Oh....It was my first surgery on the 22nd of Dec too! I hadnt a CLUE what I was in for either!
Right. Some people get nauseous from the drugs for pain. But I didnt, so I ate! Baked potatoes, jello, soup, all soft foods for the first couple days after your bowels start working. They wont let you eat anything but liquid until your system kicks in. Porridge for breakfast, etc.
Then, after you feel a bit better, couple days to a week...eat at will!! But I warn you, some foods will NOT agree with your 'new body'. As you will still no doubt have alot of drugs in your system, and antibiotics as well, you will have the big D most likely. You will want to eat foods that slow down the big D. Rice, bread, bananas. After all the crap (pardon the pun) is out of your system, eat at will. Just know that you will pay for bad behaviour still. But in a different way. A GLORIOUS WAY...as you will not have to make a 100 yard dash in 2 seconds anymore! You will have to cover your stoma as it makes itself heard...grin...and go to the toilet when you bloody well feel like it to empty!! Whooo hooo!!! Freedom!