Employer potential problems (UK)

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Sep 2, 2010
Hi all,

Feeling a little stressed out and need some advice about employment.

Basically, i perforated my bowel last year and was signed off for two months to recover, my employers have been really good with it and allowed me to return gradually. Since about Late nov i started having flares, these flares usually last a week but are incredibly painful, i have had a couple of days of in the last 6 months and also several hospital/doctors appointments ( alot of which i was using my holiday allowance for as i didnt want to keep bringing up my health issues.

I have sat down with my boss and explained the disease and the problem (although i myself dont really understand where things are at the moment). And since then he has told me not to take the time off as holiday, just to give him copies of my appointment letters. I might be a little paranoid im not sure but it feels like ever since then, hes been awkward about it, after my hospital appointment last week i thought id give him the courtesy of an update to which he pretty much declined my offer, today i decided to ask him if i should talk directly with HR about my sickness and he advised not to and just speak to him. I mentioned i had a few more appointments and he said just to give him copies of the letters again and i quote "as long as its not too disruptive" - LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE!

Again, i may be a little paranoid but i feel like they are trying to get me to cave in and quit, and i am very close. I work in finance and last week had a complaint suggesting i had breached data protection, despite not have any recordings or proof (i had left a message for a call back with a customers husband in which no personal data was disclosed) he took the matter extremely seriously and i feel i was treated differently than he would have treated my other colleagues.

Sorry for the rant, like i say i may be paranoid, ive been taking tramadol and feel like a zombie, i have no idea what level my crohns is at or what the future holds (i have a CT scan booked for 12th april and then an appointment with a surgeon in July) this pain is killing me, when i queried my GI about steroids last time he said i could have them but they will only make me feel better they dont actually get to the root cause of the crohns. I have asked him for some, will the pain go if i have some? - i had budesonide when i was diagnosed but i dont recall much other than eating loads.
Couple of questions I see. First of all, steroids are meant to reduce inflammation so as they may not get at the root cause, they do help with the symptoms and help heal the affected areas. I believe your doc is thinking only along the lines of suppressing your immune system which is nice for him to want those types of drugs for you but he should also focus on the way you're feeling NOW. What are you taking for Crohn's now?

As for the job, its a rocky situation. They will look for any reason other than your health to fire you unfortunately. Same thing happened with my boyfriend although he had hurt his back and shoulder. He would send the work releases from his doctor and the ER visit paper work but they still sent him an email saying that if he didn't return to work on such and such date then they would have to let him go. So he applied for temporary disability. They cannot fire you if you're disabled. I wonder if you could do something like that for now. Dunno what the laws are like where you are though.
You have quite a lot of rights as an employee. Hospital and doctor visits are a given and best dealt with via your manager - at least that's how my various employers have been. Where you have been off ill, either self-certify, or hand in a doctors certificate if away more than I think 5? working days.

Pred may well help you. At this point in time there is no cure for Crohns so treating the sympotms as best as possible is all the doctors can do. If you need pred to damp down the inflammation and function then raise hell and high water for it. Your GP can probably give you the script!

Tramadol is pretty heavy stuff and I'm not surprised you feel like a zombie.
This is a real problem for alot of us! I was off for some months, then emergency surgery, then flu and chest infection.

Every move I make, they are watching. Any excuse, I'm gone. That is the way of employers.

Good luck to you and me!

Two years ago when both a new Manager and HR person came on the scene, I took th opportunity of sitting down with both of them at the same time and fully explained my situation to them. Since then I've had to under go 6 Surgeries and as a result have had to take a total of several months off work. They have been very supportive through out. I guess that it helps that I have been with the company for over 30 years and until about 6 years ago had a fairly senior position. I also make a point of doing what I can from home even when I'm officially signed-off. They know that I don't have to do this and appreciate the effort. Management and HR are kept fully informed about up-coming appointments and their outcome.

In my opinion full disclosure is the best policy. However you have to decide what is best for your self. Perhaps this document from the Crohn and Colitis UK website would be useful for you?


I have to say that I gave a copy to my Manager and HR and suggested that they may find it useful. Of course, is does not hurt them to know what my rights are, just in case!

Two things come to mind....

