Wal-Mart story #1
Well...after I was diagnosed, we thought we had things under control. WRONG!
I decided to go to Walmart with my daughter (whom you will all come to know as my lil' cheerleader). Things were going great until of course we come to check-out. I am standing there, and all of the sudden, those all-telling gurgles come around again. I am standing there, trying so hard to ignore what it sounds like, as well as what it means. My daughter however, couldn't ignore anything. She asks in a whisper, "mommy, do we need to go to the potty?". Smiling, I replied nope.
Still standing in line, belly gurgling louder, I start to "fidget" around. The pain is increasing, and my daughter, who never misses a thing, asks, "you sure?". I smiled again, and replied nope.
Finally, I bent over to retrieve the cat food from under the cart, and well, you can only guess what sound comes from my butt! My daughter then starts to put everything back in the cart, and very seriously says to the cashier..." You will have to be patient, my mommy has "bones" disease and needs to leave right now. I would tell you that she has to poop, but she told me to be "discreet", whatever that means"...and she grabs my hand and tried to lead me to the potty, which at that point, I had to go.
I may have been red in the face, but she saved my underwear a great deal of a mess!
(And thankfully, everyone knows me at Wal-Mart, cuz I used to work there).