Does this happen to anyone else

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Jul 30, 2012
Hi Everyone

I have been suffering for many years and am still waiting to be officially diagnosed. All of my pain is on the right side of my abdomen, apparently I have ulceration of the ileum along with a slight narrowing. What I would like to know is, I cannot lay on my right side as the pain gets worse, does this happen to anyone else.

Also my consultant has refused to try me on meds for chrohns even though it was suggested by the surgeon, he said that the side effects are too risky, does this sound right? I know that there can be some nasty side effects to the medication that is used to treat chrohns, but at least if I got some pain relief with the meds then we would kinda know that chrohns must be there somewhere, even though it is not showing up on tests.

Due for another MRI Scan in Sept.:yfrown::confused:
When I was in bad pain, I couldn't bear for anything to press on my abdomen, including clothes. I also have had days when only laying on my left side seems to ease the pain, something to do with helping your digestive system along.

As for meds, yes they do have bad side effects. But if they know your ileum is ulcerated, haven't they managed to get a scope up there and take a look? Or try you on one of the 'milder' meds such as Pentasa?
Hi Rebecca

Thanks for replying. The last colonoscopy I had done they couldn't get anywhere near there, the consultant said that for some unknown reason the part of my bowel that should be over on the right hand side is being pulled over to the left. Too risky to do another one, hence that is why I am awaiting another MRI, have experienced severe weight loss.

Yes I really wish they would try me on a low dose of the chrohns meds as I am convinced that is what I have. Congratulations by the way on your pregnancy, hope all goes well for you.
I would get a second opinion. Always trust your gut feeling. i saw 3 doctors before anyone would even run any tests on me. they all said it was IBS from stress. I knew it was something more and turns out it was! i had bad stricutring and everything. Now I am on Cimzia and two forms of pills. It is normal for there to pain with laying on your right side. everything is then resting on the inflammed area and causing pressure.

Hope it all gets straightened out and you find some relief.
Yes that seems to be the doctors quick diagnosis for everyone IBS!!! I know I have something really wrong going on inside me, after all I am the one suffering the pain not them. The thing that really worries me is the fact that they are not making the diagnosis and sooner or later if they do I will probably have to have half of my insides removed through their incompetence.

Sorry but like most people that use this site, we are not stupid and I do not go to the hospital because I like it, I am petrified of the place, but I need help and I am not receiving it!!