Do you have an Occupational Health team you can "self refer" to? I saw my Occ Health consultant last week and got the letter today she has written to my manager. In it she explains my original reasons for ending up off sick last November - which was a reaction to a drug - then that I have had my crohns infliximab stopped (as gastro think I am too immunosuppressed) and as a result my crohn's is flaring and I am exhausted and she stated I would not be back in the immediate future and she will have me reviewed on April 21st so my GP has signed me off until then as a result!

The other thing is do you realise you come under the Equality Act 2010 which replaces the Disability Discrimination Act? Anyone with a chronic condition that impacts on their life can be considered. My Occ Health cons reminded my boss of this in the letter too.

HR can swing one way or the other but at the end of the day if you can get an Occ health review you will have support for YOU from a personal perspective AND in relation to your boss.

Hope this helps. Hang in there.
Thanks for the responses.

I am currently taking 50mg Aza with 100mg Allopurinol since last month, prior to that i was taking 150mg aza. I also take 800mg Asacol twice daily. I had a course of antibiotics recently to clear up an abcess, that was when i was given tramadol to take as and when required, Drainage of the abcess was not very conclusive so the CT in two weeks is to assess it and the fistula. The trouble with the steroids i understand is that your body can build up a tolerance to them so are less effective the longer you use them? and i think hes wanted to see if the Aza and Allopurinol combination was successful before starting me on steroids and having to wean off etc.

As far as work goes, im not entirely sure what my HR manager knows. When i joined the company i had to do a confidential health questionaire, so she should know i have a chronic condition, and knows i had teh surgery last year. I might speak to her directly, thing is i know i have rights for sickness etc but ive never shoved them in their face, i think the fact ive taken holiday for hospital appointment proves that. At the moment i suppose it could look a bit suspicious, 1 day off sick, then back at work and you look fine, also i went in to see GI a couple of weeks back, i had to get my nurse to sign a SSP slip for proof - when i asked for it back from boss, he said he didnt need a copy he just wanted to see it - as if i was making it up!
i eventualy gave up my job after 6mnths off after surgery as my company were a bunch of miserable arseholes and showed no compassion towards my illness.i went from 11 1/2 stone to 8 in abot 3 weeks and my work were only interested in me doing the shift and there work being done even though i was clearly and physicaly in need of help.i was paid ssp of £70 a week and even at that the company claimed it back so in the end it was better for me to tell them to stick their job firmly up there arse,not saying thats the way forward but i bust my balls for them with no thanks or support so i had no choice for my own health,now things have progresively got worse wae the big D and ive tried nearly all meds,the steriods are a great quick fix drug but long term are a nightmare and im struggling to wean of them now and its causing me allsorts of problems.osteopenia the main one so be warry of these meds.i think certain companys will be either for or against you but my situation was i had to do what was best for me and not my boss.if you have any problems then contact acas they deal with the rights you have in employment,my bosses wife tried to tell me i hadnt worked enough through time of to acrue my anual leave so i called them and they were very helpfull and told me i was entitled to the full years quota to the dismay of my bosses wife who was a penny pinching bitch.they were willing to take court preceedings if she never coughed up and she bottled it and paid up :) rant over lol
Hi, I hope things are going okay and don't resign !

I have been having a dreadful time with my employer/line management ever since I returned from being off ill for some months and they found out I had a chronic condition.

They are supposed to make "reasonable adjustments " and that includes allowing time for medical visits and accepting you will have more sick leave than a person without this disability.

You are covered under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 which has been incorporated into the new Equality Act 2010.
I hope very much that your OH are unbiased, your HR will not be, but ultimately they work for 'management' as I found out too late

If you are a union member contact them. If you are not, join and contact them. You have rights and should not be discrimninated against due to you misfortune.

