Favorite breed of dog

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May 5, 2010
I know, I know - Cat's writing about dogs, ha ha. Yes, I am a cat person - but I just got a dog, and she's the coolest little pup! I've always loved corgis and my dog is a purebred Pembroke welsh corgi. She's smart, learns new tricks easily, isn't too big or too small, has a good amount of energy without being too hyper, and is so cute. The only issue I've had with her is that she sheds too much, but it's not too bad as long as she gets brushed every day.

What's your favorite breed of dog, and why? Or are you a cat person too? ;)
To be honest, I love most dogs except for little show dog types like bichon frise and toy breeds like yorkshire terriers. Mainly because they always seem so mean to my little guy when we go for a walk. Mind you, there are a lot of jack russels like that too!
Boxer - hands down

they're smart, loyal, protective, endless energy, compasssionate, an cute to boot
they have minimal grooming which is good
Muts. Inbreeding within certain breeds can cause unwanted stupidity.

But I'm mostly a cat person. You don't have to take them on walks and they crap in a box instead of your yard. Unless you trained your cat to use the toilet, like I did with my last cat. Also the fact that cats chose man and were worshiped was always intriguing to me.
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My favorites are mutts, too. I had a German Shepard named Max and he was awesome, but like scifi said, it's kinda a gamble that you don't end up with bad traits.

Max had a hip condition directly related to his breed; we got him in a pet store (long before we knew they overbreed and sometimes mistreat animals) and the vet said it could have been from inbreeding,too.

If you want a cat that acts like a dog, get a Maine Coon or Norwegien Forest cat. I found mine by the side of the road and he was the best pet I ever had. Spudly came when I whistled, talked all the time, could let himself out, just awesome.

He was also very protective and would climb in my arms and growl at whoever or whatever he thought was a threat. He even chased a repair guy that ripped me off out of the house!

Sorry to go on and on but I miss my guys so much! :(
WEIMARANERS!!! I have one, they are such humans!

EDIT: Here's mine... her name is Lexie, and I took this pic on campus one summer.

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Love all dogs. OK, maybe not so much those kinda baldy ones. We have a batty, bouncing Beagle. Totally nuts, mind of his own but loves EVERYBODY.
I am definitely a cat person. I have 2 rescue cats which are both 1/2 Siamese.
But I do love dogs too and would love to have one if I had more time and didn't have to work (so when I win the lottery ;) )
I'd love a pair of daschunds. We've already named them Mungo and Margo. One day maybe...
Really, I like all dogs but I'm partial to Akitas, because my last dog, Lola was an Akita and my current dog is an Akita mix. They are very loyal and intelligent dogs. And so cute!

I like big, huggable dogs, but maybe that's because I grew up with a Black Lab... :)
I love the looks of the huskys, never had one - so don't know about them as a pet. We have a german shepherd, smart, smart dog, she is nuts about my hubby, she's going on 10 and is has no hip issues that are so much a problem with the GS's.
Golden Retrievers for sure!!! But I love cats (have 2 pleasantly plump ones:) ) and all animals!! I do have a great dane/white shep X and she's great!!! Horses rock too:)
Golden retrievers kid friendly, affectionate and smart as whips . Would love them more without the shedding. We have a goldendoodle but he's too darn needy.

Grew up with German Shepherds but can't seem to find any without hip issues in our area. So sad.
I will always love the husky/malamutes. A lab owns me now, I love mostly all large breeds.

Sharon, did you watch that movie with the akita in it? Can't recall the name off hand.
This is my malamute his name is heinrich after his owner who was killed. His owner was this war vet from the middle east who was KIA. so I adopted him. Take note: I am 5'2" 110lbs and he's over 140lbs this pic should give you a good idea. he's a biggen.
I have always loved Golden Retrievers but they shed too much. I would say my second favourite is the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier or a cross which is what my little guy is now!
Hachiko a dogs story... OMG it made me cry for a long time. Based on a true story.

Sharon I left you a message BTW.
God! Terri he is HUGE, but a beaut!

I love all dogs, don't like cats, evil!
My dog is a rescue dog, and he looks like a Basenji, but my dog is NOT barkless! He can bark for England!

You HAVE to get one of these!!

I cannot believe how much hair it takes off him! I could knit a cardi!
Joan, I've heard about those brushes, a friend of mine recommended that I get one for my dog. But they're SO expensive! Are they worth the cost? Right now I have like a $5 brush which works okay and I give my dog a bath every week or so which seems to cut down on the shedding too.
Hiya Cat

They are bloody amazing!
I bought mine off Amazon for £11 and was sceptical but so pissed off with the shedding. It's not even a seasonal moult, it's every bloody day!
It takes off the undercoat which is the problem and loads come off, well worth it!
My wife brings home all sorts of rescued mutts and they live forever unless I get attached to them then they seem to die quickly. My favorite by far was a full blood Great Pyranees named Sam. He'd have fought a bear to protect any one of us but he tangled with a coon one night and they drowned each other in a pond. If she ever finds another Pyranees, I'm going to dislike him so he'll live a looooonng time!!
Everybody else is posting photos of their dogs, so here's my Lily. She's a purebred Pembroke welsh corgi but she doesn't have the typical red coloring. She's a sweetie!

