Early mornings are tough on my tummy- what about you?

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Nov 26, 2013
Hi there everyone!

I'm 26 and have had crohns for ten years, currently on fortnightly humira.

I have a Monday-Friday job where I have to be up at 6.30am but I always have the weekends off. I really try to do all I can to help my crohns, however mornings always seem to erase all the hard work I have done! Does anybody else find this? It's like I wake up at 6.30 and get up and my tummy does a somersault and gets jolted into a bad way and I'm running to the toilet. Whereas at the weekend my tummy is as cool as a cucumber because I have a lie in and don't have to wake up or get up early. Why does this happen? And does anybody have a remedy on how to stop early mornings doing this to my body? I wondered perhaps if I set my alarm earlier, and just lie there for half an hour to give my body a chance to wake up? Any of your own stories with this or advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you! :ghug:
Can you change the time you go to sleep so that you wake up more naturally in the morning rather than being jolted by an alarm? The waking up process is apparently one of the most stressful things a body goes through, especially when done by an alarm.

I routinely need 2 or 3 washroom runs in the first hour and a half after waking up but can then go half the day before the next one.
I work an early job too. I usually get up around 5am and I find if I get earlier my tummy is all messed up. I seem to do better if I am not rushing in the morning, but still have issues the earlier I get up. I think setting the alarm a bit earlier is worth a try. I would love to know why this happens as well, when I tell people they probably just think I'm saying it because I don't want to get up early.
Same here.If I have early appointments I find it easier to get up a good 2 hours sooner.Then I know how my innards are going to behave and whether I'm going to need a couple of loperamide or not.
Part of it is your bowel actually does slow down overnight. In the morning it wakes up and starts to push everything left over from the day before.
Yep. Mornings are usually worse for me. If I need to do anything early or have to be somewhere I can't leave I double up on Lomatil.
Anytime my schedule is a little off it sets me off!

Something that may help- when i lived in Seattle people used dawn simulators in their
bedrooms. it allows the body to wake up in a more natural way, physiologically it helps with depression too.

Hope you get relief soon

Thanks for your replies everyone! They've been so helpful and interesting to read.

Shamrock15, that's a good idea going to bed earlier....however I already go to bed really early! I need my sleep! But I could try to go to bed a little earlier to see if it helped.

Teeny5 I know the feeling....I try to alter any trips or days to start later however people think I'm doing it cause I just want to laze around in bed. It's the same with me being chronically late, it's mainly because of unpredictable crohns symptoms that send me off track, but I think most people just think I laze around and turn up when I want. If only everybody knew the truth!

Scottsma, I hope you got out the house eventually! :)

Thanks FrozenGirl, it's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with mornings, however I wish none of us had to!

Thanks Tots, I've been looking into those dawn simulators on amazon, they seem like a brilliant idea....I have added it to my Santa list this year. Hoping it helps :)

Thanks all.
Mornings & the time it takes me to prepare myself for the day are a source of enormous frustration for me. I can have 3 or 4 bm's within 1hr of getting up & @ the end of it I feel absolutely shattered. My body demands sleep but 1st I have to sitz bath & clean up. Sometimes 2 or 3 hours are after getting up & I'm still not ready to go out. Its completely awful.
Mornings for me, especially early ones. I find if I don't get enough sleep, my guts decide to hate me. Usually go 2-3 times in the first hour up
Hi when i was in my flare mornings were crippling for a couple of hours, then settled a bit by the time i got to work. Then bad again when i got home. What time i got up dint really matter as i rarely got more than an hour or two of sleep anyhow with the pain. Its a rough life we have , i just pray that any good times last as long as poss for us all. Best wishes all 💕
Famous last words. I said nights were usually my worst time and then the Crohn's really hit me this morning.
Oh Ron sorry u have it bad this morning. Hope it settles soon n u get a good night. Hope iv not cursed u re famous last words n all. Hugs n love to you my friend 💕💋
T.M.I.,but at least 8 trips to the bathroom in the first 2hrs this morning.Had to take Loperamide as I needed to go out ,so may not be able to "go" at all tomorrow.