My case is still going on. I am being bullied and harassed and they have tried very hard to make me resign, pushing me around, manipulating and lying to me. When I didn't go they started trying to find more ways to push me out, became very nasty and are trying to engineer reasons to sack me while trying to get rid of me on health grounds.
They have treated me so badly that I became too ill to stay at work and ended up off with a flare up worsening due to them maintaining the pressure with emails and letters to my home while I was on sick leave. I ended up off work for 5 weeks which, sadly, played into their hands but I asserted from the start that I was ill due to manner in which I was treated

I now have a good TU rep and they are either going to back down and give me the adjustments I deserve, doubtless without any apology or compensation, or they will dismiss me anyway and it will go to an employment tribunal

I really, really hope that your employer is not like mine but please seek out your union rep and make sure you have someone on your side, even if it's just for advice and someone to talk to. When it comes down to it companies/organisations conveniently forget that we're human beings with feelings. The fact that we're trying to cope with a chronic condition and still do a good job for them is of no consequence when they decide they don't want to pay you for being ill or at the doctors

Sorry for being a bit ranty but I don't want you to end up where I am
I was soft, felt bad about being ill and that was foolish because they use that. Start as you mean to go on and be firm and fair.
I gave my employer the NACC Guide to Employers http://www.nacc.org.uk/downloads/factsheets/employers.pdf before I was even back at work and they did nothing. It explains about the condition and even advises on the reasonable adjustments they can make.
I had to fight for 2 months to be able to move my desk from miles across a huge open plan office to one closer to the ladies. I was left humiliated by what I had to cope with and immensely distraught by their denial that I even needed such a move and I don't want anyone to go through that if it can be avoided

Good luck with it all. It's not your fault you are unwell and hang in there :hug:
I spoke to my boss last week after a day off, he has asked for my permission to write to my consultant about my sickness. So I have given them his details and my IBD nurses details. I dont think they understand the severity of crohns judging by what he was saying, firstly he thought that i was having secondary infections from the surgery which whilst is the case isnt the main problem, when i explained it was a bowel disease he didnt seem to realise this, dispite me having explained it to him several months ago.

Hopefully theyll cut me some slack now, its not like im asking a lot of them. Id be happy to make up the time on a saturday or extra hour after work and ive even told them not to pay me if its such an issue.

Apparently a script for some steroids is en route so im praying for a good reaction to these, lost about half a stone in the last month and the last couple of days ive been going to the toilet every couple of hours, including during the night. I need a break!
Careful, careful with giving your employer access to your medical records! Bupa asked for full details of my NHS treatment, I refused. They work for my employer...NOT for me! My employer would no doubt use it against me when it suited them. No way they get to know private info about me! If your Dr's are worth a damn they wont tell them anything anyway!

It IS NOT YOUR EMPLOYERS BUSINESS to know the ins and outs of your personal medical life! If they want to research Crohn's they can. I'd give them a copy of the pamplet Jet mentioned.

Trust NOT your employers!
First post...
only reason im staying in my current job is because its close to the hospital and my boss is happy for me to use up all my holiday days for hospital visits...

it,s shite but hey least i can go to my work every day.
Sounds like you're having one hell of a time!!
Employers can be ifficult about illness, but rightly so I guess . . . they still have to pay us even when we're too sick to work! It sounds to me like you're doing everything right, being open and honest with them and trying to 'keep them in the loop'. I know my boss really appreciates that. Yes, he's an ass sometimes, but i think everone has that right occasionally too!!
I'd advise caution when speaking to your boss, make sure it's in private as they can't be seen to be giving you any special treatment infront of colleagues. Try also to take the 'can' approach . . . theres certain tasks at work I can't do, but if i say that, I get labelled, so I go with the . . . 'I can do that task freeing x to do the other one' . . . approach.
Allowing access to your med notes is a good plan, that way there can be no questions asked.
I would suggest digging out your contract and checking the 'sickness' section, and maybe finding a friendy HR dude to speak to would be a plan, mainly so you have a contact should things get hairy. Good luck to anyone dismissing you on grounds of disability, they can't and won't, don't give them the satisfaction of quitting :)
Well, here we go! I had my '2010 appraisal' today. What a farce! I was not appraised on my 2010 performance. But for the last 3 weeks that I was back to work after my major surgery. After 6+ years with the company missing almost no work...on average 1 day a year, they want me out. Major company I will not name, but construction sector. I'm in sales.

I'm off to join a union tonight. :devil:

Sounds like you are having it worse than me Misty, i have now signed an "Access to medical reports act 1988" form with my consultants and gps details. I have requested that i see the report before it is disclosed to them. I take things very personally because i very much resent the suggestion that i am witholding information and some of my absence is not genuine. Thats how i feel at the moment, still, i know that they cant get rid of me now, they are worldwide household name and would not risk a tribunal.

