Drugs from China

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Doesn't leave one feeling all warm N fuzzy inside.... Wait, I'm sure there is a med for that. ;-) I recall vividly the 'anti-Canadian drug scare campaign'. Americans were taking advantage of the fairly common language, the (back then) higher US to CDN dollar exchange (typically $20 US equated to $25 - $28 in Canadian funds) and federal regs that prevented 'price gouging' (per se - tho the markups by the "drug makers" still left a lot to be desired.. the drug makers argued that the Canadian regs made R N D into new drugs in Canada prohibitive, and they pulled a lot of the research dollars out of the country to back it up, resulting in the loss of jobs of some of our best people in the field, a totally fabricated situation). American news reports, investigative journalism at its "finest"???? jumped on this AND supported the FDA stance. Between that and the different exchange rate today, the US market for Canadian drugs dried up. Now, the other shoe drops.. I think of the the typical American who paid thru the nose for genuine US drugs... and my heart goes out to them. I also recall every time I ended up in the hospital, usually due to too much bleeding; and the FIRST thing they added to my IV line was Heparin.. a blood thinner.. I know, I know.. the theory is it prevents clots from forming, and clots do kill. It just didn't sit well to be tied by the vein to something akin to Warfarin, a killer of rats. I wonder, purely in tetrospect, if it explains my urges for Chinese food.
Ah, c'mon Dan.. A government that favours big business at the expense of the working man (or woman).. what are the odds of that? I think it's only a 'myth' ;-)
D Bergy said:
Here is something I was not aware of. Most drugs are made in China or Puerto Rico.

They cannot even manage to consistently make toys in China without Lead paint. It does not give me a lot of confidence in their ability to make a uncontaminated drug.



Firstly, most *American* drugs are made in China or Puerto Rico.

Secondly, is that a problem? The factories where they are made are built by the pharma companies and are run to the exact same standards and specifications.

What you want to be worried about is the supply chain becoming polluted with fakes. Counterfeit medicines are a big problem in china.
Hey CL Check the article again. Tho the focus of the story is the US, I think to poke a little hole in the FDA balloon, it does mention that the majority of drugs are not tested for QA despite where they are manufactured, regardless of whether they are sold in the US, Canada or elsewhere. And the Heparin issue does seem to indicate that quality standards, security measures AREN'T what they could be.
Sorry. The pedant in me like to nit pick ;)

... apparently deliberately contaminated with an adulterated chemical.

I'd like more information on this as it is very reminiscent of the practices of drug counterfeiting.

The article sounds a little bit xenophobic, but is still pretty shocking. I'm thankful that most of my medication is manufactured in Germany, where purity laws are extreme.
I think it is a bit hypocritical for the FDA to state that importing drugs from Canada poses some safety concern when the standards are at least as high if not higher than the U.S.

The U.S. and Canada have very similar standards which are certainly higher than China's.

I would be happy to get my drugs from Germany. They have always been very exacting in their manufacturing processes. Probably better than ours.

I only use one and it is not worth counterfeiting, so I am not too worried.

Welll, I don't know about Glaxo Smith Kline (sp?) or any other particular company.

I do know that often the label stating something is 'Made in blank' OR 'Product of blank' doesn't necessarily mean it was actually made where that label indicates.

I know that pre-Nafta, and possibly still to this day.. Tijuana, Mezcal.. and one or two other northern Mexican towns on the US border had umbrella privileges.
Major companies could source or just ship via the US components that became part of an assembly...'Made in the USA'.. legally.. officially. The major benefit to the US or multinational companies exploiting these little 'umbrella' towns were the production costs.. Workers were earning between $2 - $8 a DAY. They got a pair of sneakers, a lab coat, and were bused to/from work. Many lived in lots dotted with cardboard houses made from the shipping cartons of the products they made. I'm not targeting the US... a similar practice by Canadian companies doesn't exist simply due to geographics... now the trend is either Asia or India... And it wouldn't come as too great a shock if I were to learn a lot of the drugs we take that state .. Made in wherever.. start off a bulk powder and are shipped to the East to be pressed into pills, capsules or packets, then are returned with the average consumer being none the wiser. just a hunch!
Interesting... I wouldn't have thunk GSK contracted out.. What happens if some day they contract out to the lowest bidder? Not that the big pharmas have a tight profit margin... but in a world controlled by the whims of the stock market, who knows