Embarrassing situation.

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Jan 21, 2017
Hi, this is very embarrassing but I need some advice. I am 44 and am going in for a colonoscopy in two weeks. I have had this planned for awhile so I really don't want to cancel. Anyway, low and behold I will be on my period and for the first 3 days it is usually very heavy. It's very embarrassing and as I said, I don't want to have to reschedule. Am I in trouble?
Hi,I don't think it matters.There have been similar posts regarding the same worries previously,so I expect someone will be along to advise soon.You could ring your GIs office to put your mind at rest.You will be able to visit the toilet immediately prior to your test,so maybe a fresh tampon will help.Also your GP could give you something to delay your period if he thinks it's necessary.Please don't be embarrassed,the staff will have seen a lot worse,it's part of the job.
I agree, please don't delay it. If you call ahead to let them know and use a tampon (if possible of course) then I can't see the problem medically speaking.

I know it's unpleasant and would rather be avoided but if you're not well you really don't want to put this off if you can help it!

If the last 12 months have taught me anything is that medical professionals aren't going to think any less of you no matter what! They have truly seen it all.

Take care x
Just call the GI office and speak to the nurse
They have seen it all
As the GI put when there is a colonoscopy "it's messy" so they don't mind
They just need to know
Typically a tampon is all that's needed
Thanks. A few things I should have mentioned is this won't be anesthesia so I will be fully awake, and unfortunately I can't use Tampons.

Guess I'll just have to grin and bear it.
Good luck Angel! I hope they'll be able to work with you and if you must go through with it, that they'll make as comfortable as possible. Lots of hugs being sent your way.
Really love all the support! I actually looked around and saw there were others that had this issue. I did read one woman who said that they allowed her to keep her underwear on they just pulled it down as much as they needed. I wonder if it's worth asking my GI when I see him next?

Truth is, and I may just be a big baby, but beyond the period thing I am also very modest and really hate taking off anymore clothes than are needed. Even though I realize it's necessary, I would still like to have some coverage if possible. Sorry for the rant.
No, I don't blame you for wanting to be modest. What you can do if you'd like, is to let your doctor/nurses know about your concerns ahead of time if possible. They should be able to put your mind at ease too if they know beforehand. Plus, they maybe able to come up with some ideas with you to make you more comfortable.
Is there a specific reason you won't have anesthesia? Are you going to get anything at all? Colonoscopoies are not normally done in the US at least without some type of sedation...light or moderate. You should at least have an IV in, and they can give you something to make you more comfortable, whether it is a light sedative such as valium, and/or pain medications.

As for the clothing, normally you change into a hospital gown, so you won't be totally naked....
The nursing staff are always aware of our dignity.Nothing is left uncovered that doesn't need to be.I always have my hand held and the nurse explains what is happening.I am mildly sedated and chat all the way through.When it's over you'll wonder what you were worried about.
Is there a specific reason you won't have anesthesia? Are you going to get anything at all? Colonoscopoies are not normally done in the US at least without some type of sedation...light or moderate. You should at least have an IV in, and they can give you something to make you more comfortable, whether it is a light sedative such as valium, and/or pain medications.

As for the clothing, normally you change into a hospital gown, so you won't be totally naked....

I just have a fear of anesthesia. I have read some awful horror stories, and while certainly they may be quite rare, nevertheless I just don't like it. I talked with my GI about it plenty and that's what I am doing.

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