Are they making your position untenable? Depending on your responsibiltys that might be a cause to raise with them. I get the whole thing with employers that we are costing them money etc etc, but ive told them to cut my pay if its an issue, although as a human rights issue they wont, or let me make the time up, but they refuse that too. Its like your made to feel guilty for something thats not your fault and theres nothing you can do about it.
Last week, after all the advice I give to others about Employment Law as their Unison steward, it was my turn!
My boss wrote to me (on headed notepaper no less!) to ask for an informal 'chat' a bit of 'counselling' she said, WTF!
During our chat it became 'heavy'
She produced a sickness record, 111 days since last January. Every one of them was recorded as either Crohn's recovery or related. She said she didn't know much about Crohn's, which was blindingly bloody obvious, she said 'it's just diarrhea isn't it?' WTF again!
I gave her the leaflet from Crohns & Colitis UK called employers guide.
She said 'I don't think Crohn's is covered by the DDA'
I said 'I thought you didn't know owt about it?'
To cut a long story short.
I have to go in front of the Trustees for a disiplinary.
I said 'Bring it on luv'
I will scrap with the ignorant bitch all the way to court if I have to.
I've phoned the union, my solicitor and my consultant.
Can't wait to see The Gringotts' faces when I walk in with them three!

Oh and 14 years I've been there and not a day off with CD up until last year, when I was hospitalised.
Soooooooooooooo angry!
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My employer was kept informed thru BUPA. Unfortunately. BUPA was unable to help me in the least, and referred me back to the NHS. It doesnt matter if they are informed or not, if they want you gone, you will be gone. Especially in this economic climate. Especially if you are nearing 50 as I am.

Let me describe my employment. I have an office. No toilet, no kettle, no microwave, no fridge, no breaks, no lunch. Work 9.30am to 5pm...if I'm lucky I actually get out of there at 6pm. No overtime. Work every weekend and bank holiday. Drive 1.5 hours each way. Now that I need a toilet and a break, I'm outta there.

Think a union might LOVE that one? 6.5 years with hardly any sickness. Now that my figure isn't perfect and I'm over 30...SEE YA they say to me.

See you in court TW!!!
Joan, YOU GO GIRL!!!!! 14 years and they pull this???

At the end of the day I expected this. And they wonder why people stay on disability benefits or just give up over here. The employers pretty much force it dont they? I'd rather be dead than be on benefits, not that I'd qualify for any. So...special tea for me on the cards very soon!

yeah Misty, it's crap, I'm 48 this year, and if they're gonna chuck me out cos I'm an old bird, I'll have em done for age discrim too!
Good luck Misty, think we're both gonna need it!
Yes Joan, we are gonna need some luck.

I forgot to mention, we dont have heat in my office either. Luckily I was in hospital during the cold spell this winter. Oh, and theres a canvas roof.

Yes, I do believe someone is in deep shit. Joan, your employer is lucky to have you. They just dont get it do they? We work HARD...and what for??? I have wrinkles, and they can get people with no experience, and cheaper. So good bye to us!

Last week, after all the advice I give to others about Employment Law as their Unison steward, it was my turn!
My boss wrote to me (on headed notepaper no less!) to ask for an informal 'chat' a bit of 'counselling' she said, WTF!
During our chat it became 'heavy'
She produced a sickness record, 111 days since last January. Every one of them was recorded as either Crohn's recovery or related. She said she didn't know much about Crohn's, which was blindingly bloody obvious, she said 'it's just diarrhea isn't it?' WTF again!
I gave her the leaflet from Crohns & Colitis UK called employers guide.
She said 'I don't think Crohn's is covered by the DDA'
I said 'I thought you didn't know owt about it?'
To cut a long story short.
I have to go in front of the Trustees for a disiplinary.
I said 'Bring it on luv'
I will scrap with the ignorant bitch all the way to court if I have to.
I've phoned the union, my solicitor and my consultant.
Can't wait to see The Gringotts' faces when I walk in with them three!

Oh and 14 years I've been there and not a day off with CD up until last year, when I was hospitalised.
Soooooooooooooo angry!

