Empty stomach question

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Sep 26, 2010
It seems if I let myself get too hungry I feel weak and feverish - even flu-like - in order to get rid of this feeling I need to pig out - is this a common symptom?

My current problem is I have been flaring like never before and increasingly worse the last week. I decide to day I cant take it anymore and I would just do liquids. Well those liquids (ensure, dr Adkins shakes) didnt do the trick as I still felt weak and feverish so I ate solid food and the feverish and weakness went away but now left with intense bloating and bent over in pain.

Please advise....

a Xanex once in a while
Fish Oil
Maybe try eating something with your meds, but then after that try the drinks again? Or maybe eating little and often, so your stomach is never empty but also never full? And have you tried the low residue diet, I stuck to that when I had pain when eating and it really helped.
My tummy feels really odd when I don't eat on Prednesone...and I am turning into a cow! Are any of the meds you mentioned a steriod? I am not familiar with all of them. Maybe something isn't mixing well with another? I would talk to your pharmacist. Anytime I take a new med I always call and ask them to double check everything I am putting in my mouth - even if its a vitamin or natural supplement...you never know.
I have intense pain in my stomach when it is empty! I just try to eat small meals/snacks frequently...
Low residue diet helps for me with flares that include diarrhea. For stomach/abdominal pain I have never been able to see that what I eat has much effect. I was on prilosec for intense stomach pain, bloating, vomiting but it didn't really help. I was having about two 5-day episodes a month, with 2 of those days being totally out of commission. Doc had me switch to protonix and presto chango! Haven't had that in several months. So far, so good.


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