Feel better after eating?

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My son suffers more with constipation (usually goes once a day) and he needs to eat before he goes or he feels awful for some reason.
headache relief could be a blood sugar thing? The adage we learned in med school was pain better immediately after eating=duodenal ulcer (and reciprocally, worse 2-3hrs after). You eat something, your body sends signals to your duodenum (small intestine right after your stomach) to start secreting protective mucus, ulcer there feels better initially, BUT as soon as the acidic stomach contents hits the ulcers in the duodenum (2-3 hrs after eating usually) the pain comes back/gets worse. That being said, personally, when my stomach/esophagus ulcers were pretty bad I always felt better after putting something in my stomach initially, but then 20 minutes later would regret it so...everyone's different, and patients don't read textbooks. Oi.
When I was quite ill even though I could barely face eating anything I'd always find that forcing myself to eat would make me feel much better.

Last time was in hospital after surgery. Having not eaten anything for days I forced down a tuna sandwich; took about an hour to eat but felt much better for it and that really kicked off my recovery.