Er opinions

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Jul 26, 2013
So I asked this on a Facebook group but I figured I'd get more answers here, so here it goes.
How do you know when it's time to go to the er?
I know I should probably go, but wanna get a gauge on this. I also feel like I should know this answer but I haven't been in a good bit mostly because my old gi made me feel like it was all in my head because my CT looked okay and that I have a low pain threshold... my threshold isn't low, my 7 on the scale is "normal" people's 9+. So ever since then I've had this fear of going to the er, getting meds, getting a CT and being told "it's normal" and be sent home and say "there goes $300 for nothing." Second choice is to either go 45mins to Tampa gen. Or go 2hrs 15ish mins to Gainesville to my gis hospital. Being in a car that long with bumps sounds awful right now.

Been feeling like death warmed over all week and my pain meds either do nothing or take 2+ doses to finally work. Sleeping is virtually impossible at this point. (Seriously, I got to sleep at 6 am every morning because my body finally gives up.) My lower right side feels swollen, and like there's razors going through it every 10/15mins, and it's hard to walk, stand, lay down, eat, heck going poo is even awful and there's now alot more blood than usual coming out, which isn't good as my hemo is in the toilet. (Hahahaha that's an ironic pun! Oh that was a good one!) Joints are all flared up, stomach is burning and hates food. Etc... I just ugh, I know something is going on in there I'm just terrified of being told everything looks fine. Stuck between a rock and a hard place here and need some insight and or help. It will be greatly appreciated!!!
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If you are asking if you should go then it probably means you are at a point where you should! From what you've described I would be going.
A lot of mine gauges on if I have a higher fever. Anything over 101. I had a perforated bowel once and it pretty much felt like a terrible flare up, but I had a temp. Otherwise, as long as I have pain meds I try to just tough it out at home. There isn't a ton the ER can do except give you steroids and pain meds really. They don't know your history except what is in the chart(and that's if the ER is on the same system as your GI). So basically I try to make it to my GI. They will have a better idea of what meds will bring your flare under control, instead of just throwing steroids at it (I learned this from trial and error, I used to go to my family practice a lot bc he was a closer drive and that resulted in taking a lot of steroids over the years that I may not have needed)
But of course if you've got symptoms like a high fever, something very serious could be going on like a perforated bowel. I'm not a dr obviously though either, but that's just what I go off of. I'd definitely call your GI since you're having the symptoms you are though. The more you keep them in the know the better they can help you.

Also: if you call your GI they may just send you to the ER for CT scans and all of that. (How i ended up finding out I had the perforated bowel) So again, I'd keep your GI in the know.
@Jamie m. I'm one of the lucky ones in that I hardly ever get fevers due to my crohns, I've had maybe 3 from it in almost 5 years. 2nd, a perforated bowel sounds horrid! Glad they caught it! I saw my gi a month and a few weeks back. I have a mre scheduled but it's not till mid September. His nurse and him both are aware of how bad I'm doing and I've talked to his nurse 200 times it seems like in the past few weeks, mostly for the mre but still they know how sick I am. He said if you have to go then go and to stop being stubborn about it lol (fat chance I'll grow out of my stubbornness haha)
On the er front. The only er that does nothing for me is my local one down the street and that's solely because I no longer have a gi that's there so they get chicken lol.
Tampa general has me well I'm their computer system as I've had multiple admissions there and countless er trips, they usually see how sick I am and admit me for a week to see if they can improve me enough to be more stable at home. They're really good about helping me. The hospital my gi is through I've never been to except walking through it and eating in the cafeteria lol. He made the note on if I have to go, to go to his or Tampa gen and that's it. Especially if I think I can't stand the 2 hr ride to his er. Plus Tgh has helicopters so they could probably transfer me if need be. I must say Ive never been given steroids in an er before. I get fluids, iv zofran, and iv Dilaudid as I'm allergic to morphine. And I wait for a room.
On the calling me gi and tellin him how I am well I haven't done it yet lol my dad has been on me like white on rice, he gets home from work and is like did you call? And I go "nope! Because knowing him he'll put me in there" and he laughs and goes "well since you cant see how you've been outwardly your mom and I think you should because you've been dying this week. Not saying I'm thrilled but it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. At least you'd get better pain meds and iv nausea stuff. Heck you might even get sleep!" So basically I'm just being a freaking Turkey because I hate being in the hospital. Lol
Soooo I called my gis office and his nurse has been out all week -__- (just my luck)
Lol so I talked to some lady I've never talked to before, and I asked her what a good gauge would be to know when to go to the er... she goes welll what's going on so I have something to work with (because she decided not to pull up my name in the computer) I started to tell her things in a list and she stopped me and said if your having that amount of severe pain then we would advise you to go to the er at this time of day. Meaning "your dr. Isn't I'm office today and I'm just telling you what I can because he's not here to ask.." lol this lady man. I hesitantly said Uhh okay.. then I said "he told me if I need to go to either Tgh or here" and she goes it would be better to come here, (she thought I was close to them and not 2hrs easily) so I said uh okay, and she goes "this late in the day with that amount of pain our offices advice is to go to the er. If you decide not too and call back tomorrow earlier in the day he might be able to help in some way but if your in severe pain then you should come in." Uhhhhh what?! Lol maybe I'll just wait and call tomorrow?
This is a guideline that was given to us by the GI:

