I had the pill cam done about 2.5 years ago, with no dummy capsule beforehand. When I asked about the dummy capsule, the nurse told me that most insurance won't cover it (I'm not sure why) but that my insurance probably would cover a small bowel follow-thru to see if I had narrowing or strictures that the capsule wouldn't be able to pass through. My GI decided I didn't need the SBFT though as he didn't suspect strictures or narrowing (none was seen on scopes or other scans). So I had the pill cam done without the dummy capsule nor the SBFT and luckily I was fine, it didn't get stuck.
If you've had a history of pill cams getting stuck, then I would argue the case to your insurance company that you need to have the dummy capsule beforehand - tell them that the dummy capsule surely has to be cheaper than emergency surgery to remove a stuck pill cam would be! And if they still say no, maybe you could try having the SBFT beforehand. If it were me though, with a history of already having 2 get stuck, I would not go for a third try. Are there other tests you can have instead? Why is your doctor specifically ordering a pill cam, given your history?