Extreme fatigue with abscess

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Nov 15, 2012

New to the forum.

I've had Crohn's for 20 years, a resection in 2000 - and i've luckily been pain free. However, have developed an abscess recently, it's not painful. My blood work and MRI were normal. My doctor put me on Flagyl + Cipro. I'm having lowgrade fevers off and on and MAJOR loss of energy. In fact, that is my biggest complaint - zero energy.

The surgeon who evaluated me said there is very little drainage, and he doesn't recommend surgery to open it.

Anyone else with this type of problem? I've been on the antibiotics over a week, but don't know if they are to blame for the extreme fatigue.

Any suggestions much appreciated!


Hi G12
Welcome to the forum.
It is a little concerning that you have not mentioned a gastroenterologist.
Do you have one and have you recently been evaluated with colonoscopy, blood work such as CBC, Sed Rate, CRP, Vit B12 Iron levels etc.An MRI might not show as much as a colonoscopy with biopsies.
Was it a straight MRI or were you given contrast solution to drink and/or injection.
The antibiotics can cause malaise also.
Fatigue can be indicative of several things and the root cause could be crohn's
activity., among other things.
Were you given results of the blood work that was done?
I would suggest you ask for a GI specialist appointment.
Of course you need a surgeon to drain the abscess if necessary.
Abscesses don't usually heal with just antibiotics.,they usually need draining as well..
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
I do have a GI doctor, actually he's from Johns Hopkins. Had a colonoscopy, blood work, MRI with contrast - all basically normal. I'm going to my primary doctor next week for more blood work. A surgeon evaluated the abscess twice, and said it was too small to be a candidate for surgery.

My main issue is major fatigue, but starting to think it's the Flagyl. THough not the primary side effect, it seems some people have reported extreme fatigue with Flagyl.

Between being completely drain, and nausea from the Flagyl, i'm going to stop taking it. I only have like 5 pills left anyway, i just can't tolerate it. Btw - i was on Cimzia too, i'm thinking the lowering of my immunity has played a role as well.

I just hope this isn't something bigger going on in my body, i've never felt this exhausted for this long.
Good to hear you have a GI as well as the surgeon.You should be in good hands at Johns Hopkins.
Flagyl is known to cause nausea for some people and also fatigue..
Your fatigue could also be connected to the crohn's.
The blood work is a good idea for next week
.Good luck and please let us know how you get on.
Feel better soon.
I just hope this isn't something bigger going on in my body, i've never felt this exhausted for this long.

I am going thought a similar situation. I just under went an abscess drainage under anesthesia and had another seton put in. For the past few weeks, I've barely felt like leaving the house. Usually I just blame prendisone for anything wrecking havoc on my body. I also take Flagyl and you are right, its also another drug with side effects that are all over the place. At times I feel like just the day to day pain of dealing with CD is enough to wear anyone out, then adding infections, drug side effects, and poor absorption of nutrition into the equation and it's always hard to point a finger at any one factor causing the problem.

Sometimes meditation is the only way I've been able to relax enough in order to get enough energy to get through the day. It's taken practice in order to really be able to get the concentration down, but if you're dealing with pain, stress, exhaustion, you might want to look into it.

When i stopped the Flagyl, i felt MUCH better. It's been day 2 of stopping the FLagyl and i have tons of energy. Ask you doctor to put you on a different antibiotic, if possible.

Good luck to you, meditation is a great idea along with yoga, if your up for it.

When i stopped the Flagyl, i felt MUCH better. It's been day 2 of stopping the FLagyl and i have tons of energy. Ask you doctor to put you on a different antibiotic, if possible.

Good luck to you, meditation is a great idea along with yoga, if your up for it.

Thank you. Flagyl just sucks. It has the most vile taste of any pill.

Good call on the yoga. Taking up yoga and pilates have changed my life and really helped me to control disease. When I was the most upset about my illness, i found myself reading more about Buddhism and it really didq make me feel more at peace.

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