I have to agree with the Arby's- it seems to settle ok with me, if I get it plain. I add the red sauce, whatever it's called (does anyone know?). Also, sometimes Taco Bell is ok with me, depending on what it is. I avoid the beef, as I think it is usually what bothers me. The new grilled chicken burrito for 89 cents is usually tolerated ok- it has chicken, seasoned rice, avocado ranch sauce, and a little cheese. For sure get something made with chicken, though. I wonder why so many people have problems with KFC? I love it, and it usually sits ok with me, depending on what sides I eat. But I absolutely love their grilled chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy. Usually only when I'm feeling decent, though, as the potatoes have dairy, and I've developed a lactose intolerance. Same thing with the coleslaw, which is my other favorite. The one place I can not eat from is Mcdonald's- it damn near kills me every time! I give up on it. It's tasty, but so not worth the pain, haha. Oh, and I can tolerate some subway sometimes, but back before I knew I had crohn's, and thought I had IBS, I would get their sweet onion chicken teriyaki, and it ALWAYS made me horribly ill, running like crazy to the bathroom not long after eating it. Now I always get the cold cut combo with lettuce, tomato, onion, and heavy mayo- major no-no, really, because of all the fat. But so good! And I can stomach it from time to time, so it's an occasional treat.
My advice- avoid fast food most of the time. I know it's difficult when going out with friends, but if you explain the situation, I'm sure your friends would understand. Then you can make plans to go to more local places, or places that aren't really fast foods (cafes and diners), so that you can customize your order a little better. You could even call ahead and let the place know your situation, if you'd like, and then they would be better prepared to serve you some tasty food that you can actually eat.