Ev -d68 spreading

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Everything I've seen so far says it's been kids only. Have you seen anything different. MLP?

I don't know of any kids personally, but our local news says it's here. :thumbdown:
It was on our national news last night here in Canada. It's not here, but they were saying to brace for it. I'm nervous. I supplied my kid's classroom teachers with big bottles of hand sanitizer the other day. I'm sure they appreciate me doing that!
Must admit....I'm a little nervous about this. Especially since we have several appointments each month at our hospital/clinic and I imagine things spread there quickly. I wipe my kids down with antibacterial wipes when we leave, lol.
Our hospital put a little video clip on Facebook stating symptoms of the virus (runny nose, cough, fever, wheezing) and precautions parents should take (handwashing, not sharing food/drinks). The doctor on the video said that for most kids the virus would present like a typical cold, but for kids with underlying lung conditions it may develop into a more serious respiratory illness. Only kids that are wheezing or showing signs of respiratory distress or dehydration need to be seen by a physician. Others should be able to recover on their own at home. This eased my mind a little.

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