Drs apt tomorrow

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May 18, 2011
Hi All
Hope everyone is having a good day.

Tomorrow at 530 I have an apt with the specialist, sorta worried And anxious. This specialist is the first I saw 2 years ago who said I had crohns. I didn't stay with him because of his attitude but the other two doctors I've been with have been no help at all. So after speaking with my family doctor we have decided to send me back to him to see what he says
I'm worried to hear what he says and if he will want to see me back after I left him in the first place. I'm sure he will but I think it's a bit of my pride issue causing me some problems. And to be honest I am fed up of going through tests that keep coming back negative.
Don't blame you there! Especially what I've been going through lately. Here's a hope that all will go well for you. Please let us know how things turn out. Lots of hugs:) Lisa Xxxxxxx
Thanks Lisa.

Yes Indeed, I will let you guys know how it goes.

I'm at work today, and all I can think about is my apt at 530. I know today nothing much will happen from it. He will most likely send me for more tests, but honestly I hope not, but if I was a doctor I'd want to see for myself what is going on and not what other doctors have seen or said. So I don't blame him for wanting more, just I'm starting to feel like a pin cushion. At least with this doctor, I really like the secretary and if needed she will squeeze me in on the same day, the doctor doesn't mind taking in last minutes.

Does anyone have any important questions I should ask him. I'm sorta nervous and making a list just incase I forget anything.
I think that I would make sure and let them know:

- all the medications I'm on along with any supplements I'm taking at the moment.

-what symptoms I've been experiencing lately and for how long. If these are actually from crohn's?

-I get my meds filled and refilled by my workplace instead of the doctor's office. So, if you do the same may need to remind them for an outside prescription.

Hope this will help some. It's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck with the doctor's appt:)
I hope you get some anwsers tomorrow. I am sorry that in the past your visit with him did not go well. Would you be able to take someone with you? It might be nice to have the support of a good friend or family member with you while you are with this doctor. I don't know about you but for me in the past there was a doctor who have made me just so nervous to see them that I forget what I wanted to ask and feet very rushed though my appointment. I took a good friend (the bossy one LOL ) and when I clammed up she was great with asking the questions I intended to ask, also her bossy attitude was good whan my bad attitude doctor tried to dismiss my concerns. It was helpfull. Just an idea... good luck. Woops!
Back from the Doctor

Hi everyone

Just got back from the doctor. He is sending me for another colonoscopy in September (joy). And he wants to try me on some kind of probiotic supplement called VISX3, some really expensive drug that my insurance company won't cover. And he is sending me for a test for Lime disease. Since he said that looks like the only tests I haven't been sent for . He wants to see me again in 2 weeks, and we will see from there.
Other than that nothing new.

He was still as obnoxious as ever but I've heard he is good, so I guess I need to suck it up.
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Glad to hear that the appt went well:) At least it sounds like he's trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Sad to hear that you've gotta go for more tests, but hopefully it'll give you some answers. Good luck on getting the info and care you need. Take care.
Thank you Cross stitch girl.

I was worried for really nothing, The doctor wasnt all that bad. I think I did the right choice. Will see in more time I guess.

I will keep everyone posted.
glad to hear that the doctor was better second time around.

I think im having a flair at the moment, but my bloods have all come back fine, so i am being tested for Lymes/Limes disease as well - awaiting the results. Are Crohns disease and Lymes similiar in symptoms?
Or does anyone know if you can be having a flair and have normal blood results?
This Lymes thing is interesting as it has recently been suggested to me by multiple people that I get checked for it with my severe joint pain symptoms but not-so-severe-looking colonoscopy/EGD last Thursday. I'm probably going to request the test just to rule it out, but at least for me, in reading about Lymes, it just doesn't sound like a fit to my symptoms. Everything just screams crohns, crohns, crohns!! Which, I already know I have, but my doctor is wanting to hold off adjusting meds because what he saw last Thursday didn't look so bad. He seemed surprised about my descriptions of what I'm going through juxtaposed next to viewing my insides. It can be so frustrating. Even with a definite diagnosis of the disease, I feel I am having trouble getting relief. And the big-gun meds scare me so I don't even know I would want them, but....what do you do?
Cross-Stitch, when you had normal blood tests but were in a flare, what were your flaring symptoms?

I'm even having diarrhea (not full blown, just not normal) and pain in addition to my extra-intestinal issues. It's driving me nuts. I felt like I was out of my mind when he said my colon had mild inflammation (or rather, when the information was relayed to me that he said that).
Yeah, I know. I was having weight loss, stomach pain, diarrhea, blood. Basically, the works. Seems like when tests come back fairly normal and you're flaring it almost feels like you're lying to them or something. Even though, you're actually screaming inside to be fixed!
Is the joint pain due to Crohns flair affecting joints?
I am experiencing painful joints now - i thought it was glands as the areas puffed up ie Neck,inside of elbows, pelvic area, knees, tops of feet, front of thigh, ribs.........etc!!!
I have never had my joints affected before during a flair, just straight forward cramps, diarrhea, blood, sickness.
I have an appointment to see Rhemo Dr on the 21st June, so maybe they can shed some light.
I'm not on any serious meds right now, so i hope they find out the cause soon.
I would rather start with the serious meds and bring the disease back into remission, and get back my life, then start to wean myself off if possible.

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