Dr refused pain killers

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Jul 28, 2011
So my doctor is refusing to prescribe me my tramadol until he sees me. I had an appointment on July 10th coming up, that they decided to cancel for me due to having a balance. I am so upset. I had been calling and trying to get a reason for him denying my refill for 2 days and when they finally get back to me, all they say is sorry. I've been in pain all this time and now I get to stay in awful pain limbo for an indefinite amount of time.

I called another doc seeing if he could give me a rx, but he won't be in his office until Monday. This just sucks. I can't believe my own doctor doesn't want to help me. I don't know what to do. I am just stuck. I don't care that I have a balance, you should still treat me, especially when it all it requires is a fax machine. I've been dealing with this a whole year and he thinks it's okay to just take me off my pain killer without consulting me? I'm outraged.

But really what I need is some support. I had to deal with this a few weekends ago, but I knew when that was going to end. This is going to be hell for a long time. And I have no way of making it stop. I'm scared and tired and angry.
I have had the same thing happen to me. It is amazing how callous and self absorbed some doctors can be. The whole idea of, "I will be happy to give you what you want, just as soon as you pay me." These jerks can rot in hell for all I am concerned. Especially when they have you on an addictive substance, and suddenly decide to refuse care.

It's malpractice, and it's illegal. Yet that doesn't stop some doctors from being irresponsible.

FWIW, I have not been able to get a GI to see me for almost 5 months. Like Lois on Seinfield, I have been black listed.
I generally prefer my doctor refusing pain medications. I'd prefer he or sh...

Oh wait, no, this is about a doctor not giving you medications that you expected, and need for maintenance of a serious condition. And without warning to boot, so you have no chance of getting it rectified in a timely manner.

Lovely crowd they sound like. Give 'em the good ol' heave ho I'd say.

This has happened to me before back when I was really sick and I was devastated. Take care of yourself as best as you can. If the pain gets too intense, go to the ER. You have our support, for whatever that is worth.
I'm sorry you're going through this :( unfortunately it is often standard for doctors to have to see you in the office before prescribing more pain medications. Tramadol isn't considered a narcotic though so I could be wrong. Regardless that isn't right for them to cancel your appointment and leave you in pain. It happens though. I had just had a kidney stone surgery and my dr discharged me without pain meds because I am pregnant...he told me to see my OB. I go to the OB who basically acted like they didn't believe me that the dr would do that. I finally got the pain meds I needed but it's amazing what some drs do. I think everyone is just trying to cover their own butts ESP here in the states and with abuse of prescription meds/abuse. Long story short if the pain gets too bad go to the ER or minor emergency clinic. They'll prob give you a smal script and want you to see your dr in 1-3 days and then ur dr may be more inclined of helping you. As far as the balance
I'd try talking to the account services department and discussing you really need care but cannot pay the balance at this time (ESP of its just an issue with insurance or something). I hope you get some relief soon!
The doctor should refer them to another physician if they don't want to treat them, but refusing service due to nonpayment in this case (not life or death) is not malpractice.

I agree that you should find another doctor.

Have you tried speaking directly with the doctor? Sometimes a decision to not see the patient due to an outstanding bill is the decision of the office manager rather than the doctor themselves. Your doctor may not even know this is happening.
It is malpractice to put you on an addictive substance, then refuse to continue treatment without at least 30 days notice. As well as prescribing another 30 days of the addictive medication.

Perhaps you should study up on malpractice law before saying something foolish.
I am going through this very situation right now too.

I have been on Tramadol for over two years. TWO YEARS. I have taken it every day since last August, so almost a year. And now that the United States is cracking down on RX pain meds, my GP is only giving me one months supply, NO REFILLS. So I have to make sure I get another appointment within a month or I run out...and do you know what will happen if I run out? My body goes into withdrawals. I have promised her I am not addicted (trust me, I'm not, my husband is the one who regulates them and I am only on them 8 hours a day so that I at least have a break from my pain), but she won't listen. She is also making me go through a program for long term pain med use, which I don't mind that much, but it still kind of insults me.

