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I had 18 inches of my small and large intestine also included the terminal ileum removed 5 years ago for treatment of a classic presentation of Crohn’s disease. Everything has been more or less fine since. I have had a few problems here and there but luckily I have been pretty much trouble free.

I have always been active but have been increasing my efforts recently. I run and mountain bike. Over the best couple of months I have been having tenderness around the right hand side of my abdomen and that general lethargic feeling that I am sure you all know. I have also started to get stitches when exercising which I haven't had in years and years. My GP has done blood tests and haven’t found any signs of infection or inflammation. when prodding around the tenderness was localized to a very specific part of the bowel, probably where the join is. I am off to see my gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks.

I have been laying of the exercise for a week or so and am feeling a lot better. Over the weekend, I went out for a mountain bike ride which seems to have aggravated things. It seemed fine when I was taking it nice and steady but then I started to push things hard I felt the stitch like pain in my right hand side more or less where the join is. That was a couple of days ago now and I am still feeling discomfort from it. Any ideas what could be going on in there and how I can help things apart from staying off the bike?
hi Tofu, welcome to the forum :)

well, the one thing that sprang to my mind was the possibility of a hernia. after we've had abdo surgery, there is a weakness there in the muscles for some time after... and people can get post surgical hernias even if they're really careful & dont lift/carry etc...

or it could just be a tender muscle in that area, being worked by the exertion.

depending on how bad you feel the discomfort is... you could hang on and wait until you see the GI, or get some medical attention sooner if you are worried. certainly, if any other symptoms show - don't hang about.
Thanks for the welcome you guys.

I normally take 1 * 400 mg Asacol 3 times a day but have uped it to 2 * 400 mg 3 times a day.

I am feeling OK at the moment, so I'll be hanging on to I go to the GI. My GP hasn't really got a clue. I guess I'll be taking it steady until I have seen him.
msumathi said:
Exercises is essentials to our human body. Every morning drink water in empty stomach. Then do exercises. It cure so many diseases.

Does it cure Spammeritis?

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