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Apr 17, 2012
I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in May after being rushed in and out of hospital since January. Apparently I have a "very severe case" blah blah blah. I'm currently on Aza 100mg, Predisnol (sp?) 20mg and Infliximab infusions every 8 weeks (although they have now been cancelled until I've seen a neurologist because of the headaches I've been getting).

Basically I was wondering how everyone deals with their symptoms? I seem to be exhausted constantly... I had an interview today, left my house at 9am and was back by 11am, but had to have a sleep because it wore me out so much.

I feel like an old lady and it's really getting me down. I know that it's a side effect of the Crohn's and being anaemic etc but it's boring me now. I'm 20 years old and all my friends are out partying and stuff and I can't even pop out for 2 hours to an interview without having to have a sleep after.

I constantly feel drained, as if I've been working really hard and had no sleep, and I ache all over.

Is this normal? I'm assuming it is... How do I deal with this? I don't want to take any more tablets if they're not necessary as I have a bit of a phobia of tablets (after being on 30 tablets a day in January after being diagnosed with H.Pylori) and have only just got used to taking the ones I have to take now.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi Lexy,

Im really sorry to hear that you are having a tough time and feeling tired all the time. I was diagnosed at the age of 18, i have found that there are no hard or fast rules with Crohns. I had periods of feeling like an old lady, but you have to let your body rest as it trys to heal.

It will not always be like this, somedays i have no energy, and others i am full of life. I suppose what i am saying is listen to your body.
I have managed periods of remission of 7 years, and felt great, there is light at the end of the tunnel, so even though you feel like this now, it wont always be.

Thanks for your reply...
It's just getting me down that I can't be a normal young adult and do anything that I should be doing. I feel like I've been resting for months and it's not getting any better. All I seem to do is rest and I feel like I'm letting everyone down.

I've lost all my friends, the only person I see is my boyfriend (who is luckily amazing about all of this and understands that I'm tired and unwell and doesn't judge me) and I am never invited out any more. Not that I could go anyway even if I was invited, because I don't feel well enough too. But I used to be such a sociable person, and now I have no friends.

Just feels like Crohn's has ruined my life :( I know it will get better (fingers crossed!) but why can't it be better now :(

And now I feel like I'm moaning lol I know there are people out there that are worse off than me, but come on! Cut me some slack lol

Thanks again for your reply! I'll try and keep my chin up
Oh Lexy i really do feel for you. I know how frustrating it can be. Have you had all blood levels checked? I was borderline anaemic, and my B12 was low. I think it would be good to get all your levels checked out to see if you are low in anything, that will not help your energy levels or your recovery. I also found that taking my iron liquid with a orange juice helped me absorb the iron better, something to do with the vitamin c??!!
Yeah I'm not too sure what my B12 is but I am "slightly anaemic" which I know can cause tiredness... If anything I'm just bored of being unwell now :( sick of doctors and hospitals and tests
If it helps, I went through the same thing last year, and am only just now getting to the point where I don't need a nap every day. I found some useful tips on dealing with fatigue by googling chronic fatigue syndrome. It really is important to rest when you need to, doing too much will set you back again.

Don't worry about 'letting people down'. If they are true friends, they will make the effort to come see you, and go at your pace (like your boyfriend seems to be doing :) ). If they drop you just because you're ill, well they're not worth having as friends!
Yeah I guess they're not as good friends as I thought they were! I have my boyfriend, he is all I need :)
Ill give the syndrome a google and see what it says, just bored of napping like an old lady! Haha
Hi Lexy,

Deb123 brings up a very good point about vitamin b12. People with Crohn's Disease are commonly deficient and that can lead to fatigue. If you haven't been tested, I'd suggest you request it. In addition, we have a wiki entry on exhaustion you may want to check out for other ideas to discuss with your doctor.

I hope you're feeling better soon.