ER for pain management

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Jan 7, 2014
Sunday I was in a lot of pain... Bringing me to tears which rarely happens. Yesterday was significantly better and then all day today it's been worse than Sunday! It's super sharp and the severity is intermittent but frequently a 9/10, doubling me over, making me teary, and feels like I'm being stabbed... Hubby thinks I should go to ER but I'm pretty site they'll just keep me for Obs till GI can come in the morning and they'll send me right back home, because the week of Christmas I was inpatient for a week and had upper/lower scopes and a pill endoscopy all of which showed only minimal ulcerations in small intestine, so added methotrexate in addition to the remicade I've been on for 5 yrs... So I'm looking for opinions -- do any of you go to the ER when you have out of control pain but know they won't find anything?! Not sure what to do but I'm writhing and miserable!
I went to ER Sunday for my horrible pain and GI bleed and just got out of the hospital today. I was unsure if they would find anything different or simply give me the usual fluids, steriods and pain meds and send me on my way. Turns out I have pancreatitis and my ascending and descending colons were flarring according to my CT scan. (Which I originally have Crohn's in my transverse according to my colonoscopy and biopsies.) I'm glad I went in the end because they got to see what else is going on with me now. Even though they let me out (I begged) my lab levels were worse today, but I thought I could get by until I see my GI again. Its hard for me because I live in a small town 2 hours from my GI so I have to communicate between my general provider and my GI a lot.
I think if you're hurting that bad you should go. If just for some relief. No one deserves to be in that much pain. Its not fair to yourself. I hope you get some help and some rest soon!
You shouldn't have to live in pain. I think giving the ER a go is a good idea. Like jdpar said, it could be something else. I toughed out pain when I had my appendicitis when I should have gone in. I now remind my wife on a regular basis, don't let me deny pain, I have to go in. It could be a blockage.
I hear what you both are saying but knowing my docs they won't order anything other than CT because of all my other test 2 months ago ... And CTs have never showed my blockages! I had a 90% blockage that didn't even show on the darn CT! Idk guess just needing validation that it's ok to go even when I don't think there's a new issue... Which you both seemed to agree pain shouldn't be this bad, so thanks for making me feel comfortable to want to deal with this pain acutely!
The CT would be diagnostic, you may not need diagnostic, you mean pain management. One is trying to get to a root cause, the other is trying to get you to the next minute, hour, day.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me "I have a right to not live in pain." Well, at least until they try everything and give up. Don't let them give up on you before they even try.
Wow, thank you for that! Made me teary saying that!! It is so helpful to have others who understand!! Big hugs!
I would get small bowel obstructions on a constant basis, I would go solely for pain management. It got to the point where I would give them a play by play on how things would most likely go down for the next 6-12 hours. There are some nurses that I am on a first names basis with.
Update: I went in last night and got admitted. They did listen and are able to manage my pain with the dosage I told them would work! I just hope that whatever GI gets assigned to me this morning will listen that I just needed a little respite from the pain and will let me go home and not put me through pointless tests!
The CT would be diagnostic, you may not need diagnostic, you mean pain management. One is trying to get to a root cause, the other is trying to get you to the next minute, hour, day.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me "I have a right to not live in pain." Well, at least until they try everything and give up. Don't let them give up on you before they even try.

Plus, ER's have a lot of "Happy Drugs". Nothing better than to slip off into a deep sleep when almost barreling over in pain. Had my 4th visit last month to the ER in 10 months. Damn chronic kidney disease (kidney stones) brought about by Crohn's going undiagnosed.

Took LOADS and LOADS of morphine before I got done screaming. They always ask 1 to 10. I'll be at a 20 shaking like a crack head going through withdraw.

Moral...Pain Management is great short term.. Finding the problem is imperative.
Hi! How are you doing. Which ER did you go to? I live in the Mon. Valley, south of Pittsburgh. My Crohns doctors are at UPMC. They tend to give a MRI with the diyes. In a IV. It shows all . But your doctor has to order it. ER Doctors say they have to order the CT. Because the insurance sayes so! Then the doctor can order other test. If you donot like the GI doctor in the hospital, ask for some one else. I hope this helps be strong . When I 'm in pain I tend to order doctors around. Question this in that. Get MAD!! Maria :smile:

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