Excited & Scared

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 15, 2013
HI everyone. It's been awhile since I've been on here. I've been working full time and school full time.
I took a pregnancy test the other day and it was positive :) Now, I know this isn't really Crohn's related but I do have Crohn's and would like some advice.
I have read Crohn's doesn't increase your chances of miscarriage but I am scared to DEATH of miscarriage right now. I haven't been taking my Pentasa lately because I'm scared to take it too. It seems my Crohn's hasn't been too active this last month, and maybe this is why.I think I am about 5 weeks along.
I'm sorry. I'm just really scared, happy, overwhelmed and excited :ybatty:and could use some advice :) I am scared because I do want this and I don't want anything to happen :(
I know when I stress myself out that I usually get really bad stomach pains so I'm trying not to worry too much but I can't help it.
IF anyone has positive stories or anything to say I would greatly appreciate it.
I am scheduling an appointment Monday too, will I be a high-risk pregnancy? I have read some people who have Crohn's they give the title to, just to be cautious.

5 weeks pregnant :):dance:
Fortunately for me I was in a good drug free remission with both of my pregnancies! The Crohn's went completely away, solid bms too, with but I had to keep some Metamucil around at the beginning because I got backd up with both, and a couple glasses of it paved the way for two really enjoyable pregnancies. I flared after delivery with both, and was back on meds by the time each was 6 months old. They are 10 and 7.5 years old now and I remember telling my GI that he needed to figure out a way to trick my body into thinking I was pregnant all of the time, because it was the best I've felt since being diagnosed with CD! :)
I remember telling my GI that he needed to figure out a way to trick my body into thinking I was pregnant all of the time, because it was the best I've felt since being diagnosed with CD! :)

That seems to be fairly common. Has there been any such research? Kiny