Mister_Hotspur & Joan,
So sorry it's your turn to deal with the work bullsh*t. If you're like me, your feeling anger, disrespect, betrayal, and depression. Hold firm with your position and keep your chin up. You've done nothing to deserve the treatment you are receiving. I received a poor rating last year (first in my 23 year career as I am a consistent performer) and to make matters worse, they are putting me on a performance improvement plan. I made a decision to be a team player last year and work through my illness. By the end of September it became too much and I went on a short term disability. At year end review time they told me that I didn't measure up to my peers and told me that they could not take my efforts to work through my illness into consideration and that they were merely following company policy. Rather than fight them, I chose to attempt to change our corporate policy on Diversity and Inclusion on the grounds that I am being discriminated against because of my disability. I sent the following memo to our head of Global Diversity......Long story short, Corporate wants to meet me to discuss my observations next week.....wish me luck !

"Dear Sir or Madam,
I’ve had an opportunity to review our Diversity and Inclusion documentation and wish to relay some feedback.
I love the fact that we continue to expanded our view of Diversity and Inclusion with additional layers.
As this document is a “living and breathing” document, I’m hopeful that there is still opportunity for improvement and or additional clarity.
While Mental/Physical Ability is called out, I do not see a call-out for Mental/Physical Disabilities. It may be implied, but I feel that this is a gap
with our Diversity recognition if this area is not called-out within this category.
Believe me when I say that my disability plays a major factor in who I am as person, how I function, and it has a huge impact on my ability to achieve within this organization.
Individuals with Mental/Physical disabilities can, and do accomplish great things, but it needs to be recognized that we may follow a different path than our healthy counterparts.
Greater education is necessary for all, to recognize the additional challenges that we face that are not included in our G&O discussions or year end evaluations.
I’ve even been told by management that direction has been given by HR that the physical and mental struggles I have chosen to work through as a team-player should not be recognized or taken into consideration during year-end reviews.
I consider this to be a major omission from a Diversity perspective, and feel that I am being singled out as an underachiever when the exact opposite is the reality.
Unless this is recognized by the organization from a Diversity perspective, individuals with physical and mental disabilities will continue to face this additional hurdle on an annual basis, and this is unacceptable. This places us on an uneven playing field with our healthy counterparts, and this is not representative of our organization.
In a perfect world we should be singled out as beacons of hope, and role models, but this sadly is not the case.
I thank you for your time and look forward to your feedback."
Hiya Gurgle

and thank you for that! That letter is excellent, I might pinch some of it for my letter to the Trustees.
Something else I'm researching at the mo, my boss said that if I'm off work long term again, the Trustees might consider not paying me, this I believe is not acceptable. I'm entitled to Statutory Sick Pay. I've paid my NI contributions to the government since the age of 16.
Our problem at work stems from the fact that we are a private company/school. It seems to me that they can administer any law that they want and only follow UK Employment Law as a 'guidline'
My performance management/appraisal is due in June, remains to be seen what they write about in that!
I wish you all the luck in the world Gurgle, keep fighting luv!
Hi All,

Hope you are well....I am a HR Officer and I have Crohns (well 2 consultants have told me I have and 1 is adamant it's infection - yet I'm suffering like mad! Anyway!)....which has helped loads because I know where I stand at work.

You are as a chrons sufferer covered under the disability discrimination act (DDA) and if your employer discriminates or dismisses with anything in realtion to your chrons they could have a very hefty employment tribunal on their hands!

Also any absences in relation to your chrons should not be classed and you can not be disciplined or dismissed for - as you are covered under the DDA.

Mister Hotspur - My advice would be to speak directly to HR and tell them about your crohns only (not full medical history) and tell them you're concerned about your Manager's recent change in attitude to it. I'd also drop into the conversation with HR that you're aware you're covered under the DDA -that will make their ears prick up and listen and they will have to ensure your Manager is treating you fairly - otherwise a claim could be coming their way - and trust me no HR person wants to deal with emplolyment tribunals - it's soooooooooo much work!

If you ever have any HR related questions please feel free to ask me and I will be more than happy to help.

Astra 101 - you are near to me and somebody recommend I speak to you about consultants, but with you being in mersyside I think you'd probably see somebody that way?

Yvette xx
You are as a chrons sufferer covered under the disability discrimination act (DDA) and if your employer discriminates or dismisses with anything in realtion to your chrons they could have a very hefty employment tribunal on their hands!

