Drs and pain meds

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Apr 21, 2009
drs and pain meds

so whenever im having pain im screwd unless i go into the hospial because my gi will NOT prescribe pain meds, period. i dont think this is right do you? then if i do go to the hospital usually because my mom forced me they wont admit me because im not 18 or if i go to bronson they might admit me but im in the peds ward and get looked at like i shouldnt be in there which i agree but the nurses could be a little nicer. plus im allergic to morphiene so they will give me diloded in my iv which is a bit strong if u ask me but i cant go to the hospital right now because im in he last 22 days of school and doing finals and huge papers and im in PAIN im in a school that is huge 3 stories and classes all over the place which doesnt help when your stomach is killing you and theyre doing construction on the school o if any of you know battle creek central high school thats where i go. but i can barely make it to my classes because my stomach is hurting so bad because of a flair up i think and also im on my period and to top all that off i have a cold with the sore throught and everything achey and my gi or my primary dr eaither will refuse to give me ain meds all i ask for is 10 vicodins or maybe even naproxin or ultram but they wont give me anything and say to take tylenol but that doesnt help me at all! can anyone give me any idea of what to do to help the pain because if it doesnt get better soon imma have to go into the hospita and hope they admit me but i dont want to because i need to do all my finals still. ugh ii just dont know what to do anymore. please someone help me!