Does this sound like Crohn's or something else

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Sep 5, 2013
My 15 year old nephew moved in with me about two months ago. Since he has came to live with me I notice he is so tired but I assumed it was because of football but he does get 8 hours of sleep. Also he has been losing a lot of weight lately. And last Friday he had diarrhea for most of the day and then Saturday he ended up having bouts or diarrhea and throwing up. Sunday he was ok still cramping and throwing up. He said it happens a lot. He had told his mother but of course she does nothing ( part of why he is living with me) anyways I made him appointment with a GI but its not till a month away so I was just looking for some info also what are some natural things I can have him try that might help until we can see a doctor
Hello and welcome.
I'm so sorry your nephew is suffering. It's amazing what people think is normal to live with.
Increasing his fiber might help slow the transit time.
The weight loss thing; can he supplement with Boost Shakes or something like that.
At least he would get some extra calories.

Does he have a primary care doctor? They might be able to give something to help until he see's his GI.

As far as it being IBD...I hope not but a GI will be better to tell that.

Does he have any joint/skin/eye problems?

Sadly for a lot of these dear kids IBD is more than just going poo a lot. It can and often does affect other parts of the body.

I hope he gets answers soon.:hug:
Poor kid. :( In answer to your question, I'm sure there are lots of intestinal illnesses, bugs, etc. that could cause similar symptoms.

Some of the more typical symptoms would be fatigue, paleness/anemia, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pain when having bowel movements, lack of appetite, mouth/canker sores, joint pains, diarrhea and/or constipation, blood in stools, fevers, night sweats (with or without a fever)... I may be missing some and they don't all have to be present.

But, until you can see the GI, try to limit high fibre foods if it seems to bother him and some people feel better when they have removed gluten or lactose from their diet. Before my son was diagnosed, he also had diarrhea - we gave him rice and that seemed to help a bit. I'm not 100% but I don't think imodium should be used with crohns (although you don't know if that's what he has??), however, do avoid using ibuprofens (or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - you can use tylenol.

Also, if he's losing weight or doesn't have much appetite, see if he'll drink nutritional shakes (such as Boost or Ensure). If he does have crohns, the intestinal inflammation can cause malabsorption - the shakes are a little easier to digest (Peptamin would be better but, I don't believe it tastes as good :()

I'm sure some of the other parents will be along with suggestions.

You're obviously a great aunt for caring for him like this - he's lucky to have you! :ghug: Hope some of this info helps!
Unfortunately, lots with crohns is contradictory - FW tells you more fibre and I say less! :ybatty: Given that it is highly individual, it will help if you keep notes of his symptoms and even a food log of what seems to bring on symptoms and/or pain/discomfort. :ghug:

Just to clarify - some people find high fibre foods tough to digest, which is why I suggested minimizing it... however, FW is right in that it may help the diarrhea. :smile:
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of all your nephew is having to deal with.

I hope it is not CD but if it does happen to be CD and he is having a flare fiber might not be such a good idea. Fiber can be harsh on an inflamed GI tract. You may have him follow a low residue diet, which is very little fiber. Also make sure he stays hydrated, plenty of fluids if he continue to have issues with vomiting.

Have him avoid NSAIDs and ibuprofen as they can also be hard on the GI tract, Tylenol would be fine. If he is cramping then heating pads can sometimes help.

My son was 15 when he was dx'ed and his first symptoms were fatigue and weight loss along with some other issues such as mouth ulcers and night fevers. It seemed he could never get enough sleep and the lightest of activities would wear him out.

I hope his symptoms subside, the GI appt. goes well and it isn't CD he is dealing with. Hugs and support!
I'm glad that you made him a GI appt. Also glad that he is with you and you are doing something about it!!!! Hopefully you will get answer soon. Him telling you that it happens alot makes me think that something is going on!!

Hope he feels better soon!!!
Welcome, you have already been given some great advice. As farmwife says if weight loss is a big issue Boost/Ensure can help. Hope you get answers soon. Are you on a wait list if there is a cancelation
Hey JG...

Welcome to the forum - I hope your nephew feels better long before you have to go into the doctor's office and this is just a bug or something he has caught... You've received some stellar information thus far, so I'm going to add just a wee bit of a different twist - something to think about and it is because you mentioned he's playing football...

IF he is a all in kind of kid and is working hard on the field during practices, I would take a strong look at his hydration regime. Is he taking in enough fluid? Severe dehydration can present in ways as you have described (see link about half way down, "when to see a doctor"

My son and most of his pals are athletes and many of them spend time on the sidelines getting sick... Makes me crazy...

I hope he feels better!!
First off, you must be a remarkable woman to take in your nephew like that!

Since you won't get solid answers at least for a while, try keeping a food diary and see if he has any bad reactions to particular foods. If he says it happens a lot, he may have undiagnosed food allergies. I hope there's a simple answer for him!! Good luck!
Thank you all so much. We are going to try and cut something's out of his diet hopefully that will help. Also he does get fevers sometimes in the morning mostly at night they are usually just really low. Also unfortunately he does not have a primary care doctor I am trying to get him One he just moved here from out of state. Also a question what exactly are the symptoms ?? Today he has been going o the bathroom all day but he said its like he is constipated. I feel so bad for him he has to miss his football game and he worked so hard to get put on varsity as a starter :(

It sounds like Crohn's you should go to the CCFA website just goggle it Its the Crohn's foundation good website everyone has different symptoms I have loose stools with mucous and blood in it some time I can't go at all stomach pains and cramps body aches joint pain always tired and headaches!! Lots of look like 6 months pregnant!! I also have a gluten allergic once I stopped that the bloating is not as often!!! But it's enough!!!!
You soon will have answers!!

I'm so thankful that he has you!!!
I would try to get him to do a liquid diet - no solid food (known on here as EEN). You can use Boost or Ensure or other OTC products. He needs to do it for at least 2 weeks. It may relieve many of his symptoms whether he has Crohn's or something else. If it doesn't then that could be helpful information for the GI. But it has to be AT LEAST 2 weeks.

Removing solid food and giving a liquid supplement that is a complete food often promotes healing in those with Crohns. He needs to be sure and get enough calories and he will have to drink it at school. He can say he's drinking it for the extra calories so he can bulk up for football. Nobody has to know anything about his diet is different.

But he will have to commit to it and it can be hard for teens to do that.

As for his diagnosis. I don't second guess diagnoses because there are often many different things from mild to life-threatening that could be causing or contributing to GI symptoms. I know one child who seemed to have Crohn's and turned out to have Stage iV Neuroblastoma. His diagnosis was delayed in part because his parents and doctors thought he had Crohn's due to family history and some symptoms that could be CD.

So I can't say whether your nephew has Crohn's. But a good GI is the right place to start along with getting a strong pediatrician/primary care doctor ASAP to give him a good going over and maybe run some preliminary labs.

Best wishes.