When to call the Doctor:

Once you get to know your Doctor you will have a better understanding of what he/she wants you to phone about. These guidelines should be followed for most situations and it is hoped you will find them useful.

Telephone calls to your Doctor need to be separated into there categories-




It can also be helpful to take time to get to know your Doctor's secretary or any office staff. This can assist when you are trying to reach your Doctor, whether you are telephoning or visiting personally. You should prepare a clear list of questions to ask, be concise, do not make the list of questions too long and decide what is important before you telephone or visit.

Find out your Doctor's timetable, i.e. when he/she is available at the consulting rooms/surgery you attend. Remember they may attend more than one surgery during the week. Endeavour to ascertain:

Telephone numbers (one or more)
Surgery hours
Most convenient time to call
Whether convenient to leave a message asking the Doctor to return your call

Routine Call

You should arrange to call your Doctor's surgery after a visit, to obtain results of blood tests, laboratory tests, or to report any changes in your symptoms or side effects of new medication.

Urgent Call (but not an emergency)

Any symptom, e.g. nausea, headache, a rash on your body, which you think might relate to your disease or its treatment. It may even be a new symptom of your illness, such as painful tender bumps on your legs which often indicate the start of a flare up (erythema nodosum).

Emergency Call

Dramatic change in your illness could include any the following:

Severe abdominal pain which persists for longer than 1 hour
Significant or new rectal bleeding
Persistent vomiting, accompanied by stopping of bowel movements
Drastic changes in bowel movements without passing gas
Sudden weight loss of over 2 and half kgs in a few days

If you are unable to contact your Doctor in an emergency, you can go directly to the nearest Public Hospital Emergency Section, or the hospital you usually attend. Explain your illness, etc. Give your Doctor's name and identify any medications you are presently taking.

Through being able to determine (routine - urgent - emergency) nature of calls, you will greatly enhance the relationship with your Doctor. Also it will give you and your family better judgement about when to call your doctor and many people are hesitant to call their Doctor at times.
Remember, always carry with you your Doctor's/Surgeon's card.

Another good idea is to place your Doctor's timetable and telephone number near the telephone. Note any dates your Doctor will be unavailable, plus details of another backup Doctor your Doctor recommend.

I have two kids with Crohn’s and between them they have had 4 visits to Emergency. The one common thing that took us there each time was pain that I wasn’t able to control at home. The pain was such that they were doubled over and had difficulty walking, on two occasions it was accompanied with vomiting.
So I asked this on a Facebook group but I figured I'd get more answers here, so here it goes.
How do you know when it's time to go to the er?
I know I should probably go, but wanna get a gauge on this. I also feel like I should know this answer but I haven't been in a good bit mostly because my old gi made me feel like it was all in my head because my CT looked okay and that I have a low pain threshold... my threshold isn't low, my 7 on the scale is "normal" people's 9+. So ever since then I've had this fear of going to the er, getting meds, getting a CT and being told "it's normal" and be sent home and say "there goes $300 for nothing." Second choice is to either go 45mins to Tampa gen. Or go 2hrs 15ish mins to Gainesville to my gis hospital. Being in a car that long with bumps sounds awful right now.

