Ensure only Nightmare

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Jan 31, 2013
I've been drinking ensure only for a couple of weeks and it's driving me crazy.
Ensure is the only thing I can drink/eat and it sucks.
I'm craving salty food.
The funny thing is I had a stupid nightmare where my little sister, my little brother and my parents started finding the foods that I was craving and eating it in front of my face. :cry:
Oh, you poor thing :( I remember being on EEN one time - and flat out refused to do it ever again, lol. I used to find, though, that sometimes even smelling or cooking the food I was craving helped. I know it sounds really counterintuitive, but I made my family an apple pie while I was on EEN, and watching them eat it while the smells of the baking were still in the kitchen... well, I had a couple of cartons and afterwards it felt like I'd had some along with them. I also made a menu of what I'd eat once I was off the EEN - also a big help, even though my parents thought it'd make things worse :)

That nightmare sounds horrible, though :( all I can really say is for you to keep going because you're doing so well!! Soon enough you'll be able to eat everything you crave again. Good luck!! :D
Hey pixie girl, sorry you are having trouble :( . These things are horrible and you are so well to keep at it like you are.

It's just a thought but when did you last get some bloods done? Sometimes when we crave a certain type of food it can be a sign we are deficient in something, so maybe your sodium is low?

Hang on in there, you're doing so well, just focus on getting to the end of this and being able to eat what you fancy :) .

Sorry about the nightmare, they are horrible, do you have anyone you can chat to about these things?
After a month long or more strict formula diet i've heard of people going into remission and gaining weight (if they were low). Stick to it and don't give up!
I used to draw pictures of the foods I wanted in the hospital, just made me crave them more xD