I'm the brother with Crohn's.

As you may have assumed...I also have a brother with Crohn's! :D
I find it interesting, that Doctors say Crohns is not Grandmother had Colitis/my Aunt/ and my Uncle was diagnosed a short time after I was diagnosed with Colitis. Furthmore, his cousin, was diagnosed with Crohns 5 years ago. Is it just me, or is that all to strange and coincendental?
cookey said:
I find it interesting, that Doctors say Crohns is not Grandmother had Colitis/my Aunt/ and my Uncle was diagnosed a short time after I was diagnosed with Colitis. Furthmore, his cousin, was diagnosed with Crohns 5 years ago. Is it just me, or is that all to strange and coincendental?

I think when doctors say "Crohns isn't heridatary" they really mean "we don't have proof that it's heriditary yet". I, for one will not be surprised when a research team finds out that Crohns is heridatary!
I dont know. Im very close to both sides of my family and neither side has crohns or any other kind of stomach problem. My dor actually told me its hereditary but Im starting to wonder if it isnt. it jus seems to weird that no one in my family past or present has had crohns:confused:
My Mom was diagnosed right after she had me (at 30 yrs old) I have sisters that are 6 & 7 years older than me ( I'm 36 ) and they're fine. My mom had a couple of aunts that died from it years& years ago when they didn't know what it was, but we are assuming it was Crohn's. My mom had one resection in 1987 and has been fine since. No med's or anything. Although now she has diabeties (sp), my Grandpa had it too. She was also diagnosed about 8 years ago with Pulmonary Fybrosis and is on the top of the lung transplant list right now. One doctor actually thought it could be connected to her crohn's. Yikes!!

Part of the problem is a lot of the time people show a lot of the signs for Crohn's, Colitis or another form of IBD but are never diagnosed. This makes it harder to find a hereditary link for these diseases. Since the factors that can make the disease worst are also widely disputed it is hard (or downright impossible) to tell if a parents mild case was passed on to a child who had it severly due to the different conditions they were brought up in.
Here is the funny thing ... NOBODY on my husband's side of the family has this DIEASE ... but I have a couple of cousins back home in NH that have it and they have it really bad too. They have gone through a lot of surgerys too !! So, I am praying that I can keep my kids healthy & get them to eat right so that they do not end up like there DAD !! ;)
Nobody in my family has Crohns but my brother isn't as developed as he should be so they want to check him for symptoms in the next few years. That's how I was diagnosed--I wasn't developing and then my stomach hurt and then I sat around wondering WHY it felt like I was being shanked for the next two and a half years until I finally got a diagnosis. I'm a little bitter, if you couldn't tell ;)
My cousin had UC and we think that my nan possibly had CD. not sure as she passed away 20 yrs ago but she had all my symptoms.
I'm the only one in my family that has crohns--no one else on either side, as far back as we can find out has crohns, colitis, or anything that might be similar. I agree that there's genetic links, but i dont think that crohn's is necessarily hereditary.