Favorite exercise?

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May 14, 2012
I know when I treat my body right, it *MOST OF THE TIME* treats me right in return. I know for me, sometimes it is really hard to get up at moving, but once I start I usually feel better.
Lately, I have been going to the gym (well, I was then I was sick, now trying to get back into it) and I know just even going on the elliptical or treadmill and walking for 30- 45minutes really seems to help me physically, mentally and gut- wise. I haven't really tried much else, maybe the bicycle for 15minutes. I cant really do too much weights because of my wrists and elbows hurting from work.
When I am not at the gym, I have Zumba 2 for my Wii and I love it! I can usually go for 35- 50 minutes at a time and even though my side starts to act up if I move too much, I always feel great afterwards.
I also love to do ab workouts (if I can, it depends) usually with a medicine ball or just crunches.
I'm not a health junky, I'm overweight, love to eat when I can. Just trying to shed some pounds :ybiggrin:

So what are your favorite exercises??:dance:
I love kickboxing (when im not ill or have broken bones), ive started running again as well. Ive found running on my forefoot cushions my stomach better (isnt a hard stop when you land), although it does kill your calfs for ages.

Apart from that I have a few weights routine which i use to strengthen my muscles (dont want to be big just strong for all my other sports)
I love yoga! Sometimes I don't feel up to it or I just am not comfortable enough to start it, but on the whole it seems to help reduce my symptoms. I even found a video on YouTube that shows poses that can help reduce inflammation and constipation, etc. It doesn't always help with things like that, but it does help me feel more energized and takes care of the pain in my neck and shoulders that I get from work tension!

I also like to use a stationary bike when I don't feel like doing yoga poses..plus you can multi-task and watch tv or read a book while you exercise, which makes the time pass better. Biking is pretty easy for me for the most part, and there is even a Crohn's and Colitis "Get Your Guts in Gear" coming to my area this fall, so I think I may go for it!

I think exercise can be very helpful, on the whole, for reducing certain symptoms - and of course it is good for general health! I think you just have to find something that makes you comfortable and doesn't aggravate your symptoms. :ysmile:
I like to do yoga, have been doing it now for a few weeks and so far so good. I like walking it seems to help, uaualy just around my block. The dog seems to love it too. I have recently just started swimming. It feels very calming in the water and my joints feel good after.
I try to walk at the park 3-4 times a week, it seems to help my stress level..and energy as well. I try to think of it as ME time. Like I've earned it:)
Pilates...though I'm just starting again, I love it for core strength. When my tummy muscles are fitter, I can handle crohns pain a lot better. I Havnt had much gut pain lately, but I'm very unfit. Thought I'd start walking before jogging, and pilates before cardio.
When I have that 'tummy dosnt even want to move' feeling, a couple of yoga stretches always help. Just bloating and general unwell feeling, I think yoga is great for. I'd just love to feel a bit more fit again.
Started exercising 2 years ago and it is the only thing I believe helps relieves Crohn's related arthritis pain. My exericise schedule is cardio (Spin or Elliptical) for 60 minutes Monday, Wednesday and Friday and weights for 45 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday. I do my workouts first thing every morning Monday-Friday and take the weekend off from the gym.
I take a spin class(cardio) and a body works class (weights). I love both of them. I do spin 4 times a week, body works 2 times a week and I take one step class a week. I normally work out 6 days a week if i'm feeling okay... I take two classes on Tuesdays because I love the instructor!
Walking is said to be one of the best exercises for losing weight. The percentage of fat burning is around the mark, however as with all exercises it really depends on the intensity of effort. Walking not only burns a good proportion of stored fat it can also burn a large amount of calories especially performed for longer durations and at a brisk pace.

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I think there was a recent study to say that to lose weight you must increase your heart rate by a certain percentage. A lot of peoples idea of walking (ie 10-20mins slow pace) did not increase the heart rate enough to effectively lose weight

Myth: Exercise done at a low intensity, such as walking, is better at fat burning than other high-intensity activities, like running or cardio activities where you push yourself very hard.