Been feeling like death warmed over all week and my pain meds either do nothing or take 2+ doses to finally work. Sleeping is virtually impossible at this point. (Seriously, I got to sleep at 6 am every morning because my body finally gives up.) My lower right side feels swollen, and like there's razors going through it every 10/15mins, and it's hard to walk, stand, lay down, eat, heck going poo is even awful and there's now alot more blood than usual coming out, which isn't good as my hemo is in the toilet. (Hahahaha that's an ironic pun! Oh that was a good one!) Joints are all flared up, stomach is burning and hates food. Etc... I just ugh, I know something is going on in there I'm just terrified of being told everything looks fine. Stuck between a rock and a hard place here and need some insight and or help. It will be greatly appreciated!!!

I wouldn't go to TGH I would call your GI @ shands and go from there.
My GI is also at shands but I try to go local Er before I make the drive
I wouldn't go to TGH I would call your GI @ shands and go from there.
My GI is also at shands but I try to go local Er before I make the drive

Hey there! Question, what dr. Do you have? Second, (I'm having a brain fart) is shands the same hospital as the one on new berry st.? I seriously can never remember the name of that hospital lol thirdly, my local er will send me straight home after meds are given because"you no longer have a gi here blah blah blah blah" super annoying lol so I now avoid it. -___- :voodoo:
How are you?

Hey Ron! I'm exhausted beyond belief. Thursday in the overnight hrs around 4 I flipped to my right side as I normally do at night because I flop like a fish lmao and my stomach apparently didn't like that I moved and i threw up 3 times over that hr, and then I legit passed out until 130/2 pm on Friday and felt awful and told my mom "I don't feel good, I'm going back to sleep." I kid you not, I slept from like 4 Friday afternoon till like 2 in the morning, ate toast and a egg, and passed back out and didn't wake up till 210ish pm (Saturday) technically yesterday I guess, and I woke up with a migraine, a bloated stomach that looks like a soccer ball and alot of light headedness. So I lounged on the couch for the day watching hurricane shows.
In the midst of being crazy bad I forgot my mom and dad had plans Friday night, all day yesterday, and most of the day tomorrow. Soooo, unless i take a dramatic turn for the worse I'll be lounging and sleeping tomorrow and if I need to go to the er and they aren't home then I'll either call my best friend or my bf to take me. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how the day goes.
I also called my gis office on Friday and I asked the dispatcher person if my nurse and or dr were in the office and she said no, so I uh said thanks and hung up because I wasn't talking to the same person again. I just ugh no lol I would of lost it :rof:
Hey there! Question, what dr. Do you have? Second, (I'm having a brain fart) is shands the same hospital as the one on new berry st.? I seriously can never remember the name of that hospital lol thirdly, my local er will send me straight home after meds are given because"you no longer have a gi here blah blah blah blah" super annoying lol so I now avoid it. -___- :voodoo:

Shands is in Gainesville at University of Florida
I go to the IBD clinic there.
You'll need a referral to the IBD clinic even if you establish with
A local gi for nothing more than a referral
Shands is in Gainesville at University of Florida
I go to the IBD clinic there.
You'll need a referral to the IBD clinic even if you establish with
A local gi for nothing more than a referral

I'm aware that it's in Gainesville lol I'm under care through digestive disease associates and dr. Sninsky. It's down the street from uf and shands. But his office is right next to North Florida Regional hospital, both are directly across from the oaks mall and the BJ's restaurant etc.. Im lucky as my insurance doesn't require referrals.
I'm aware that it's in Gainesville lol I'm under care through digestive disease associates and dr. Sninsky. It's down the street from uf and shands. But his office is right next to North Florida Regional hospital, both are directly across from the oaks mall and the BJ's restaurant etc.. Im lucky as my insurance doesn't require referrals.

