Eye Issue?

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Dec 26, 2009
To all who have eye issue associated with Crohn's, does the eye bother you or give you more problems when your in pain, etc. Mine right one seems to act up when I'm in a lot of pain and it was getting really blurry. I saw an Opthamologist today and it was fine, but no pains thus no eye irritation. I tried explaining it to him and he looked at me like I was crazy.
Sorry, can't help there. I get all sorts of weird things happening in my body but blurry eyes nope, unless I am really, really tired.
Eye issue

I've had some eye issues over the years, it's quite common with Crohn's. I've had a few issues with iritis and inflammation in my eye. I also sometimes have a twitchy eyelid and I've also have some kind of scab under my eye. It hasn't happened in over a year, but rest assured eye issues are pretty normal. It was always my right eye that acted up and just before the iritis it would get red and a blurry. I think it's pretty easy to detect, so if you have a good ophthalmologist, you should be fine. Just make sure he/she can see you quickly, if necessary. If eye issues go on too long, you can be in danger of causing serious damage.

Good luck!
Nope, I'm still waiting for a diagnosis. My doctor does not believe in giving pain meds, but fixing the cause of it. I have an appt with a new doc in two weeks. I can't wait!
I have had really itchy, achy eyes since my problems started, but didn't even think that it could be related, i just chalked it up to fatigue. interesting.....No blurriness here though.
I have optical issues,but they tend to subside once I properly wake up. And its more likley something to do with my tendency to stay up till stupid O clock reading and surfing on dem t'internets.
I get sore, red and irritated eyes when I am in a flare up. I guess it would be similar to hay-fever symptoms.

I get blurry vision throughout the day when the eye irritation occurs, but I just put this down to the swelling and soreness.
I also have recurring eye pain issues with my crohns. My eye doctor calls it Episcleritis. He prescribes steriod drops. It think its called lotemax. Good stuff
Usually knocks it out pretty quick
my eye problems usually happen in the few days leading up to a intestinal flare up.

usually just burning and sensitivity to light... but the worst case was episcleritis.

it's frustrating with the eye thing cuz sometimes i'm not sure if i should see the Ophthalmologist, or wait it out. usually, i just continue to check for redness and if the redness isn't bad, then i won't worry about it. it eventually calms down.

though in general, i find my eyes way more sensitive.

I have had goofy eyes for years, and just put it down to poor focussing or being tired etc.

In the last few years I've had two definite episodes of loss of vision and recently I've started getting them happen for extended periods...hours instead of minutes.

Then two weeks ago I got a doozy. I wear glasses, and driving down the road with my glasses on was like having none on at all!

When I got home I developed a headache which persisted for over a week.

I got my eyes checked and no inflammation or evidence of damage, but a very sore eye and headache.

The optometrist thought it was an ócular migraine' but I kept the words '********' to myself and insisted on being referred to an eye specialist.

Luckily for me they spent the time and found an inflammation eye specialist and I got in to see him last night. Wooohooo!!! For the first time I had someone take my eyes seriously. He told me that even though I had no physical evidence that he could see, that is no damage or lesions from inflammation, that that didn't mean I didn't have Iritis. He thinks it highly likely and is now treating me with steroid drops for a week.

There's not much to be done except ride it out apparently. He thinks that my type of inflammation is not damaging to the eye, just painful and worrisome with regards to my vision loss at the time. Phew, that's good news.

It feels like when I finally got diagnosed back in 1987 after years of feeling like a hypochondriac. At least now I have some knowledge of what's going on and don't feel so useless when it flares up at work...I know now that I just need to rest up and take it easy and let it pass.

At least I work with my husband, so that makes it easier to rest up :)

Cheers everyone

Hey Lisa,

It's great to hear that you were listened to and have treatment! Is it working or is it too early to tell?

Dusty. :)
Hey Lisa,

It's great to hear that you were listened to and have treatment! Is it working or is it too early to tell?

Dusty. :)

Hey Dusty,

It's been a long hard road, but finally I ended up getting a diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis.

All the symptoms I'd had prior had been part of the condition, and, almost a year after posting here about my iritis, I had my vision fracture to a point where I couldn't move without getting seasick!

Off to my neurologist for an emergency visit and voila, she suspected MG and gave me tablets to take. Within hours of taking the tabs I had so much energy it was unbelievable.

Moral of this...if you have eye problems, don't let them put everything into the crohns basket of complications...go and get checked out!

Who knew...sigh.
The first doctor to ever suggest I might have Crohns disease was an eye doctor treating a bad case of what turned out to be episcleritis. I had it for weeks, it took 3 doctors to recognize it for what it was. I believe it was treated with some sort of steroid based eye drop. That was 15 years ago - haven't had a relapse of it since despite many unpleasant crowns related episodes.
Hey Dusty,

It's been a long hard road, but finally I ended up getting a diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis.

All the symptoms I'd had prior had been part of the condition, and, almost a year after posting here about my iritis, I had my vision fracture to a point where I couldn't move without getting seasick!

Off to my neurologist for an emergency visit and voila, she suspected MG and gave me tablets to take. Within hours of taking the tabs I had so much energy it was unbelievable.

Moral of this...if you have eye problems, don't let them put everything into the crohns basket of complications...go and get checked out!

Who knew...sigh.


Thanks for the update Lisa. It's good to hear you finally got a solid answer!. :) Is your MG in remission?

Dusty. xxx
my crohn's was only suspected because of inflammation in my eyes. my eyes ache and then get red spots on them. If I go the doc to early he can't see them because the dilation drops get rid of inflammation slightly. no bluryness alot of photo phobia.
ask if they can look with out giving you any drops
Hi, I had uveitis and conjunctivitis recently. Both my eyes were bloodshot red and my vision was severly blurred. I went to see an ophtalmologist who gave me stacks of drops that worked after a week or so. Definitely see a doctor. Uveitis apparently comes with Crohn's (unfair!) so it's not to be ignored!

Good luck,