Fainting spells

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi everyone just wanted to ask if you have any fainting spells when feeling unwell? Ive fainted 4 times in the last 3 weeks, i called my GI up as im feelin quite unwell, pain when walking horrible dull ache and sicknes and diareah also very tired and just not wanting to eat anything, she still hasnt called me back since yesterday and since this fainting spell earlier i am getting very frustrated, could sickness and diareah not make your medication work as its coming up or going through you?
I fainted once while I was flaring (didn't know it was a flare at the time....I was diagnosed with Crohn's while I was in the hospital). I went to emergency right away as I had also had alot of blood in my stool that weekend. Turned out that I was slowly bleeding to death (I couldn't always see the blood in my stool). I was given a blood transfusion right away and was put on prednisone, pentasa, and cipro/flagyl. I was also dehydrated so was rehydrated while I was there. I was in for 4 days. That was in 2006.

I'd say if your GI doesn't get back to you, go to the hospital. Just my two cents...

Good luck to you!

If you are having lots of D then the dehydration can make you very faint. I faint a lit with my crohns. Equally, if everything is running through you then you may not be absorbing your meds.

You need to chase up the doc and get sorted asap.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Lishyloo x
I've fainted a few times in the past while flaring. The doctor I had at the time told me it was because of an electrolyte imbalance.
As Wile says - its electrolites that becomes imbalanced when having flare up and a lot of D. Loss of blood can do that to you too but drinking a lot can usually avoid fainting. I drink a lot gateraid and poweraid when I feel wheezy to prevent fainting.
On a side note, its very funny how my GI told me something like "you tell me" when I told him how I felt when I was very week. I am an EMT and EMS worker too so he thought it was a funny question coming from me.
Feel good.
My illness from active fistualizing crohnes and secondary infection from an abdominal abscess totally messed up my blood pressure. Dehydration was also a big issue but I had very low BP that persisted for some time after I was treated.

It returned to a normal range now that I got all fixed up and am in remission. but The hospital took it pretty seriously when they realized that it was staying low despite all the bags of IV that were going into me.

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