Glover's office is off Archer you do need a referral because the doctors
At the IBD clinic have to accept your case. Or at least some of them are that way. My insurance doesn't require referral either but it's not a traditional one of that makes sense.
Hmm idk. New berry Street is the street after Archer if your coming from 75, exit 387. I know my gi is one of the few IBD Specialists in Florida, the big guns so to speak lol I was seeing my rheumatologist one day and I told him I was looking for a new dr because the one at USF was awful towards me, and he's like "I'm friends with one of the top ibd specialists in Florida, I can give him a call and see if he has any openings" I said okay, and he whipped out his cell and called him right then and they were shooting the breeze and got me an appointment the following Monday. Lol crap was nuts, but awesome at the same time. (They're on each other's speed dials) :ylol2: :rof:
I'm not really familiar with the area since I live about 2.5hrs away
But the clinic is near the hospital. That's great your already with a
Specialist they make a big difference.
Neither am I lol. I'm 2hrs and 15/20mins away too. Im in the zephyrhills area. But yeah the medical arts building I go to too see him is right across from a hospital. I just walk the sidewalk along the little lake 😂😂and yeah they do! He's much better than the other goofs I've had in past years.
I would defiantly go I know the ER is never a fun experience but if I was in that much pain I would go. I totally understand your aim threshold haha. I think about that all the time my GI gives me pain meds to have on hand in case I need them. You know what's best for your body I never touch my pills until it gets close to my threshold then I take one or two and gauge it if it's not making the cut I know it's usually time to go. Worst case you go and they give pain and nausea meds and fluids and send you home but sometimes that can make a big difference. I have gone quite a bit when I'm having a real bad flare up and by quite a bit I mean a lot haha. I have gone so much that twice now the ER Dr asked me what I wanted to do for meds and everything which was nice because I know what works best when I'm really doing bad so they get it going faster. I hope all is well or at least as well as it can be for a fellow crohnie.
I would defiantly go I know the ER is never a fun experience but if I was in that much pain I would go. I totally understand your aim threshold haha. I think about that all the time my GI gives me pain meds to have on hand in case I need them. You know what's best for your body I never touch my pills until it gets close to my threshold then I take one or two and gauge it if it's not making the cut I know it's usually time to go. Worst case you go and they give pain and nausea meds and fluids and send you home but sometimes that can make a big difference. I have gone quite a bit when I'm having a real bad flare up and by quite a bit I mean a lot haha. I have gone so much that twice now the ER Dr asked me what I wanted to do for meds and everything which was nice because I know what works best when I'm really doing bad so they get it going faster. I hope all is well or at least as well as it can be for a fellow crohnie.

They've asked you what meds you want?? Dude that's awesome! I always get iv zofran and iv Dilaudid, but for some reason my last one I got iv morphine even though I told the guy I have a high intolerance/allergy to morphine and he gave it to me because the attending said "that's all I'm giving her, she doesn't have a gi here anymore so I'm gonna send her home and tell her to see her new dr." I heard all of that as I was right next to the station and the nurse was like you don't understand how much more pain this morphine has put her in, and he sadly had to send me home at 5 am -__- needless to say I normally only go to tampa gen. Lol they keep me regardless. That option while Less desirable because my dr. Isn't there is only 40 mins from me. 2.4hrs sounds like torture lmao. I have a mre at tampa gen scheduled for September 15th, still ages away. My dad asked me today "should we wait for the mre? Or should we go up there to the er and maybe see what wrong or at least get you pain better under control?" And I said idk lol I want to avoid it but I don't think I can make it until the 15th.
So of course it's my choice, I can call my drs tomorrow and if my nurse is in maybe she can give me suggestions, and if she says come up to get checked out then I guess I'll hesitantly get in the car and try to ignore all the awful bumps and uneven Lane's that is I75 right now (silly construction) lol I have an insane amount of will power, but the thought of trying to wait till the test day is not something that looks ideal in my head. Lol also, I have to drink contrast for that test and I'll probably be in the er after its done probably throwing it up so it might end up being a er trip, a mre test, and an elevator ride to the Tgh er lmao. :stinks: :rof: :ybatty::dance: at least I know the Tgh drs and nurses will take great care of me while I'm there. That's good at least lol
I like DustyKat's post for ER visits.. to respond to what you respond to my post... I don't normally get fevers with my crohns flares either. That's why I know something serious is going on if I get a high one. I don't really go in to the ER just because I'm having pain unless it's like I'm dying pain. Even with my perforation, it was painful but I still worked while I was dealing with it. I've never been admitted to a hospital to help manage my crohns symptoms either. I've had the perforation and have fistulas.. Maybe I have a high pain tolerance? I'm not sure, I did have to take hydrocodone daily to get through the month or so while I recovered from the perforation. I don't try to keep pain killers around though, just bc then I use them for every ache and pain and I like to feel like myself. I also have a 2 year old son and being a parent and being resting a lot don't really go together. I only went to the ER with the perf bc my dr wanted me to get a CT Enterography and knew I wouldn't be able to get one at his facility any time soon, plus the ER is associated with his clinic. It is however an hour and a half drive from where I live (I live in the middle of nowhere north dakota). ERs can't really do much from my experience (I work in a hospital and I am obviously a patient at times) They can manage pain and give you fluids.. Well I'd rather just use that money somewhere else and drink a ton of gatorade lol. ( I have a pretty high deductible for my insurance, I did end up at Mayo this year tho so have met that by quite a bit this year)