Abso bloody lutely! Bring it on!

Thanks Yvette! Oh, and welcome hun!
Yes I've been to Occy Health twice and they reported back to management. Their 'reasonable adjustments' are fab! In fact, the consultant there was shocked and apalled that I had been made to go for a medical. Ho Hum!
I know my rights and I'm gearing up for a fight.

Yes my consultants are at Whiston Hospital in Prescot, Merseyside. It's a 10 minute drive from St. Helens. Where are you?
Hi Joan...

I'm in Burnley (somebody has to! lol!). I'm at Blackburn hospital and my consultant is awful and arrogant and rude!

I know, I've just read it! Awful piece of work!
Burnley isn't that far from me, maybe 40 mins? My boyf is in Blackburn and it takes 25 mins on the M6 to visit each other.
Go over to your other thread for my reply

You are as a chrons sufferer covered under the disability discrimination act (DDA) and if your employer discriminates or dismisses with anything in realtion to your chrons they could have a very hefty employment tribunal on their hands!

Also any absences in relation to your chrons should not be classed and you can not be disciplined or dismissed for - as you are covered under the DDA

Yvette, that's very interesting! So, does that mean if I'm absent and in hospital, or signed off after surgery, they cant class me as sick or absent? Obviously due to Crohn's not anything else.

Also, what then do you do when they are bullying and picking on you to try and either dismiss you, or get you to quit??

Many regards,
Yes Misty, that is correct.
If you read the leaflet from Crohns & Colitis Uk guide to employers

it says that if you're absent from work cos of a disability related sickness, it is important that this is recorded separately from other sickness absences, such as having a cold.
This is to make sure that the employee is not discriminated against if decisions about promotion or bonuses, take into account sickness absence.

The employer needs to obtain medical evidence, consulted with you and considered whether alternative employment can be offered before they consider terminating your employment.
If you're dismissed cos of Crohns, then they're breaking the DDA. Simple as.
Phone ACAS, 08457 474747
or www.acas.org.uk

Try not to worry, hard I know, but if they want to be sued, let them persist, but don't let the bastards grind you down!

You are as a chrons sufferer covered under the disability discrimination act (DDA) and if your employer discriminates or dismisses with anything in realtion to your chrons they could have a very hefty employment tribunal on their hands!

Also any absences in relation to your chrons should not be classed and you can not be disciplined or dismissed for - as you are covered under the DDA

Yvette, that's very interesting! So, does that mean if I'm absent and in hospital, or signed off after surgery, they cant class me as sick or absent? Obviously due to Crohn's not anything else.

Also, what then do you do when they are bullying and picking on you to try and either dismiss you, or get you to quit??

Many regards,

Hi Misty,

You will be classed as sick/absent but any absences related to your chrons should be recorded seperately to other absences, as they are covered under the DDA and you should not be penalised for. For example - If you had 2 weeks off for crohns and 2 weeks off for, say, flu - it would be recorded seperately and they couldn't combine the 2 to say there was a problem with your absence record. Hope I'm clear there - I'm awful at explaining! lol.

If I was you I'd be documenting anything that you feel is bullying or picking on you - who, what was said/done and date and time. If they dismiss you, you will then have ample evidence to prove that they have dismissed you or forced you to quit due to discrimination under the DDA.

Do you have a HR department you could raise your concerns too? How big is your company? If it's one person doing the bullying you could raise a grievance?

Yvette xx
Yvette, thank you. My company is very big indeed. However, they are not trying to dismiss me due to my absence. They are trying to trump up everything else they can make up! For instance, not getting along with my site manager. Who for YEARS has had complaints against him and is robbing the company blind. Never mind. I cant get along with him...so I'm HORRIBLE. But he's friends with the MD, so hey..I'm screwed! Also, due to my surgery, my figure isnt that attractive anymore. So, I no longer fit in with thier idea of 'perfect' to present the company. Therefore, I'm worthless to them! Oh, and I'm past 30....my bad!!!! So they hired a 30 year old with no experience to replace me at the site I work on. With NO EXPERIENCE. But hey, she's cute with a nice figure!

