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i did join facebook, but found it too confusing, then i didnt log on to it for a few weeks, so they deleted me!!!!! regards sharopn xx
I seem to compartmentalize things... Maybe it's just me, maybe it's a 'male' thing.

Frinstance, tho I have a facebook acct., I keep it to just family or select, longtime friends back home... sort of like an electronic lifeline.

now, my myspace acct is for friends in the local area (and some who have moved away)...

and, for some 'strange' reason, I don't discuss my IBD issues on either. I've told family and friends who want a health status update on me to drop into the Forum... That way, IF they want, they can get a 'no holds' barred account of what a person, any person... can N does experience with IBD on any given day.
now, I dunno why I prefer to keep it that way, haven't really delved into what makes me tick like that... BUT, I figure somewhere deep inside theres a reason AND figure that, crossing the two.. I might let something slip about others from the forum on either of those two other spaces that they might not be totally comfortable with.. does any of that make any sense to any but this old fart...
I am just reluctant to put my life on the web. It seems like it could be exploited in some kind of bad way. I had my identity stolen once so i am a little paranoid anyway.

I guess the lack of privacy that currently exists in our country has me a little put off. Plus my genetic make up and heritage leans toward a hermit like existence. That is the way the Finnish culture seems to be.

Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

Mine is set to private so Dan's issues are mitigated...this probably won't make a difference for you Dan (it's a new trick for an old dog, as you say)....I am worrisome about identity issues too, but feel I'm covered well enough thus far for what I divulge...but I work for a Credit Card company/bank, so I see a lot of what this world has to offer as far as compromised information.

Here is mine...http://www.myspace.com/anabolismatic_benson

My Facebook...http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=694759650
I did not lose any money on the theft, but it did cost me a great deal of time to get everything straightened out.

I may do the my space thing some day, but I would need to have a practical use for it.

I spend too much time on line now. I need more "actual reality".

The time issue is another for me as well. If though it may only take a few clicks to update, add friends, etc. All those clicks, and time, adds up. I'm considering it though. I just recently got on Twitter. You all should check it out if you haven't heard of it. You can also link your Twitter to your Facebook profile.

I just chose one of the names they suggested since mine was taken.


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