Extremely foul-smelling gas

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Mar 16, 2013
So this is an extremely embarassing subject...

I have been suffering from really bad smelling wind for the past couple of months... when I say bad I mean bad to the extent that I have wretched at the smell... :(
Anyone know what could be causing it and how I can prevent it from being so awful?

Yes it can be an extremely embarassing subject, but I have that most of the time, and yes sometimes for months. Some days it is real bad, i fart about 1-3 times every 2-3 min for most of the day. I belive the smell is from what we eat mostly, but it could be something else. If I'm feeling well and its like that I don't care, most of the time it doesn't mean anything to me at all, but it can to those around you...lol, My wife just lights a few candles now to help with the smell. lmao, but if it makes my tummy feel better, than I say, let it RIP........
I see that your diagnosis is unclassified, but where is it located? I ask because it is not uncommon for colonic disease to produce a really foul gas when in a flare.
Yes it can be an extremely embarassing subject, but I have that most of the time, and yes sometimes for months. Some days it is real bad, i fart about 1-3 times every 2-3 min for most of the day. I belive the smell is from what we eat mostly, but it could be something else. If I'm feeling well and its like that I don't care, most of the time it doesn't mean anything to me at all, but it can to those around you...lol, My wife just lights a few candles now to help with the smell. lmao, but if it makes my tummy feel better, than I say, let it RIP........

Not a pleasant subject, but an unavoidable fact of life! Maybe this is just me, but chicken , hot or cold causes an exhaust pipe emittance which is both foul and fowl . So sorry about that, but it is true. I haven't got the slightest idea why this should be so. As for letting RIP, I was taught to be cautious!!!!!
I posted about this yesterday, I've got the same problem. It stinks (literally) lol doesn't it. I've started a diet sheet to try and track down the foods that are doing this. I had chicken last night and you guessed it not pleasant again this morning so that's probably one cause.

Think its just a case of trial and error til you find out what does it to you.

Hope this helps.

Dont hold it in!! thats my advice. Can leave you feeling bloated and really sore.

Your a girl.. noone will blaime you.. just go to the nearest male and fart beside him, he will get the blaime lol
Thanks everone for your quick replies! I haven't altered my diet at all since diagnosis... I probably should! I will look in to these diets although I am not going to promise success! Self-discipline isn't my forte! :)

Dont hold it in!! thats my advice. Can leave you feeling bloated and really sore.

Your a girl.. noone will blaime you.. just go to the nearest male and fart beside him, he will get the blaime lol

This just made me laugh! Thanks!!! :)
I see that your diagnosis is unclassified, but where is it located? I ask because it is not uncommon for colonic disease to produce a really foul gas when in a flare.

I don't actually know where it's situated... no one has ever told me :S
Dont hold it in!! thats my advice. Can leave you feeling bloated and really sore.

Your a girl.. noone will blaime you.. just go to the nearest male and fart beside him, he will get the blaime lol

Is it sad to say I do this majority of times when we got it and blame it on my bf? He's such a trooper though, he "admits" to it, everyone makes fun of him in a fun way and they all laugh....but he never once admitted it was actually me!

And I get the most foul smelling gas all the time, lately more so since I haven't been feeling well....so you aren't alone! Some dietary changes did help as I found they got worse after meals!

Hope you figure out some ways to reduce the gas!