Endocrine Tumor

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2011

Was just wondering if any of you have been sent to see if there is an endocrine Tumor causing all of the Diarrhea issues.
I presently have a nuclear test scheduled tomorrow and a repeat scan on Friday to see if there is an endocrine tumors in my abdomen or anywhere else. Apparently they sometimes over exert hormones that can cause severe diarrhea and pain.

Anyone ever have these tests just curious to know what to expect.

Thank you.
Here's a list of tests done to check for endocrine tumors: http://www.cancer.net/patient/Cancer+Types/Carcinoid+Tumor?sectionTitle=Diagnosis

Many of those tests are routine tests for Crohn's so a tumor should have been spotted if you've had any of these tests recently. Another good reason to have maintenance tests done to make sure that everything is up to snuff even if you are in remission since those with IBD have a greater risk of developing cancer.

No none of my GI docs have ever brought this up but I have had scopes and barium x-rays done recently where a tumor should have been spotted.

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