Doesn't leave one feeling all warm N fuzzy inside.... Wait, I'm sure there is a med for that. ;-) I recall vividly the 'anti-Canadian drug scare campaign'. Americans were taking advantage of the fairly common language, the (back then) higher US to CDN dollar exchange (typically $20 US equated to $25 - $28 in Canadian funds) and federal regs that prevented 'price gouging' (per se - tho the markups by the "drug makers" still left a lot to be desired.. the drug makers argued that the Canadian regs made R N D into new drugs in Canada prohibitive, and they pulled a lot of the research dollars out of the country to back it up, resulting in the loss of jobs of some of our best people in the field, a totally fabricated situation). American news reports, investigative journalism at its "finest"???? jumped on this AND supported the FDA stance. Between that and the different exchange rate today, the US market for Canadian drugs dried up. Now, the other shoe drops.. I think of the the typical American who paid thru the nose for genuine US drugs... and my heart goes out to them. I also recall every time I ended up in the hospital, usually due to too much bleeding; and the FIRST thing they added to my IV line was Heparin.. a blood thinner.. I know, I know.. the theory is it prevents clots from forming, and clots do kill. It just didn't sit well to be tied by the vein to something akin to Warfarin, a killer of rats. I wonder, purely in tetrospect, if it explains my urges for Chinese food.