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My daughters goes for entyvio number five this week. praying that this one is the magic to get her really feeling better and staying that way!
I am 3 in and scheduled for 4th next month. I was on 6MP, but ended up in the hospital for 2 nights in early July. They suspected the 6MP was causing the side effects that landed me in the hospital (i.e. RLQ pain, rectal pain). I've been off of 6MP for over a month. I'm on Pred (started at 40 and tapered now to 20). I am still having RLQ pain, less than July, but still moderate. I am still having rectal pain and bleeding from fistula tract, but pain is less than hospitalization.
I had MR last week. It showed mild inflammation in distal ileum, moderate inflammation in recto-sigmoid junction and questionable peri-anal fistula. CRS says scan did not go far enough to pick up the fistula we already know about. He is looking at films with radiologist to formulate plan. I'm waiting on his call this week. I have GI appointment next week.
At this point, I am so tired. I am so frustrated. My GI has indicated that he does want to add either 6MP again or Methotrexate. No one seems to be able to explain the RLQ pain considering the "mild" inflammation that showed on MR. My C-Reactive protein never showed anything. The Calprotectin is within normal limits. It's clear I have active disease. I have inflammation. I have at least one fistula that will not heal. I just sometimes feel when all these tests are normal, people don't believe the pain you are in.
I am sorry for the vent. Just had to let it out. Thanks.
Has anyone gone down to six weeks in between instead of eight and had better succes with that?
I completed my 4th infusion last week. I now have a rash that looks like ring worm but doesn't respond to anti fungal cream. It's getting worse. I'm going up contact my doctor immediately. Any body else had a rash or itching?
I completed my 4th infusion last week. I now have a rash that looks like ring worm but doesn't respond to anti fungal cream. It's getting worse. I'm going up contact my doctor immediately. Any body else had a rash or itching?
That is such good news!!!
I've had my 3rd injection and I am physically exhausted. My brain is muddled and I'm not doing my job as well as I've been. I have a rectal prolapse and I'm bleeding with every BM. Going back to GI next week, who I'm sure will just add the steroids back to the mix? I hate them, as I swell up and can't sleep. Might be time for surgery? Any thoughts on this?
M son just had 4th infusion bit of a flare up between 3 and 4. How long after infusion should he feel better?
thanks Gary. And what is tumor necrosis? I heard of PML from reading other posts on this site.
My gastrodoc informed me that the vast majority of his patients who were started om Entyvio wer/are not getting any better, if not worse. It was worth a shot for me but it failed.
As I cannot take Advil or Aleve or any drug in that class, Tylenol is my only recourse.
Happy Canadian Thanksgivingand Columbus Day
He is still dealing with perianal abscesses, which we are hoping will improve as this therapy continues. Has anyone seen improvement with perianal abscesses while on Entyvio?