Does this sound like a crohns pain

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May 28, 2012
On Friday night my daughter got a mild pain near her bellybuttton, Saturday night the pain moved closer to her right side and more sever. On sunday we saw the GP who suspected appendicitis and sent us to the ER. Ultrasound coudn't see the appendix, blood test were good so they kept her in overnight for observations and discharged her yesterday. Her pain is made worse by movement and better by rest and she also has nausea. We were told if her pain gets worse or if she develops a fever to go back. Does this sound like crohns or something else, not very happy they discharged her without finding out the cause.
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We had something similar with ds a few weeks ago
Possible appendicitis etc...
His crohns is fine btw ( just scoped /mre etc)
One thing the Gi is looking at is carcinoid Sydrome
It's rare but 70% of those found in chikdren are found in appendix and mimic appendicitis.

Still haven't found the cause for DS
Good luck
And Hugs
Thanks MLP We never saw the gastro team even though we were told they would come past to see her before going home. Today her pain is there all the time. Waiting for a call back from her GI. M is worried about going back to the hospital as the surgeon said if we go back they'll be no examination and she'll be going to theatre to see what's happening and the appendix will come out whether it needs to or not.
That bothers me about him saying it would come out whether needed or not. Can you get a second opinion?
I'd try to get a second opinion, or have a ct scan or something done first before going in to surgery and removing something that didn't need removing. Especially since they didn't actually see the appendix. Hopefully it's not Crohn's and it is just appendicitis. That's a lot easier to fix. Does Crohn's run in your family? Is there a reason you think it may be Crohn's? How are her bowel movements?
Sorry I forgot to mention my daughter was diagnosed with crohns 4 years ago. Spoke to the GI and she said it could be some virus affecting the glands.
Oh then I'd say it's possibly just a flare up. That's where I'm hurting now, and I'm in the middle of a bad one.
We're going to try see her GI today, if not going back to ER. The pain is there all the time now. 4/10 sitting and 8/10 moving around, she's also started to get stabbing pain occasionally.
That changes things
We were told the last thing the surgeon wanted to do was to operate on the appendix in a kid with. Crohns since the minute they go in they would take more of the intestine than was needed just due to active disease alone that should be able to be treated medically first
We were told a ct or MRI would be done prior to any surgery for the appendix and then medical treatments
So lots of options prior to surgery
Ds isn't fixed but after 2 weeks his abdominal has calmed down
It's still there but no longer severe

Good luck
We saw the GI, she ordered a blood test which came back normal. Another ultrasound is getting done tomorrow and an MRE next week. GI is still convinced it's a virus. She said it doesn't sound like crohns, and she doesn't think it's appendicitis. Poor M is in a lot of pain walking and the pain has spread to her groin.
Prayers for comfort for her. Poor thing. Before I was diagnosed with Crohn's they actually thought my pain was from a ruptured appendix. Then they decided it was Crohn's and decided against surgery Bc it could make my Crohn's worse. I was having a really bad flare up. I also had an abscess that was causing all of my appendicitis like pain. Maybe she has an abscess and inflammation? Idk why your dr says it doesn't sound like Crohn's. My dr said that right beside the appendix is a very common place for a flare up, and her pain sounds identical to mine. Hopefully you get some answers soon and she doesn't have to suffer much longer!
Taking her back to ER , the stabbing pain is coming every few minutes. She's on strong painkillers and it's not doing much. Theres still 1 more week till the MRE, we can't wait that long.
We are back home with no answers and still in pain. Bloods were done that came back normal. Ultrasound was done of the hip, ligaments,groin and kidneys which all came back normal. The appendix wasn't seen but we were told that was a good thing because if it was swollen it would show up. The only thing they found was red and white blood cells in the urine, which might indicate a slight infection. I asked to get an MRI but we were told she has an appointment on Friday and there was no reason to get it done sooner as bloods are all good. So the pain and stabbing continue but we are no closer to an answer, how frustrating.
Big hugs
Ds is currently inpatient for similar issues
No one seems to know why
Only he was having diarrhea for the past month with his

Hope you get answers soon
MLP did they do an MRI?

M also had diarrhea when this all started a week ago but the Endone has now constipated her and she's taking stuff to go toilet everyday. I'm just hoping the antibiotics they gave her will clear whatever this pain is. The DR said maybe there was a small stone but you'd think the U/S would have seen it.
U/s only picks up things over 1 cm
Which is a very large stone
Ds had an mre , colonscopy , upper endoscopy , pill cam and two stool studies
Nada nothing showed up

But he can't eat solids and is on elemental formula only and was still having pain and diarrhea .
That must be so frustrating.:ghug:

How have you been managing the pain for so long? Nothing is helping M. They did offer to keep her in over the weekend but she refused as they weren't going to do more testing only give her pain relief.
You may want to let them admit her
Sometimes they need to see the "pain"
Vs hear about it
Then the test become more urgent
I have no answers, but wanted to say I'm really sorry your poor girl is hurting so much. Does the Endone help her?

When my daughter is on pain meds, we always use Miralax or Milk of Magnesia to prevent her from getting constipated, because that can make the belly pain worse.

Distraction works really well for her - lots of TV!

Sending hugs :ghug:!!
M looks and feels a lot better. Looks like the antibiotics are helping. She says the pain is still there but not as sever and the stabbing is only coming occasionally instead of every few minutes. I wonder if this was a UTI, they said it might be a slight infection but we've seen a big improvement.

Maya the Endone wasn't helping much at all.

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