Joan, thanks for the idea of looking for a Furminator on Amazon (previously I had only looked in the pet stores, where the cheapest one is like $60!). I got a $15 gift card for Amazon for xmas, and I found a Furminator on there for $17, so I've just ordered one. I'll let you know how I like it! :)
Mini Schnauzers rock! I love most dogs and was always a big dog person until I got my Mini Schauzer. They are non shedders with low dander so are considered hypo allergenic. They are energetic but like to snuggle up on the couch as much as they like to play. Mine even has a sense of humor which I find entertaining. Cricket is only 6 and I dread the day she leaves me, but I will remain breed loyal to the Schnauzers. They are awesome dogs.
BTW...mine is gender confused and lifts her leg... and she is in love with a beagle.
Mini Schnauzers rock! I love most dogs and was always a big dog person until I got my Mini Schauzer. They are non shedders with low dander so are considered hypo allergenic. They are energetic but like to snuggle up on the couch as much as they like to play. Mine even has a sense of humor which I find entertaining. Cricket is only 6 and I dread the day she leaves me, but I will remain breed loyal to the Schnauzers. They are awesome dogs.
BTW...mine is gender confused and lifts her leg... and she is in love with a beagle.

I love Schnauzers! I love most dogs, though, and cats (I have 3). I grew up with a Schnauzer named Maxwell. A wonderful dog with an outstanding personality! People complain about Schnauzers being yippy, but they are so much fun! Ooh! I just remembered that my sister has a Schnauzer named Spencer right now. Since she travels, I dogsit Spencer quite a lot. Another dog with a great personality!

I love that yours is gender confused, hahaha!:rof:
I wish I had a picture of my Ginger. She was a year and a half old Siberian Husky that went about 85 lbs. She was an off white w/ piercing blue eyes and as gentle a dog you could ask for. Great with kids. I'm 5' 11' and when she stood up with her paws on my shoulders she could look me straight in the eyes. She got out one day and someone shot her a mile away from home.
ohhh i think mine has to be a wolf dog <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/wolf dog/anberparawhore/tumblr_l06iqvDM1w1qaluteo1_1280.jpg?o=43" target="_blank"><img src="http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx109/anberparawhore/tumblr_l06iqvDM1w1qaluteo1_1280.jpg" border="0"></a> they are soooo cute!!!
Aww I love looking at these pictures they are soooo cute all of them :)

Here is my boy an 11 year old chihuahua. My mom calls him her grand dog.

Here he is with santa getting ready for the picture to come out. The guy in the store loves him would not let him go when they were preparing the photo!





sorry i put too many !!
Lol Now that I look at him in this picture, he kind of does look like him there. Aww my poor boy!!
I like most dogs except the ones that bark all day and night long. Our dogs passed several years ago so now I have a grand dog named Biggo that is a golden retriever. He is so great with the kids and is very protective and loyal.
I love Beagles! I have a two year-old Beagle named Buster. How can anyone resist those long, floppy ears?
WoW I love all the pictures of everyones dogs~!! ...Its 3am and Im up as usual. Here is a picture of our dog my girlfriend rescued from the back of a petro station..she was living in a garbage bin...she is a great dog named Bela..she is a boxador (lab and boxer mix) She weighs about 70lbs and is extremely gentle and sweet ... even though she is kind of imposing when you see her and don't know her. lol.

English Bulldog, hands down! I could never own another breed, there is just something so special about being owned by a Bully.

This is my boy, who passed away at 10 1/2 yrs old while having surgery to remove gall stones last February....

But I'm actually more of a cat person. This is my boy along with my cat who is 21 years old. I saw her when she was born and have had her ever since...

Did he have a tongue transplant? You should've named him Gene Simmons!!!


I love Beagles! I have a two year-old Beagle named Buster. How can anyone resist those long, floppy ears?

Aww! In my teenage years we adopted a beagle. She died last year. We were all devestated. She was a good, good girl. Beagles are great. When I was 19 I adopted a Basset Hound. Talk about long ears, he would trip over them if he was going down steps too fast! :lol2: He lived with my mother when I moved back to NY. For some reason people did not want to give me an apartment with 2 dogs one being a 90 pound Basset Hound. I was just able to find one with my Chihuahua alone. I would have never given my George (Basset hound) away so my Mom took him in.

But all these pictures are very cute. My mom has one dog left and he is almost 18. He is not doing well but hanging in there. We got him when I was 15 also and he was a few years old then. Its so sad when they get old, that is the only part I cannot take. The heartbreak.
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Introducing coco and hugo, 18 month old cockapoos. Trust me it is impossible to get a good photo of them as they never stay still, which probably says it all!


"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender... "

I just can't look at one of these dogs without thinking of Churchill...
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