Experience with uceris for acute flare after remission

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Mar 19, 2014
Hi! I just joined today.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's (two spots all in the large intestine) when I was 16 (though I had symptoms years earlier) and I'm 23 now. I was originally put on Pentasa and Entocort. I did okay. Had a few flares (always in fall or spring, worse in spring) and they were usually stopped with a medrol dose pack. My worst flare was second year of college and the doctors stopped it with 20mg of prednisone. Since then, I've gone gluten free and made some other dietary changes along with adding lots of probiotics and fermented foods. I also got married and had a baby (pregnancy was great for my crohns!) During this time I was able to wean off my meds and have been healthier than ever. Spring was still always a sensitive time but I was able to make it through. This Spring I guess the toll of chasing around an eight month old has really gotten to me! I flared pretty bad- diarrhea every couple hours (although it's usually not much and not super watery,) and a resulting fissure from all the diarrhea. I'm fatigued but not many other symptoms. I really didn't want to deal with going back to the GI (I know I probably should have and this was stupid) so I put myself back on Entocort. Didn't get much better. My GI doctor was out of town so my primary care doctor prescribed me a medrol dose pack since that usually kicked it in the past. It worked until about the fourth day when the symptoms came back. Went to see the GI. He switched me from Entocort to Uceris because all my disease is in the large intestine so apparently this should work better. I've been on it two days and haven't noticed much. My question is- should I call him and push for further treatment or wait it out? Do you all have experience with Uceris for an acute flare especially if you have been in remission with no or few meds prior? How long does it take to work? I'm just getting kind of discouraged and I need to get well for my baby!
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Also, should add the timeline of all this.

I started getting sick about three weeks ago. Started the Entocort two weeks ago. Finished the medrol dose pack today. Switched from entocort to uceris yesterday.
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