Everyone is obsessing about my weight

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Apr 6, 2013
I just want to vent about the big deal everyone makes about my weight.
I am a girl, 14 years old, 5 ft 5in tall, and currently 129 lbs. I started Remicade about 4 or 5 months ago and have been feeling great and my labs are perfect.

When I was first diagnosed when I was 12 in 2012, I was 90lbs.
Started prednisone got up to 110lbs after about 6 months of the drug.
Got sick, back down to 100.

I've been sick on and off since, when I'm flaring I'm normally 105 and when I am doing ok (normally would be on prednisone) I would be 110-115lbs.

There is always all this hype about my weight.
Oh you've lost a lot of weight.
-yes I know that
You're really skinny
-yes I know that
Wow! You've gained a lot of weight! You must be feeling better.
-thanks for pointing that out, but I've already noticed.
You know, If you are going to gain all this weight you need to start eating healthier.
-really? I'm happy to have some weight.

It just goes on.
Now I'm hearing a lot of "you need to start eating healthier and exercising more"
They just don't understand. I'm happy, yes happy, to finally have gained some weight. I know everyone thinks its so bad to not be skinny, but i've worked so hard to gain the weight I have! I'm not fat! I don't understand why they aren't showing that they are happy for me to finally be healthy, because I sure am happy.

They want me to eat healthier, like more fruits and vegetables. They don't understand what all the salads and their 'healthy snacks' felt like when I was sick for the past few years. Its hard to just start eating all the things I had a bad experience with again. And it isn't that I can pin point certain foods that set me off, besides dairy and gluten, but food has been suck a controvercial... subject I guess in my life that its hard for me to forget and move on. I've always, always, had problems with food. Normally they were ignored by parents and doctors. But I still remember them.

Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sure many of you have heard remarks about your weight before too.

I get comments about my weight all the time. When I was really sick, I got the 'wow you're way too skinny' comments, along with the 'why aren't you eating?' spiels. Er, hi, eating hurts right now?

And now I've put the weight back on, like you I'm being nagged to be healthier, but fruits and vegetables unless they're peeled and cooked are a big no-no for me. Also high-fibre foods are bad for me and I get comments like 'you eat a lot of junk' because, well, yes I do, if you consider home-cooked meals of lean meat and pasta to be 'junk'.

I say just ignore them. That's what I do. They have no idea what living with a condition like ours is like, and if someone makes a comment at you while you're eating a cake, or whatever, just smile and continue eating. As long as you're happy with what you're eating and how much you weigh, sod 'em.
Fishylove, don't listen to those people, 129 lbs is NOT overweight! That's a perfectly healthy weight. It's horrible that people are saying such things to you! When I was a teenager, I was at about 122 lbs and my mother basically called me fat (I was thin but had a little bit of cellulite) - it made me feel so ashamed, I took her comments to heart and I started starving myself and basically was anorexic for about 3 years. Some people don't realize how harmful weight comments can be, especially to teenagers who may be very sensitive about such comments. And particularly when you have an illness which affects your weight! I'm so sorry this is happening to you, but it sounds like you're dealing with it very maturely. The next time it happens, you may want to say something like, "I'm aware that I'm at a healthy weight, thank you for noticing" and shut down that line of conversation. Comments like that are so unnecessary, whether your weight is up or down, just let people know that you don't want to hear it. Maybe ask if they'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on their weight! I bet they'll shut up then.

Unfortunately, I'm in my 30s and I still hear comments about my weight. I'm thin and fit right now - I try to go to the gym a lot to make my body healthier, as I feel like that helps not only my tummy issues but my overall physical and mental health. A lot of people look at me and all they see is a skinny girl who works out a lot, and I guess they think I'm just trying to look cute or show off or whatever, so I sometimes hear snarky comments about it. I mostly ignore those comments or just smile and say nothing. I just have to think to myself, these people know nothing about my health or my life, so let them think what they want. So live your life, eat what doesn't hurt, and try to ignore the comments. I realize it's easier said than done, but really, try not to let the weight comments get to you. I wish I could go back and tell myself as a teenager this, so I'll tell it to you - you're at a good, healthy weight and I'm sure you're beautiful and perfect as you are. The people who make comments are idiots and you shouldn't listen to them (even if its your own mother making the comments, like my mother did to me). Being frighteningly thin is a symptom of illness and it's something that nobody should want, so don't let people make you feel like being underweight is a good thing. You're doing fine so keep on being as healthy and happy as you can be! :)
In today's society, there is such pressure to be thin, especially for girls. It's unfortunate that you have people trying to put pressure on you to try to fit what they think you should eat or look like. My niece has friends who think they are fat because the tops of their thighs touch when stand up straight (even though this is completely normal). The worst offender being anyone with the ability to use Photoshop.
Excessive thinness is not a sign of good health, no matter what anyone thinks. Stick to your guns, eat what works for you, and enjoy the fact that you've been able to put some weight on. To heck with them!
I personally would rather feel good and be able to eat versus look thin and know how horrible it feels because I am in a flare up.
If you are happy, that is all that really matters. It is your body, after all. Good for you on gaining weight back. That really is awesome!!!
you are no way overweight at 129llbs and 5ft 5 inches tall.
I have had such acid comments from people due to my weight it is horrid. My female boss said once 'I don't know what you sit down on as you have no bum left' It hurt me as if I said something like that to someone or made a comment to someone who was overweight I would have been told off.
I have been asked why I don't eat even though they know I am on modulen. People are thoughtless.
Your weight sounds perfect! I bet your doctors are very pleases, after you being so thin! This is a sign of progress, and you have to try to not let these people get you down. Last year when I was on a high does of pred for many months, I got some very hurtful comments like "oh wow...you have sure put on the pounds!" People are ignorant of the fact that we are given these steroids because we are very sick. Please let these comments go in one ear, and out the other, and congratulations for the progress you have made!
Yeah I am also 5'5" (plus a quarter! ;)) and 129 pounds which is on the low end of the bmi "normal weight". This weight is my "not looking like a skeleton weight" because if I lose anymore I look scary.

Anyone that tells you to lose weight is out of their minds.
Makes me laugh that people feel they can comment about people being skinny! They wouldn't dream about saying how fat someone is!
The worst is when some fast food scoffing lard-ass calls you skinny in a derogatory way.

If i called them.. y'know.. a 'fast-food scoffing lard-ass' for example, i'd get in trouble, but them saying i disappear if i turn sideways is fine? These people need a slap.
Had another experience of "Wish I had your problem" over the holidays..... If only! People who wish they could eat nothing good, or else experience all kinds of horrible pain and embarrassing symptoms just to be thin? Good lord, people. IF they don't like being overweight and are able to eat whatever they want.... just exercise some willpower!
129lbs isn,t overweight!and even better you feel well!!i give up,unfortunately your to young to use the proper response.good luck

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