Dr. says I'm not a good candidate for surgery?

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May 21, 2011
Hi everyone! Well, I had my colonoscopy this morning. My Doctor came back and said I'm only a little better than last year, but that I still have a lot of active inflammation. My Dad asked her if I would ever be a candidate for surgery and she said no, because my Crohns Colitis is spread all over and not centralized. Has anyone heard this before? I mean, I'm happy, but don't understand fully what that means. Does that mean I just bounce from drug to drug until something puts me in remission?

Thanks. :)
My surgeon basically said that the gastro system dose not re grow length. A broken bone will reheal. In some extreme cases doctors break bones, then place them in a halo of sorts, to grow limbs length.
It may be a bit of drug hopping until you find one that works best.
Until then fingers crossed
A broken bone will reheal. In some extreme cases doctors break bones, then place them in a halo of sorts, to grow limbs length.

It's violently illegal in most of Western Europe and America but it's quite lucrative as medical tourism goes in Eastern Europe and Russia from what I've heard.

And yes, this means your gastric damage is so widespread you can't just cut out a damaged area, the whole thing would have to go. Losing lengths of your bowels is less like breaking a bone and more like taking the bone out and throwing it in a woodchipper.
I had an appointment yesterday and my dr brought up surgery I also have crohn's colitis and is spread all the way through my colon but he thinks it is unlikely I have inflammation in my small intestine so surgery may work. He said I would have to have my whole colon removed and have a permanent ileostomy so not something to take lightly. If you have inflammation somewhere else this could be why the dr thinks surgery won't be the answer for you.
Surgery is not a cure for Crohn's. The inflammation starts right away from the point where the cut was made and sometimes its worse than it was before. An aunt of mine ended up, after a long series of operations, with no digestive tract back when surgery for Crohn's was the only option. She eventually died from the effects of this.

Surgery does cure Ulcerative Colitis when the entire large intestine is removed.