Elevated ALT results

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Feb 23, 2010
elevated ALT results

This is my first time on this site, having only just registered. I want to ask peoples advise as I have had ulcerative colitis for the past couple of years and I have been prescribed Mezavant which had appeared to be keeping everything settled. However, having been for an annual check up they carried out various blood tests, and have subsequently repeated one. They didn't tell me exactly why at the time but they have now said that in both samples the ALT is elevated (first reading was 175 and the second is 180). I have only just heard this news and I am slightly freaked out having read about Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis although still I know nothing about it other than people with colitis are more susceptible. Can anyone put my mind at rest? All I know is that the Dr is going to be asking me to comeback for further tests but I don't know when and the waiting is proving agonising as from what I have read on the internet it doesn't look ideal. Thanks and sorry if I have posted this in the wrong area as I am a first time user.
Hi Peter. Try not to worry too much. It's so easy to think of the worst. I had exactly the same results and my family doctor was freaking out. I had been on methotrexate though and my GI thought it was that which caused the elevated results. Have you asked your doctor what he thinks it it? It could possibly be from the Mezavant. I had an ultra sound to see if my liver was enlarged (it wasn't) and various blood tests. I was convinced I had hep B or C but I didn't! They are just keeping an eye on my liver to see if it improves. In the mean time just don't drink any alcohol and keep off the tylenol. I hope it goes ok!
Hi Peter..I just went through that! Sorry to hear your stressing! My levels went high to when I was flaring. I thought I too had PSC. THere is a good site on yahoo for people who do have that condition. Well informed smart people--like us :) But, I did see a specialist and he looked at my charts and blood tests and said he would see me in 6 months and the likelihood of me having PSC was not good. But, he still wants me to see him. He did say that since I have no colon (Had it removed) and have crohns, that my elevations were from the disease crohns--nasty bugger!! Sleep tight, and wait for the experts...I know its hard...But try and rest easy..Sue
Hello Peter and welcome to the forum.
Yes, you did post in the right place for a new member. :)

I know it's difficult but try not to stress too much
as it does not help at all.
Wait until you talk to your doctor and more than likely
it is not Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis .

Good to have you on board.

Welcoming hugs~Nancy
welcome Peter

and like Sue says, try and chillax now, try not to stress too much til you get your results,
besta luck x
:welcome: Peter...I am not that familar with Mezavant but it is one of the mesalamine drugs....It may or may not be the cause of your elevated enzymes...I understand how you would be a little freaked out about them being elevated....The good news that the liver is very resilient. It can take a lot of insult before permanent damage occurs.....Your doctor is monitoring it, so you should not to stress too much.( I know, easy for me to say, I'm not you)...You really have to do a lot of things to cause scarring to your liver...Excessive drinking, large amounts of tylenol, Chronic Viral hepatitis etc...

So, knowing that your enzymes are elevated, keep it in the back of your mind. Don't use any alcohol etc....If you notice any thing like your eyes looking yellow, or you are bruising easily, call the doctor....So many of us here have had or currently have elevated enzymes as well....

Good luck, and just ask if you have any other questions:)