Eating and heatburn (G.E.R.D.)

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Jun 27, 2010
It's been a over a year that I have had Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Acid Reflux, Heartburn). So many name for it I prefer the never ending stomachache.
It started out as more heartburn pain and after various Proton pump inhibitors that went away but left me with awful stomachache after I eat. No matter how small the meal, I feel like my stomach is overfull and painful.
This had lead to me loosing more weight I went down from 100 to 94lbs.
I have already had one endoscopy, it came up with mild inflammation leading to the G.E.R.D. diagnoses. I am having another one next week. I doubt it will come up with anything else.

I am just switched to Nexium. I try to eat small meals through out the day, but that only mildly helps because it's hard for me to come up with food that won't hurt.

So I am looking for food ideas? or ways of getting rid of a stomachache?

I understand this is only tangentially related to crohn's but maybe some one else had ideas. I am out.
i currently having lots of stomach aches with gerd and gastropersis? have you had a an emptying study done to see if food is sitting there to long. i have to take reglan to make my stomach empty or i suffer all day with heartburn and reflux and have to stay on a low fat-low fiber diet. fiber makes my stomach hurt bad.
I've been on Aciphex for years for reflux. I've also used Prilosec, and that has helped me more with nausea and if the reflux got worse. Might be worth a shot if you haven't tried them yet.
i have reflux about 8 years now...i took nexium for years but it lost its effect after a on protium now love it..on it about 4 months and havent had heartburn since..drink loads of water and cut out stuff like coke...try not eating crisps they wreck me straight away..i find chocolate isnt too bad..have to head out ill think of more later and update this lol
My heatburn is like my crohn's it attacks whenever it feels like it. I can eat something one day and then a few days later boom the same food causes heartburn. I eat tums for a quick short lived fixed and prilosec for extended periods of time. I think bland foods help. I hope you get some great advice. I will be looking too and see what others suggest.
Have you been tested for H. Pylori bacteria? I had horrible heartburn for awhile. My doc found out I'd had a false negative for it during my endoscopy, which one turned positive after a week. Once they put me on the 3 drug regimen to kill it (Omiz, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin) it went away within a day. Could be worth looking into, but bear in mind something like 80% of people have it, without showing symptoms.
Okay, so I'm still just beginning to treat my GERD and erosive esophagitis, but here are some things that seem to be working. I'm on Zegerid (similar to Nexium). I take it in the morning, an hour before I eat or drink anything at all. I've also heard Protonix is great, if the Nexium isn't working you could ask your doc.

Like said above, don't lie down after eating for 2-3 hours. I got a wedge pillow for sleeping at night so that you're slanted so that stomach acid is staying in the stomach. Hard to explain, but if you google "acid reflux pillow" you will get the idea- maybe you've heard of them before.

Another thing I've noticed is that I CANNOT bend over to pick things up. I know it sounds weird, but I have to squat instead so the acid doesn't go up to my esophagus. Gravity and all, y'know?

Also, I agree about the cutting out soda thing. All carbonated beverages really.

No food ideas really. So far I've just stopped carbonated stuff, spicy stuff (had to for IBD anyway), and things with high fat content/greasy. Good Luck!
Thanks all!
The good news with my Endoscopy is no problems with my esophagus, but my stomach is inflamed. So I am being sent for a ct (baruim yuck!)
Oh Boring food... I think i have perfected the steamed chicken breast.
I am going to ask my GI about the emptying study, he mentioned once but i think i dismissed it cause it sound silly but what do i know about my stomach.

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