I am having a colonoscopy on Friday. I have been reading several posts on different types of sedation. I obviously want to be knocked out, or at least where I don't feel anything or remember anything! I have in the past had other procedures done where I was given propofol and versed. This knocked me out completely really. I called my gastro office and they say they give you like a twilight sedation. Ok, I have had this before and did ok with it for upper endoscopies. But for a colonoscopy, which is going to be way more painful that a upper endoscopy, I wonder if the versed will be enough.. I mean I can ask for propofol when I get there, but I am not sure if that is considered a strong anesthesia where they have to intubate you or not. If it requires intubation, I am certain they wont use it. Will versed be enough to knock me out so I don't feel anything??? I am SOOOO worried now after reading that for some people the twilight does nothing.....:eek2: