Who has suggestions for things that parents of IBDers should have available (both information and practical things) to help them manage their kids illness?
Obviously what you need is influenced to some extent by the age, gender and degree/type of illness your child has but go ahead and share, who knows who might find your ideas helpful?
I can list some things:
1. Child-friendly pain scale (especially important for parents of kids under 11 or so). You can get one to print at home at:
2. Stool-catcher/bedpan for toilet
3. Rice packs for sore tummys
4. Tylenol with clear instructions on correct dosing by weight. If you keep this in a medicine cabinet you might want to make a sign to post on the inside that says in big letters what the right dose is. The middle of the night is not a good time to read those tiny words on the bottle label.
5. List of emergency contact numbers for your ped GI, pediatrician, neighbor/family who can watch your other kids if you need to go to ER - POSTED in plain sight by a phone; make the list easy to read, at least 14 pt font if you're printing it out
6. List of your child's meds and allergies that you carry with you in your purse/wallet
Obviously what you need is influenced to some extent by the age, gender and degree/type of illness your child has but go ahead and share, who knows who might find your ideas helpful?
I can list some things:
1. Child-friendly pain scale (especially important for parents of kids under 11 or so). You can get one to print at home at:
2. Stool-catcher/bedpan for toilet
3. Rice packs for sore tummys
4. Tylenol with clear instructions on correct dosing by weight. If you keep this in a medicine cabinet you might want to make a sign to post on the inside that says in big letters what the right dose is. The middle of the night is not a good time to read those tiny words on the bottle label.
5. List of emergency contact numbers for your ped GI, pediatrician, neighbor/family who can watch your other kids if you need to go to ER - POSTED in plain sight by a phone; make the list easy to read, at least 14 pt font if you're printing it out
6. List of your child's meds and allergies that you carry with you in your purse/wallet