The Truth: In a strict scientific sense, these claims are true because working at a lower intensity requires less quick energy and a higher percentage of fat is burned. But you'll also burn fewer calories than you would if, for the same amount of time, you work out at a harder intensity (running versus walking). If you're trying to lose weight, even though a higher percentage of fat is being used, a lower total amount of fat is lost.

Whether increased fat burning will result in actual weight loss is dependent upon several variables, including the total calories burned (which include both fat and carbohydrate calories) and the total fat calories burned. If you do work at a low intensity, you need to increase the time spent exercising to burn more calories. What matters most is the total number of calories burned. If you burned 250 calories every day from a short, fast jog, you'd see a bigger difference in weight and fat loss than if you walked everyday for the same amount of time. The number of fat calories you burn isn't that important, because even if you burn a lot of carb calories, these need to be replaced both by the carbs you eat in your diet and also within your body. Your fat stores will be broken down and transformed into carbohydrates when you need fuel. Even if you're burning lots of carb calories and less fat calories through exercise, your fat still inevitably gets used.

It boils — not burns — down to this: During the same amount of time you don't use more calories at lower exercise intensities. If you're trying to lose weight and you have only 30 minutes to work out, you would burn fewer calories walking at a moderate pace compared to walking at a fast pace. Working out at higher intensities may cause you to burn a lower percentage of fat, but since you burn more total calories, you still use more fat calories. (See Following a Cardio Plan for Weight Loss to get tips on what exercises can help you shed pounds.) Low- to moderate-intensity exercise can burn a significant number of calories over a period of time. If you aren't fit enough to push yourself to work at a high intensity, or you have a physical weakness that prevents you from doing so, you can still burn a lot of calories by doing low-intensity workouts for a longer period of time.


I personally prefer the HIT approach, short duration of high intensity training
I am trying to tone up my belly, butt and legs right now! I do weights for my arms and then try really try to do some Turbo Jam at least 2 times a week. And now i am swimming a few days a week as well. its more plahing in the pool with my daugher but it burns calories to! I am going very slow in the workouts i am feeling good this week but this is the first week in a few......so i dont want to chance ruining the good feelling!! I do love to work out. I have done some yoga on the wii and would love the zumba for the kinect. I keep hearing how great it is!!!
Why is it that some exercises really make my stomach hurt? In the past, when I have done intense running or situps it makes my stomach cramp and feel awful. I am at a healthy weight right now (thank God!) but I store every ounce of fat that I have on my stomach. So although I am at a healthy weight, I have a squishy belly. I am looking for a way to tone my stomach that won't send me reeling in pain. Any suggestions?
have you checked out some fitness sites??? I use sparkpeople as my nutrition go to site and i know they have some great info.

I use TJ and it has some standing ab workout that i find a little easier then floor work. What about spinning? Or swimming?
running.thats my favourite exercise.evereday half an hour and follow it up with half an hour of light weight execise and cardio.
Why is it that some exercises really make my stomach hurt? In the past, when I have done intense running or situps it makes my stomach cramp and feel awful. I am at a healthy weight right now (thank God!) but I store every ounce of fat that I have on my stomach. So although I am at a healthy weight, I have a squishy belly. I am looking for a way to tone my stomach that won't send me reeling in pain. Any suggestions?

I dunno why, because you have inflammation would be my guess.

I read a new study that showed that if you are going for weight loss instead of mass, it doesn't matter one iota what muscle group you actually exercise.

So if you want to lose weihgt in your tummy, you do not need to train your tummy at all, your body will take body fat from places it chooses, and it seems to do this pretty randomly, the study showed that people who train their tummy do not lose fat faster in their tummy than someone who burns the same amount of fat by doing say..leg presses. There is no evidence that targeting a muscle group actually make your lose fat there. So all those exercise videos and programs that "target" your belly are full of ****.
I do Tai Chi stretches in the shallow end of the pool for 10-15 minutes, and then swim 20 long laps [not quite an olympic size pool] 6 days a week while we are in Panama. It's in a tropical outdoor pool with palm trees + tropical garden - very motivating! When in the USA we either ride the bus or take the metro T and then walk around a lot.
Walking or hiking. I've done a 10,000 step a day program for years. I love hitting the trail outdoors, but if I can't, I'll hit the gym and do the treadmill.
Tennis is great exercise and great fun.