Vicious circle,and boy do I mean vicious !!!
Yes it worked Mandy,but I was probably over the worst by the time I went out.I do suffer from tenesmus,which doesn't help.I always feel stressed when leaving the house after one of "those" mornings.But you all know what it's like.Happy days !!!
Glad it worked carol, how our days are consumed by poop at most times. Even tho I'm good over all I still need to rush off to the loo when the poop dictates. 👏 now run girl run 😡
Ah well that does happen one extreme to the other carol. 😕 iv been know to go a couple of days without going.😨.

FRom one extreme to another eh. It worries the hell out of me if I miss a day (very rare but it happens) because of my history of strictures. Its a balancing act to try & keep things flowing but to an acceptable level for a crohns sufferer.
Oh no, it seems like when we're not busy dashing off to the loo, then we are worrying that we aren't! I always hope that my tum will just calm down and not make me run to the loo in the morning, but when I get that, I find the rest of my day consists of waiting to go and I can't sit comfortably. Don't know if anybody else gets that? So then I hope I do go in the morning. Then I do, and I'm exhausted! Crohns is usually a no win situation I think! However, at least we can keep our chins up and be our own personal heroes. Keep well all. Thanks for all your advice and input xxx
I have a Monday-Friday job where I have to be up at 6.30am but I always have the weekends off. I really try to do all I can to help my crohns, however mornings always seem to erase all the hard work I have done! Does anybody else find this?

Yes, definitely, this is a good observation, I would guess most people experience this. I suspect it is caused by cortisol levels shooting up as you wake from deep sleep which then gets your bowels moving rather too quickly.
Oh no, it seems like when we're not busy dashing off to the loo, then we are worrying that we aren't! I always hope that my tum will just calm down and not make me run to the loo in the morning, but when I get that, I find the rest of my day consists of waiting to go and I can't sit comfortably. Don't know if anybody else gets that? So then I hope I do go in the morning. Then I do, and I'm exhausted! Crohns is usually a no win situation I think! However, at least we can keep our chins up and be our own personal heroes. Keep well all. Thanks for all your advice and input xxx

I get exactly the same. Oh,how I long for the days of Pre-crohns,when I visited the bathroom once every morning,and never thought about it for the rest of the day.:(
Mornings were dreadful, misery best describes having to get up for the dayshift in the dark, driving to work in the dark, and then spending the morning timing it carefully so that I would be near a toilet.
My Crohn's symptoms improved greatly by working with my employer to find ways to work later in the day. Being a steam plant operator a lot of servicing could be done in the evenings when steam demand was lower.
I could never and still cannot get enough sleep. I am retired now, and I tend to stay up late, rise in the morning later and my symptoms are much better. I go slow in my mornings and manage my visits to the bathroom in timely manner.
Sure wish they would get rid of daylight saving time and leave it on standard time. More daylight in the morning is beneficial, and reduces stress greatly. My doctors understand this and I have my appointments in the afternoon.
Im up at 5-30am for work coz i need 20/30mins to unstiffen myself enuf to get out of bed.On the bus for an hour to work work 8hrs an hour bus ride home arriving home 6/6-30 depending on traffic. Dinner, bed, repeat ...💕
Mornings are always the toughest for me. I wake up with horrible pain, as if I'd eaten a huge pile of junk food in the middle of the night!
Sat straight up bed this morning at 650 am. It was horrendous to say the least!
It was my one day off to sleep in this week, not sure what I ate yesterday but, it was a payback for something that kicked my butt!!

I hope everyone has a good weekend health wise,

It's quite the norm for IBDers to have most of their frequency issues in the morning, the majority do according to my GI...seems common for it to be the nature of the beast.

In my experience over more than 20 yrs of flaring with no remission until 2 yrs ago, whether I woke up by alarm or naturally my guts had me running to the can all through the mornings every single day to the point where I've often been housebound. Things would only slow down a bit in the afternoons and if I was lucky a bit less trips during the evening. I can literally say I've spent more time in my life going to the bathroom than anything else...it has consumed my life and for half of it at this point cuz that's how long I've had this DD now.
Sat straight up bed this morning at 650 am. It was horrendous to say the least!
It was my one day off to sleep in this week, not sure what I ate yesterday but, it was a payback for something that kicked my butt!!

I hope everyone has a good weekend health wise,

I hope you have a great weekend.