Anyway, I hope you get some relief soon.
I happened to click on this thread and I see Dr. Sninsky long distance too! I live in Land O' Lakes, but I make the long drive over to see him when I'm having issues because he does a great job and worked wonders for a friend of mine. Recently, I talked to Dr. Sninsky about seeing a local GI doctor in addition to him and having them work together. That could be a good next step for you, so you have someone you trust nearby while also having Dr. Sninsky's expertise at your disposal.

Also, I would recommend going to Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel as opposed to TGH. I've had bad experiences there (horrible ER wait, doctors/nurses that are burned out, etc.) and at St. Josephs (incompetent GI doctor, long ER wait, and developed a pulmonary embolism that went untreated for 24 hours despite my horrible pain because they missed obvious signs). Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel is basically brand new, you will get put in an ER room and treatment will start right away just about every time. Most I've waited is 10 minutes. And they're super friendly. Also, if you get admitted, they have awesome rooms (huge TVs with a ton of free new release movies to stream, 24-hour visitor hours, pull-out bed for family/friend). Just some tips from someone in the area who has been in almost the exact situation. Feel better!
I happened to click on this thread and I see Dr. Sninsky long distance too! I live in Land O' Lakes, but I make the long drive over to see him when I'm having issues because he does a great job and worked wonders for a friend of mine. Recently, I talked to Dr. Sninsky about seeing a local GI doctor in addition to him and having them work together. That could be a good next step for you, so you have someone you trust nearby while also having Dr. Sninsky's expertise at your disposal.

Also, I would recommend going to Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel as opposed to TGH. I've had bad experiences there (horrible ER wait, doctors/nurses that are burned out, etc.) and at St. Josephs (incompetent GI doctor, long ER wait, and developed a pulmonary embolism that went untreated for 24 hours despite my horrible pain because they missed obvious signs). Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel is basically brand new, you will get put in an ER room and treatment will start right away just about every time. Most I've waited is 10 minutes. And they're super friendly. Also, if you get admitted, they have awesome rooms (huge TVs with a ton of free new release movies to stream, 24-hour visitor hours, pull-out bed for family/friend). Just some tips from someone in the area who has been in almost the exact situation. Feel better!

Yesssssssssss!!!!!! Someone else See's him! Woooo! That's awesome.
My rheumatologist Dr. Sikes (he's with Florida medical clinic) is actually really close friends with him and referred me, so they work together on me so to speak. It is handy to have your drs. Work together for sure! Makes a big difference.
On the local gi part. I uh already had the ones by me and all of em signed off on me because they ran out of idea's as they weren't well versed with crohns. UC they have no problems with, crohns? Yeah nope. Lol so that leads to the Wesley chapel part, as I think the gis there are the same ones I've been with already.? Unless the gis from the Bruce b downs office go there. They'll just send me home once they see the gis have signed off on me -_____- it's incredibly annoying! Lol but I have heard that they have the "Dr. First" thing In the er, which would be epic if your in crazy pain, you wouldn't have to wait and go through the residents and then wait for the dr to get down to you. It really is a brilliant idea. Lol on the Tgh front, I've been there so many times, that when I check into the er they pull up my file, get my allergy band and I'd band ready, and they get my er room set up with all the stuff to access my port so the nurses don't have to scurry. And I get in there and set up, the nurse will put the order in for pain and nausea meds, and while that's getting done I talk to a resident and this is the cool paet, I always get a CT. So after I talk to the resident and they go find the attending, so j don't have to wait 5million hrs, they send me to the donut of truth and by the time I get back the dr. Is ready for me and the nurse gives me the pain meds right before he starts pushing on me. And then I'll sit there happy and drugged until they wheel me off to my room. They have it figured out lmao might sound silly but man does it make a difference lol

