Exercise with Crohn's

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Jan 30, 2010
I have been so ill this past year, between flares and medication side effects, I have com[pletely quit exercising. I am so weak that even walking a mile is difficult. My muscles are stiff and even carrying groceries is hard.

Before I was able to maintain a measure of fitness, but steroids,constant joint and abdominal pain, chemo, and diarrhea have taken a toll. I've gained 15 pounds from the steroids and feel like the extra weight will cause more problems.

I really want to start exercising again but when I do I start bleeding rectally. Not even strenuous stuff, just fast walking can cause this. I told my GI but he seems to think it's no big deal/normal Crohn's stuff.

Please give me some advise in how to get started and share your experience/tips. Thanks!
I know what u mean
I bought some expensive equip that now jus sits there cos I can't use it
the cramps an abdominal pains make it near impossible to do things like sit ups or push ups. And my rowing machine gathers dust as the same thing occurs with that 2 mins in and my stomache feels like someone has taken too it with a baseball bat

I'd love too know of any low stress on the stomach ezcersises I can do once I get a bit better an out of hospital
Totally understand where you are coming from. I used to be pretty active, loved running (I was never gonna set the world alight but I enjoyed pounding the pavements with my iPod), now I only run to the loo. I used to enjoy Judo too, I kept it up for a while, but I was bruising so badly and couldn't keep up with the class, so I have had to take a break from that too.

Steroids, 6mp, and constant D have left me a right shuffler, I feel old before my time.

One thing that has helped, there is another thread somewhere, is the wii. Ok, iknow they are pricey, but on the wii fit, I can do gentle yoga, I am in the comfort of my lounge, toilet close by.... No one lookng at me if I stop for a rest... And, if I feel like pants I don't have to worry about missing a class.... If I have prednisone insomnia at 3am I can still jump on the wii. I recommend it....

Lishyloo x
It all depends on where you are at but a huge part of it is state of mind. Once your guts are working well enough to get the nutrition it is mind of mater from there. Just find the right kind of activity and do it with the appropriate moderation that your body can accept.

Look to BWS1982 for inspiration. I do :D

For me that is a brief workout on the home gym and walking a dog 4x a day. It is a real slap in the face compared to how active I was before this happened but I am able to do a bit more each week and I just focus on the positive.
Are you still in a flare? If you are in a flare you really shouldn't do too intense a workout as you are going to be taking oxygenated blood away from where you need it. You want oxygenated blood in your intestines as that will help you heal faster. If you don't have a strong base where you've been benching for a while then I would recommend using bands. Find a few different strength bands and start out doing some basic exercises with them. Then go up in strength as the bands get easier. Eventually you may be able to go into weights and it will give you an advantage when you are out of a flare and you want to start working out.
I think I was pretty lucky that when I was discharged from the Hospital. They set me up with three different people for homecare. I had a nurse to check my percdrain and monitor my overall health. A Dietitian that did a total calorie count and set me up with a diet plan and monitored my food intake for three months. I also had a Physiotherapist who started me off with simple leg exercises laying on the couch and coached me on an exercise plan to regain my balance and stamina. It was all provided for by the provincial healthcare system and not private insurance as I had none of that.

I had a long way to go though considering I was 6'1" and 130 lbs after my ordeal. I would not accept TPN and stuck with the liquid diet for 3 months. It was a rough time. I was out shuffling around in slippers and PJ's in my back yard like and 80 year old getting the paper :(

I started with leg exercises laying on the couch alternating each leg held out straight for 10 seconds for 5 reps. Then knee bends while on the couch on my back in a similar pattern. Also circular ankle bends. That kind of thing progressed to deep knee bends in a doorway so I could hold myself from falling over. Then I started on the home gym with no weights on it doing three sets of 10 reps. All the while I was told to go for little walks in the yard because the uneven ground outside builds up the little muscles in your feet and ankles for balance.

