Drew Wymore Rocks

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awww, i thought this post was going to be about guitar hero!

go DREW!
p.s. for the newb, whats the CCFA?
Think it stands for 'Canadian Club For All'??? No, wait, that's a round at the pub.

Oh, yeah, I think it really stands for the Crohns N Colitis Foundation of America
That's funny Jed!!! I do play guitar heroes but I haven't seen Drew play. I was just stoked that Drew donated to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (AKA Canadian Club for All).

The other night my husband played a Pearl Jam song for me on Guitar Heroes because he knows I'm a huge fan of fellow Crohn's sufferer Mike McCready from Pearl Jam.

Kev, I wouldn't mind joining the Canadian Club. If things in the upcoming election don't get better you might have new neighbors! I won't get political but let's just say I can't wait to see some change.