I am SO freaking tired of how they treat people with chronic pain. We need to be treated with respect. Not like potential addicts. Tramadol is meant for long-term use....and it is NOT that strong! Ugh. In reality I need tramadol as well as a small amount of a stronger pain med for break-through pain.

I really hope you come up with a solution OP....my husband has decided he will be calling my GP's office until they give in, I on the other hand is trying to lessen my amount of the med, but now I am having trouble walking due to the pain. Not fun. :(

Sorry for the rant! Just know you aren't alone. :(
Thanks for the comments all. I got a new rx from my gyno, he's prescribed me tramadol in the past, before I was getting any treatment. My body goes into withdrawals too Allie, I've been on it every day for about a year now too. It's awful to be in so much pain and then to get it taken away from me.

Either way this was the last straw, among many other times my doc has dropped the ball. He was very aware that he wasn't treating me. I am understanding, but to a point. this is the second time in a month he has left me without pain killers and it took him 2 days to get back to me just to say no to the tramadol. I am not a drug addict. I am in pain, and it is bad to be in pain, bad for the heart, bad for the mind, just plain bad. I don't deserve that. What he wants is money, not to treat me or diagnose me. I'm looking for a new doctor now.

I will try to get in to my new GP earlier than my scheduled appointment now. or at least be put on a cancellation list. I only have enough tramadol to last a couple weeks, and I don't want to keep calling my gyno for this rx. So much is wrong with me, I just want someone who cares.
Wow, I'm surprised your PBGYN did that for you! My specialists are the same way with tramadol, they have always made sure I have plenty. But they were more directly related to my illness.

I actually went to my GP today because of my pain situation, and she heard me loud and clear. Because of not really being able to keep my pain down lately, plus my flare getting worse, I am in so much pain it is hard to walk. I usually hide my pain well, even with doctors, and there was just no way it was hiding today. My GP did an exam and I couldn't stay still bc it hurt so bad. She also saw that I was emotionally drained, and that I'm not eating or sleeping due to the pain. I am now on tramadol (up to 4 a day) as well as tylenol #3 (tylenol with codiene). Not to mention an antidepressant to help with the anxiety that the pain causes.

Don't give up! It sounds like you need to move doctors, or maybe see a pain specialist. I really hate the way doctors treat chronic pain, but today I was able to successfully get treatment by 1) being completely honest with my pain and what it causes and 2) making sure they understand I am open to any and all available treatment options, not just pain meds and 3) making sure they understand I do not take more than I should.
Thanks Allie! I have a very high threshold for pain, but when I run out of tramadol I fell like such a wuss. I freak out and have a panic attack followed by tears. I think it's because I know what I will have to go through once I'm out. It terrifies me. Tramadol only treats my abdominal pain too, it does nothing for the joint pain or daily migraines. But it does do enough for my pain, that I'm able to eat and sleep.

My doc also called me unkempt. When I asked for a letter to give to my boss explaining why I have to stop working. In the letter he said I appeared unkempt. I know that has nothing to do with anything, but I was insulted. Like how does he expect me look? I feel bad and none of my clothes fit me anymore, how am I supposed to look?. It just really pissed me off, and I ignored it because I thought he wanted to help me. But he just kept treating me for IBS to get more money out of me.

Yay for getting treatment though! I'm glad they gave you the tramadol you need. I hate that second night after no tramadol. I have such intense night sweats that I freeze even though I'm drenched in sweat. It's so gross.
Don't feel like a wuss!! I completely understand where you are coming from. In the beginning I only took tramadol every few days, and I still freaked out when I was running low. Its like a safety net for us..this pain isn't anything to play with! I have a really high threshold for pain too. Since I have been on tramadol for over two years my body is used to it, so I don't get the highs anymore, but it also doesn't work as effectively. Combine that with being much more sick, and I am having to increase my pain medication. And I absolutely hate it. :( I try my best to take as little as possible though, and most of it is when my husband sees tears and gives me it with a soda.

It really does sound like its time for a new doctor. Even if you have just chronic pain, it needs to be treated correctly. And no doctor should make you go through withdrawals from these medications, they should AT LEAST give you enough to step down and stop taking it.