The diet:
The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet is an extension of the Paleolithic diet10 and incorporates some of the dietary changes previously studied in IBD, including avoidance of gluten and refined sugar. The AIP diet focuses on an initial elimination phase of food groups including grains, legumes, nightshades, dairy, eggs, coffee, alcohol, nuts and seeds, refined/processed sugars, oils, and food additives.10,11 The rationale is to avoid foods, additives, or medications (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) that can trigger intestinal inflammation, dysbiosis, and/or symptomatic food intolerance.10,12–14 It also emphasizes consumption and preparation of fresh, nutrient dense foods, bone broth, and fermented foods, while addressing factors that are known to associate with disability due to IBD, such as sleep and sleep hygiene, stress management, forming a support system, and physical activity.15
The AIP dietary intervention consisted of a 6-week elimination phase (staged elimination of grains, legumes, night- shades, dairy, eggs, coffee, alcohol, nuts and seeds, refined/ processed sugars, oils, and food additives) followed by a 5-week maintenance phase (during which no food group reintroduction was allowed), using the “SAD to AIP in 6” diet transition pro- gram.16