If you are out doing groceries that all must seem pretty silly to you. But not once did I ever push myself to the point of making my butt bleed or making myself feel sick. I wold always stop if I felt like throwing up and go back to finish the exercise where I left off a little later. And as a guy I never thought I would say this, but I would rather do Yoga than speed walking. I think there is far greater health benefit form it. If you need some cardio just try the stairs. even just stepping up and down off the first step 20 times, then swtich legs and do it again.
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I have an older model of Tony littles Gazelle, and it is great for me, low impact, no using electricity and when you are not using it , makes a great clothes hanger LOL. Best to keep moving no matter what you do, atrohpy can set in and bone loss, choices are, pay now or pay later.
Yeah I,m still flaring but it is starting to subside. I can tell by these posts I've been starting off too much too soon.
Jettalady I've heard good things about ellipticals, might give it and the Wii a try.
Hi Mountaingem,

Just wanted to let you know that I get the same rectal bleeding when I run and my doc told me the same thing...it's just a part of having Crohn's and not to be too concerned. It still freaks me out though. I always wear a pad, which does nothing to help the sensitive skin in that area. Be careful, though and don't overdo it. Listen to your body. It will usually tell you when you are pushing too hard.
I did a 1/2 marathon in a flare in December. I just walked. Never got to much bleeding while training, lots of diaper rash though. Had to use a lot of AD Ointment.

Lots of low impact exercise. Swimming is really nice.
Shadycat said:
Hi Mountaingem,

Just wanted to let you know that I get the same rectal bleeding when I run and my doc told me the same thing...it's just a part of having Crohn's and not to be too concerned. It still freaks me out though. I always wear a pad, which does nothing to help the sensitive skin in that area. Be careful, though and don't overdo it. Listen to your body. It will usually tell you when you are pushing too hard.
Glad to know I'm not the only one with these issues-lol.
Another Pointer is that no matter what exercise you do, always stretch for at least 5-10mins after. You wont ache as much the next day
Start Slow. Do something you enjoy doing. If its fun and not "punishment," you will be more likely to continue doing it. I'm not sure whats available to you, but if you have access to a pool, there are a lot of water based exercises that work well for many people. Water based exercises offer many benefits and is easy on the joints.
i had become pretty weak, before i was diagnosed. i had lost 25 pounds, before i knew what was wrong with me. i couldn't even carry my laundry bag to the laundry room, fifty feet from my apartment without resting two or three times. it had me so bummed out.

i bought two five pound weights. i started doing yoga, along with rodney yee's beginner yoga video, at home. after i'd do the yoga, i'd lift the weights with my arms, just a little bit. i'd do it every other day, just a little.

for me, yoga was just gentle enough, and enough resistance was applied to my muscles that it helped me get strong again.

now, i can ride my bike and run around, almost like i could before. i still just do the beginner yoga every other day. i still have times, for days or weeks when i can't do much of anything, but it's okay. i just do it when i feel like i can. it's been really good.
Sorry to ever so slightly hijack the thread, I have a question but didn't think it warranted a topic of its own! I'm a silly, silly person exercise like mad but for the past month or so after exercise I've been getting really sore at the top of my lungs upon inhalation and this annoying irritating cough. Could this be down to steroids or might it be some sort of exercise induced asthma?

This evening I went out to circuit training for a couple of hours, left at about 8pm and it's nearly midnight now and I'm still having trouble!
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Natalie, that doesn't sound like EIA... could be something like Pneumonitis. Best get along to the GP soon as poss.
I need to improve my eating /exercise routine. Well I actually slowed to near stop. What I need is some support, experience and suggestions.
I have always had weight/food/exercise /body image issues. Who doesn’t right? But it is really bothering me. I have now got myself very healthy as far as my Crohns and blood work is considered. My GI is happy. His wish for me is to get fit.
I am considering joining a different gym. I love Yoga but the classes are too fast and lame where I am currently. Other private classes are expensive and only deal with Yoga. ( No other programs. )
I am looking at joining a gym where the classes are more intense. I don't know if they have a fitness trainer and or a dietician available. I need someone who can understands that it is *not* all about weight. Actually weight is very little for me. It is about getting fit! If losing weight is a bi product of getting fit than so be it. Thats why I love Yoga. I focus on the strength and relaxing and the rest comes.
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I have a friend who also has Crohn's and he's done great with the Wii and its Pilates. He started off weak and stiff and now he's ripped! It has the variation of intensity plus you can do it at home if you can't make it to the gym.

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