Dummy/Patency Camera Pill

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Mar 7, 2013
Anyone get the dummy/patency camera pill before actual camera pill?

My GI wants me to do ANOTHER camera pill even though the last 2 got stuck, which I am ok with because I trust him.

What is the process-insurance wise and just in general, how is it ordered? How much does it cost?
I had the pill cam done about 2.5 years ago, with no dummy capsule beforehand. When I asked about the dummy capsule, the nurse told me that most insurance won't cover it (I'm not sure why) but that my insurance probably would cover a small bowel follow-thru to see if I had narrowing or strictures that the capsule wouldn't be able to pass through. My GI decided I didn't need the SBFT though as he didn't suspect strictures or narrowing (none was seen on scopes or other scans). So I had the pill cam done without the dummy capsule nor the SBFT and luckily I was fine, it didn't get stuck.

If you've had a history of pill cams getting stuck, then I would argue the case to your insurance company that you need to have the dummy capsule beforehand - tell them that the dummy capsule surely has to be cheaper than emergency surgery to remove a stuck pill cam would be! And if they still say no, maybe you could try having the SBFT beforehand. If it were me though, with a history of already having 2 get stuck, I would not go for a third try. Are there other tests you can have instead? Why is your doctor specifically ordering a pill cam, given your history?
Hi Catatonic, thanks for the advice. I had my hesitations upon hearing my GI doc wanted a 3rd camera pill 3months after surgery. I've had the small bowel follow through each time before the camera pill (which to me, looked like clear narrowings/strictures) but the radiologist would always just write a general report and say, "no obstruction" so I was always cleared for the pill. However, each time, it's gotten stuck. First time stuck for 5 months then surgery, now stuck for 4 and surgery next week. My GI was going to do a full scope of my entire GI tract during surgery but later thought about it and called me to say 1) the risk is higher if we add the scoping 2) since we scopped during the last surgery, he thinks the cam pill is way better at taking clearer pics and giving a better understanding of bleeding/source 3) since I'm on prednisone now and weaning off, he thinks the bleeding will be minimal and wants to give it 3 months 4) He really thinks the Imuran will work on me and wants to test for therapeutic levels (Prometheus) monthly. He also added that it's possible I am more anemic bc of the Imuran.

As crazy as this seems, I really do trust my doctor. He's an over thinker, a man of faith-which is important to me, and loses sleep trying to figure out tough cases. It wasn't until I thought about the patent/dummy pill that I had peace about a possible 3rd camera pill...which I will fight for to the death with my doctor/insurance company. I will even pay out of pocket so I can avoid going under the knife again. The blessing in all of this, is that I get a clean slate post-surgery and those strictured parts are coming off so the Crohn's pain should disappear too. :)
Oh and btw, the reason I've been able to avoid obstructions post-camera pill getting stuck, is bc I have really avoided fiber like the plague and have added daily massage to my lower right abdomen. That area protrudes daily but the avoidance of fiber and massage help. And lots of liquids too-boost drinks, soups.
Good luck fighting the insurance company and doctor to get the dummy capsule! It really makes no sense to me that they often won't cover it, as it seems like a no-brainer. It also seems like it should be cheap, but the nurse who told me that most insurance won't cover it, she also told me that the dummy capsule usually costs more than SBFT. That makes zero sense, it's a pill that dissolves in your GI tract if it doesn't pass on its own - that should not cost very much! Sometimes the medical system makes no sense to me and this kind of thing is particularly nonsensical. Anyway, good luck with it, I hope you can convince the insurance company to pay for it!