Every time I eat my belly extends and I'm in pain

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Feb 18, 2011
now im at the point where im scared to eat. but what choices do i really have? im waiting for the remicade treatments to start working. but in the mean-time i cant eat. every time i do eat my belly extends and im in pain, then im either in the bathroom for an hour or im expelling the most foul gas i have ever smelled. and when im done with the toilet i suddenly feel like i havent ate in days, so i try to eat something else and the process starts all over again. i was taking percocet for the pain. but now im on tylenol 3. it doesnt seem to work as well, just takes the edge off but at least i am able to go to the bathroom, with the percocet i was constipated, but i didnt have to much swelling in the belly and i was able to eat more. anyone have any ideas? im thinking of going back to the hospitol and getting back on the perks. dont really know what to do at this point. hell i just want to eat without being in pain.

Hopefully the remi will start to work, but you have to eat. Maybe try softer low residue diet in the mean time. I know and can relate to the feeling of....ugh I cannot eat anymore, what do I do. Been there trust me! Maybe also try adding in a supplement of digestive enzymes with the diet. Ask your doctor for their oppinion on it. I know a few people who take them and sometimes it helps. They are over the counter at any vitamin store. Maybe that with the low residue diet will not make a mirical happen but it might lessen the symptoms till the next remicade appointment.

Hope you can feel well soon.
Carey, can you manage Ensure or Ensure Plus at least to get some calories, vitamins and minerals? I'd definetely go back to Dr or GI meanwhile!!
I know you are in pain. I have also experienced what you are describing. Tylenol 3 has codeine and codeine really jacks with a Crohnie's stomach. It makes me blow up like a holiday ballon and when it finally releases, god what a stench! I would call your doc if I were you. I know that someone, somewhere on this site posted regarding codeine. I will research & get back to you.
Good luck,
thanks guys for the info. i would drink ensure but its so freaking expensive! i have been trying to make my own drinks. almost feel like a weird scientist in the kitchen! if it is the codeine doing this then i am definately switching back to the percocets. shouldnt the doctors know this. it makes me feel like he just set me up for failure.
I get the same way from eating.

pass such foul smelling gas, the cat leaves the room.

Have you tried store label nutritional drinks ?

I find them much less expensive & use them to help me over a rough patch.

Hope you get some relief soon.
Carey, bless ya, it sounds like you are in so much pain. You really, really need to get back in to the Dr's or hospital. You dont want this to get worse or you will be in really bad shape! Me, I ended up in hospital for a total of 5 weeks and emergency with a stoma! Please let the Dr's know ASAP that you are having these issues and see if they can do anything to help you. I havent lived in the states for about 10 years (I'm from Golden Colorado by the way) but there must be something they can give you for nourishment on RX, or perhaps Ensure is cheaper than a RX. I dont know. But dont wait around please, get help.
Hi Carey - Try the store brand nutritional drinks. Walmart and CVS both have them. Plus, if you are a CVS bonus cardholder, they are always running specials, like spend $25, get a $10 coupon and stuff like that.

Good luck - hope you find something that works.

- Amy
i am planning on going back to the hospitol. i just get so frustrated with them. i have been telling them for about 3 months now that i cant eat. but they just blow me off. treat me like a pill seeker. hopefully now that i have a gi doc they will finally listen. i'll ask about the rx nutrietion stuff. that might help. i get freaked out about malnourishment. though its not for a lack of trying!