Also, how awful is St. Joe's though? In hindsight I should've just gone to Tgh but whatever. I went to the st. Joe er, doubled over in serious excruciating pain. And the guy at the desk looked at me and said I'm gonna go back there and see if you can be the next to be seen, apparently I looked like I was going to pass out, you know pale clammy the works. He came back and he said you should be the second called.. I got there around 1030, I didn't get into the er room and meds until well after 1am. And didn't get pain meds until 230. They gave me nausea meds that I'm allergic too, got a CT at 3am and the look on the docs face was "****, she should of been seen hrs ago" yeah, got brought up to the room around 5. Spent a 8 days there and it was thee worst hospital stay I've ever had, the attendings I had were so rude it wasn't funny and the second gi I saw well she was a piece of work. I had a 98% blockage, and they thought I was blocked from pain ! meds that I got the week before from another hospital stay, and they gave me more stuff I was allergic too and barely gave me pain control while there. They wanted a scope, so 2nights prior they did 6 huge soapy enemas to see if that would help. No. Sent my pain through the roof and the nurse went and gave me double the amount of pain meds. The next day was the prep and nothing but water came out. The following morning had the scope, woke up screaming as it felt like the dr, sliced my surgery connection open. She gave me morphine (allergic) -___- and said you had a full blockage, and j had to pressure wash it and scrub it out because it was indented into your connection site, and I didn't even get it all. And apologized for the lack of pain control. The crazy person sent me ho! 2 hrs later while I was still in intense pain and throwing up, and said you'll be fine, I'll give you a script for meds that'll get you to you gi appt next week. That script never happened...
I Will NEVER Go Back There AGAIN!!!! Just awful lol ugh.

Back to Wesley, yeah the place is pretty! And the rooms are awesome! Was in the baby ward with my best friend last year and I was dumbfounded by how nice they did that hospital. I'll look into what gis work there, unless you know off the top of your dome? Lol anywho long rant over, glad someone else hates st. Joe's. Haha :rof::rof::rof::voodoo::voodoo::drink::eek:rder::duh::duh::ylol2::ylol2:
One time, I was at St Joes and the doctor walked in, looked at my chart and said, "Oh, you have an actual illness and reason to be here?" LOL They're so used to getting sketchy people and the homeless that they're genuinely shocked when it's someone who has a chronic disease and knows the drill.

I see Dr. Joseph Cody, who is one of the new GIs there at Wesley Chapel. He has been really good so far. I was in the same boat as you, as I didn't like the other GI at Wesley Chapel. But Dr. Cody was recommended to me because he's new to the area and he's been awesome. I've had some weird instances where I've had severe pain in my lower left abdomen, but nothing showed up on my CT. Rather than just sending me home, he was diligent about it and came to the conclusion that I have adhesions from prior surgeries. Sure enough, a few days later, it seemed that one of the adhesions had caused a partial obstruction (or a "kink in my intestines" as he called it).

That's awesome that you have a good set up at TGH. My girlfriend worked there and I heard some horror stories, so maybe that's why I'm so against it. But yeah, I would recommend Dr. Cody if you want to give FL Hospital Wesley Chapel another try. The ER docs have been pretty good, from my experiences as well.
It's still sketchy as hell lol they had a mix up in the waiting room with the guy who went before me, the guy came out and called my name because he was told I was urgent ish and he had the wrong chart and a psych ward guy was next to him and I gave him a confused look and he looked at the chart and his face turned beat red and apologized and I just laughed and sat back down. At least they knew my name :rof::rof:

Man we are in the same boat, I have lower left and right quadrant pains mostly from a flare but I've been having some serious tugging and pulling pain under my midline scar that's been causing partial obstructions over and over again this year it's ridiculous lol so according to Mr dr. Dude it's most likely adhesions all up in there from surgery. Sucks ass, crap hurts like hell. In my mind I was saying *Cool story doc. Can we pop me back open and take them out and do a revision on my connection site?" My resection site has gone from a smooth backwards j to some funky kinked angle, so it like to block alot too. It really needs to be fixed --_______-- haha Oh, and mine doesn't like to show up on cts either. :ybatty::ybatty:

The Tgh thing yeahhhh I lucked out, I seem to be part of the few the love it when I stay there. Most get annoyed with how long the er wait is. I'll take it where I can get it lol
Would totally check out the Wesley chapel one now that I know they have different gis. Plus it's only 20 mins away, wayyyy closer! :dance::dance:

Hope you guys aren't flooded out in land o lakes!! ***** going crazy

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