Lunges and squats are not fun, but they do amazing things for your thighs and butt.

Plank pose is also not fun, but for such a simple "exercise" it works out a whole lot of different muscle groups.
I go to the gym, occasional 3 mile run I play hockey weekly, I teach Pilates and run after 2 kids. I also work in a physical job so on my feet all day and although I'm fit I still carry weight on my tummy. I've had two kids and a resection so i blame the surgery for lack of tone. I also feel that my bowel is swollen permanently therefore affecting the wash board stomach effect. I do like my puds though!!!

A lot of research now suggests that weight training is good for shifting weight as it increases your daily metabolism so when your not exercising your stronger muscles are still burning calories. I don't think there's too much science involved except eat less and move more. I believe though that exercise definitely helps keep me in remission and feeling well. Also the fitter you are the better at dealing with a flare (that's just my personal view).
I run as often as I can which is usually 3-4 times per week when I can. Some weeks I can only get in 1 or 2 runs. This has helped me mentally and has helped keep some of the arthritis pain at bay. Any exercise that you are able to do is worthwhile. It is great for the body and the mind as well.

Misdiagnosed 4 years
Diagnosed June 2012
Pentasa 4x a day
Prednisone 30 mg
Cycling and golf. Oddly enough, walking 18 holes with a 20-30 lb bag on your back is more tiring than cycling 20 miles...at least for me.

Even if I feel fatigued I force myself to ride. Oddly enough it gives me energy when I'm done...I don't know if I should be burning so many calories during a flare though :eek2:
I like a lot of things!

I have tried boxing classes and absolutely LOVED them! Even bought myself a pair of boxing gloves and wraps. Unfortunately I havent had much energy to endure a 1 hour class (which can be intense) since I first became ill with crohn's earlier this year. I would like to change that in the coming months.

I have learned to like boot camps and can occasional fit a number of sessions in when I am well.

I enjoy group dance classes. I also enjoy the elliptical.

I was thinking of getting myself a Wii for my birthday/christmas present to myself this year. I tried the Zumba game at a friends house and enjoyed it thoroughly :)

VARIETY is very key in any fitness routine I do. Otherwise I am almost guaranteed to get bored and give it up after a while...
I tried it once, got frustrated, cried and quit mid-class. But I hear it's usually frustrating for first-timers and to give it a few more tries before discarding it...so I will.

I scheduled a free yoga session with a friend this weekend :)
I have been doing Zumba and I love it! My instructor is awesome! And I am trying to walk 5 miles a week. I have been using Map My Run and walking to my iPod. So far down 10 pounds, but neither one stresses me out. :yoshijumpjoy:
Favorite exercise is the deadlift. Did 405 lbs at 180 lbs body weight.

Second favorite: squat - although I'm not very strong with that one.
I am more of a lifter type, but recently I have goten into backpacking. I don't know if it's the walking the peace of the forest or what, but I hardly ever have symptoms out there. It's also nice to be able to add distance, speed or weight to increase difficulty gives me lots of options.
I love my elliptical. I either read my Kindle or watch movies while I work out on it. I want to do more free weights but I have to lay down to do them! I do try to do squats every other day. They are great for lifting the butt. I'm going to add lunges in again too, I used to switch off squats and lunges every other day regularly.
Dance aerobics, yoga, and cycling -- can't choose between the 3 and To me, they're more accurately described as fun activities I enjoy, rather than exercise.
Ya Noy, dance aerobics sounds like fun! Is it a pretty strenuous workout?

When I say dance aerobics, I mean everything from Zumba (which I've been going to once a week) to the video games, Just Dance and DRR (Dance, Dance Revolution).

I just like aerobicizing to dance music.