I joined the Unite union today folks. Wish me luck. It's gonna get ugly.
Hey Misty,

That's awful! Employers can be so horrid! Don't you worry the union will help you....! I think you've still got plenty of grounds for unfair dismissal. If you can present that they have caused all these 'issues' in order to dismiss you due to your chrons, then you've got a brilliant claim. They'd have to argue why they have dismissed you who has plenty of experience and hired a non experienced person etc. The union will help you through it all.

Again if you ever need anything....

Yvette xxx
I feel for you... my employer is doing exactly the same thing, they threatened to fire me because of the time off I have had due to flare ups - quoting 'it would be beneficial for my health and I would have more time to concentrate on getting better' - now because i told them this was discibility discrimination they are giving me warnings and as you say, it feels like they are trying to wear me down and make me quit. A colleague at work who I trust told me that since my last meeting with them they have been printing lots of stuff on discibiltiy discrimination - I know they cannot force me to quit but they are not making things easy for me and they have sent me two written complaints now about my time off and threatened to lay me off if I do not supply evidence of every time I was off being related to Crohn's (even though I have given them doctors notes, appointment letters etc.).

Its disgusting that companies can treat people like this, especially as I have never kept my illness a secret and half the time I have had off I have not been paid for. Seems that since my holidays/ sick pay was renewed at the beginning of April they are putting more pressure on me.

Also, I dont know if you get this, but seems that no matter how much I explain what Crohn's is and what exactly is happening in forms of tests etc. they just turn round and say why dont you exercise, eat properly or take some medicine - If it was that easy, do they not think I would - I feel like there is an utter lack of understanding or want of understanding when it has come to my condition.
Ive not yet recived the report my employers have requested from my doc, although i know they have 28 days or something.

Crohns85, do you have an IBD nurse? Mine is prepared to talk to my employer on the phone about it if they call her, although they havent. Perhaps that would help, my work environment is very formal and 'political'. Everything has to go through the proper channels etc etc I.e, something that would take 2 mins ends up taking several days, like if someone in another department made a mistake, instead of calling them and letting them know, youd have to raise it to your manager and from there it goes around the heirarchy..and eventually to that person.
Perhaps if your boss wants a wake up call they could talk to your nurse? They cant write complaints to you about time off due to crohns, thats just asking for trouble.
If you havent already it will be worth documenting all the time off you have, meetings, letters etc regarding your disease. This way if it does come to court then you will have a lot of evidence.

on a different note, a guy at my work has just gone for retirement due to ill health (crohns) and as he didnt have many records of him being ill (he used his holidays rather than sick days) he found it very difficult to show he was too ill to work. So if you are ill due to crohns make sure they know why

Also if they are making it hard for you to work, and putting a lot of pressure on you to leave this could constitute as bullying, so again if you have any verbal warnings/meetings etc make sure you get the minutes for it in writing and signed by all to show they agree with what they said.
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of all the problems going on with employment for you guys too.

Part of the reason I haven't been on here lately is because of trying to cope with all the discrimination at work while trying to maintain some kind of life when I'm not at work.

I raised 2 grievances on March 4th regarding acting on vastly incorrect sickness absence and continuing to refuse a reasonable adjustment which would allow me to work from home as necessary
They have blatantly tried to circumvent their own procedure which states a formal meeting within 10 days and are not even allowing me to have the grievance procedure

They have tried to get rid of me by

1. scoring my performance as unacceptable when I returned from being ill with continued bullying and harassment and just making life hell, even getting a desk nearer the toilets - all of this I believe to force me to resign, which I haven't and do not intend to do. They have even sent threatening letters while I was off sick

2. using incorrect sickness absence data to solicit a letter from Occy Health so they can try to dismiss me for absence ( even though they refuse a reasonable adjustment that would reduce sickness absence)

3. intimidating me regarding medical visits and generally making me feel like crap for being ill

4. Launching an investigation into my time recording focusing on medical visits and time spent with my TU rep

5. applying for Ill-Health retirement which is effectively unfair dismissal leaving me with no income, no pension and little or no chance of getting another job !

and 6. it looks like they are now setting me up for some kind of panel to dismiss me due to "inefficiency"

It's un-****ing believable the lengths they are going to and they know full well they can't do the things they are doing but, of course, I can't stop them or exert my rights without the hell of an employment tribunal

Sorry, getting ranty :eek:

