Dont Be Sad

Crohn's Disease Forum

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All Youuu People Saying how sad you are because you have Chrones is a tad silly in my eyes.

Ive been throughh so much shitttt mostly because of it && even though ii have dayly problems && troubles im still smiling.

Onli my close && best friends know about it.

Because who actually needs to know i mean what would it benifit ? sympathy? && why would u want sympathy ? so you can feel sorry for yourself ? - Pathetic.

Even one has a problems whether its bigg or small. && we all get thrown this **** for a test. && Im at the point wer i think bring it on, through what ever u want at me because i can take it && proved that years ago.

My motto is dont dwell on it deal with it.

I listened to Bob Marley 'Dont Worry Be Happy' today && thats the attitude

Peace Boyzzzzzzz


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I like to tell people about Crohn's not for my benefit but for them. Crohn's Disease is now one of the most common intestinal problems and few people know about it. If I can tell people about my symptoms maybe it would get one of them treatment before things get too bad. I've already helped one of my friends who started to get bad stomache cramps. I told him about Crohn's Disease and he called a GI right away. Turns out he has Ulcerative Colitis and because of my story it pushed him to see a doctor sooner rather than later.

I try to keep a smile on my face at all times, unless I'm getting my picture taken but that's for a different This forum is a great place just to rant and a lot of people make use of it because it helps them. It's a form of therapy my friend.

I have a quick question for you, next time could you please write a little clearer it took me twice as long to read this than it should have. Thanks my friend.
Fleur-Fleur-Fleur said:
All Youuu People Saying how sad you are because you have Chrones is a tad silly in my eyes.

Ive been throughh so much shitttt mostly because of it && even though ii have dayly problems && troubles im still smiling.

Onli my close && best friends know about it.

Because who actually needs to know i mean what would it benifit ? sympathy? && why would u want sympathy ? so you can feel sorry for yourself ? - Pathetic.

Even one has a problems whether its bigg or small. && we all get thrown this **** for a test. && Im at the point wer i think bring it the **** on, through what ever u want at me because i can take it && proved that years ago.

My motto is dont dwell on it deal with it.

I listened to Bob Marley 'Dont Worry Be Happy' today && thats the attitude

Peace Boyzzzzzzz



Take 6: I'm struggling to compose a reply to this. I don't think I'll bother.
I am right there with you Jeff. I had waited so long to go to the dr. because I thought it was nothing and wished I had gone earlier. I tell others to increase their awareness of the disease. I was once terrified to go to the dr. and avoided it at all costs. I hope that my story will help others realize that when their body is telling them something is wrong they need to get it checked out.

By the way...I may have days that I am sad, but that doesn't mean this disease consumes me. Some of us just need time to vent it all out! It is the venting that keeps me sane. Bottling it up only makes it worse for me. Sometimes 'dealing with it' is facing your emotions head on and letting it all out.
iii'mm noooot saaaad, iiiii juuuussstttt ggggeeeetttt aaaa litttttle dddooooowwwwnnnn sssooommmmeeeetiiiimmmesssss.

wow? how do you continue writing like that?

I think Fleur's heart is in the right place, but just came off a bit harsh and bold.

This forum is for support, there are days we will all feel depressed, but the goal of this forum is to make each and every one of us have more happy days than depressed ones. I will agree that feeling sad for yourself is a poor way to cope, but just coming out of the blue with a "don't feel sorry for yourself, its pathetic" thread is a bit mean.

I think in places like these, people need to put great thought into the way they come across to others, especially since not everyone here has the same senses of humor or the same background culture.

Moral of the story, think before you speak.

Another moral of this story... wear a sweater... typing and shivering at the same time doesn't work.
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Woah! I'm seeing double. Double letters, that is.
Could that be the illegal drugs I'm doing? Does doing illegal drugs make one see double letters?
Oh wait - I don't do illegal drugs...
My Butt Hurts said:
Woah! I'm seeing double. Double letters, that is.
Could that be the illegal drugs I'm doing? Does doing illegal drugs make one see double letters?
Oh wait - I don't do illegal drugs...

he he, we just limit ourselves to copius amounts of legal ones;)
Fleur-Fleur-Fleur said:
All Youuu People Saying how sad you are because you have Chrones is a tad silly in my eyes.

Ive been throughh so much shitttt mostly because of it && even though ii have dayly problems && troubles im still smiling.

Onli my close && best friends know about it.

Because who actually needs to know i mean what would it benifit ? sympathy? && why would u want sympathy ? so you can feel sorry for yourself ? - Pathetic.

Even one has a problems whether its bigg or small. && we all get thrown this **** for a test. && Im at the point wer i think bring it on, through what ever u want at me because i can take it && proved that years ago.

My motto is dont dwell on it deal with it.

I listened to Bob Marley 'Dont Worry Be Happy' today && thats the attitude

Peace Boyzzzzzzz



you deal with it how you want to deal with it.. we arnt all like you. every one is different. some people on here have had this for years.. where as others like my self are still coming to terms with it. it can be very upsetting and jsut becasue it isnt upsetting you doesnt mean it doesnt upset others

people need to know so that they are aware. ever one i know knows what is up with me and why i get ill so much otherwise they wouldnt understand.

if i hadnt gotten the advice and support i needed from this website then i dont know what i would be doing because the doctors and hospitals certainly arnt trying to support me or trying to help me. ive been helped on here alot.

i dont want to cause an argument.. just want to say my peice
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Fleur, why don't you illuminate us all with your apparently vast assortment of pearls of wisdom on coping with life's roadblocks and curveballs; you seem to be a wealth of information, what, with how you explained how you illegally cope with your own issues and all.

I don'tt think yoouu knoww whatt ur talkingg aboutt, try to think about things more openly and grow up. I don't mean to be harsh, but I'm not sure if you did.
Could explain the slurred typing the words of my hubby, (a newf), this guy is a *bag of hammers*.

I love this forum!
I agree with everyone about that this is a place to share our true feelings of being depressed and sad. Sometimes we put up a front for our families and friends making them think that we're fine and sometimes just telling ourselves over and over again that we're fine might just push us to experiment with drugs to mask our actual pain maybe telling more people about your disease would help you instead of turning to illegal drugs But maybe the drug use is because we're not that happy. Anyway I'll be the first to admit that there are days when I am so depressed that it's hard to function daily luckily for me I have a great support team.

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