I have worked hard, emotionally, to have a great Easter as I have been on annual leave but I strongly suspect that when I get back they will unfairly dismiss me for some trumped up charge.
I know they are guilty as hell and I should get vindication but it doesn't help with the upset and stress does it
I wish I was stronger

Of course all of this means I never, ever seem to be well and I was so upset when I stayed with a friend over Easter ( for the 1st time) and spent most of the time embarrassed and going to the toilet :(

He had lots of guests, people I didn't know, with a fantastic bbq and I ended up not daring to eat :redface:

Golly, sorry to get back on here and start ranting. I read the posts above and then it all started coming out.
Don't get me wrong, I have made the most of my time off in this wonderful weather we're having and I have some lovely friends but I just remain chipper and happy to everyone else whereas inside I get so upset by it all, frequently nearly burst into tears, and now I've let it all out on here

My GI specialist has now put me on Azathioprine which I started last night and I'm on an increasing dose of amitriptyline. It was interesting at my last consultants appointment when he asked if I was having a lot of stress saying " it's usually stress" and I said I was having some problems at work. Instantly he said " is it your illness?"
That's when he said I could try Azathioprine

I'll try to get the cheery face back on as I'm not back at work for a bit and I apologise for this blast out but I know you guys will understand :ghug:

You go Joan and everyone please let us know how you get along. I'll update with what happens for me and make sure I get back on here regularly again as I really believe it helps. Thanks :)
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Jet...fight. Fight them every step. Or better yet, let your union do it for you.
You are not alone, we are here, and fighting as well I might add.

But please, stay on the straight and narrow at work while you are doing it. Dont give them more ammunition! You must be seen to be a hard worker when able. Do everything right. Good luck my darlin, and keep us all posted. I am so sorry you are going thru this! Work hard and smile. Very difficult with what you are going through. But you must be seen to be trying. I wish I could give you a huge bear hug every 15 minutes to help you through!

Jet...fight. Fight them every step. Or better yet, let your union do it for you.
You are not alone, we are here, and fighting as well I might add.

But please, stay on the straight and narrow at work while you are doing it. Dont give them more ammunition! You must be seen to be a hard worker when able. Do everything right. Good luck my darlin, and keep us all posted. I am so sorry you are going thru this! Work hard and smile. Very difficult with what you are going through. But you must be seen to be trying. I wish I could give you a huge bear hug every 15 minutes to help you through!


Oh thank you so much :hug: I really appreciate that
You are right and I work hard, and smile, trying to keep focus and rise above their nonsense. I have a new line manager and have tried to keep her sort of out of it so we can build our relationship 'cleanly' but I am also having to be careful at the same time

I'm going to think of those bear hugs and knowing that there are people who understand, are also going through this rubbish and I'm not alone. When I fight I will fight for us all :ghug:
Thank you again, that has really helped bolster my determination, and made me cry, but in a good way :)
Re the Unions, mine is Prospect and I'm 99% confident they will take this to an employment tribunal. I certainly couldn't afford to and I reckon my organisation are counting on me having to give in.

A useful thing is that they have become so maniacal about "getting me" they are making mistakes all over the place. I believe they are now trying the "trumped up charge" because the penny has dropped that they can't do it for my sickness but I'm pretty sure, with their behaviour and the evidence I had, that they will still be found guilty for trying to get rid of me because if my illness.

I have obtained all my OH and HR records and various emails under the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act.
Amongst the OH file and emails I have what my TU calls " a smoking gun" I try to remember this when I get upset.
Also, one member of my line management, we'll call him Mr G has miraculously got no emails on me despite being included in emails I have received from other parties who included him.

I don't think I can do anything with this information until I find myself at an employment tribunal but, in that event, I shall be requesting an investigation into the lack of emails concerning me held by my Mr G and also using an email that clearly shows doctoring. Under the FOI Act I'm pretty sure that is a serious offence.

I'm think anyone can get such information and I would recommend it to you all. Unfortunately they obtain the emails by asking the individuals, hence why some appear to be missing and/or doctored, but I think, if it comes to it, all emails back for so many years can be obtained as records have to be held for some time.

I had to fill in a SAR - Subject Access Request and wait 40 days for the output. For more info have a look here http://www.ico.gov.uk/

I will fight on and update what happens with any useful advice I can think of

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